Chapter Six: I Can't Do This Without You

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With hours having passed, the slow movement of a head turning was lost on the Prince. He had not moved from Merlyn's side since he had entered her chambers. He was hiding in her room with her, tucked up on an uncomfortable stool beside her bed holding her hand. He just wanted to talk to her, hide from the world and his problems. He just wanted his father back to normal and for all this pressure to disperse but Arthur knew he couldn't always get what he wanted. So instead he was asking for Merlyn's health. He could deal with the rest but needed Merlyn to get better.


The gasping croak just reached Arthur's ears. The word registered with the Prince moments before he shot up.

"Merlyn? You're awake, thank god." His words were rushed and full of relief as he lifted their locked hands and placed his lips against her skin, however, this wasn't comfort enough as the prince pushed himself to his feet and leaned over the servant to gentle press their lips together. The feeling brought Arthur great relief for he felt a returning pressure signalling Merlyn's participation, her conscious living presence.

Arthur pulled back from the soft kiss only to rest his forehead against hers momentarily before retaking his seat beside Merlyn's bed. With an expression of utter exhaustion on her face, Merlyn gave a tired smile with her eyes barely staying open long, her just woken state was still very much over her.

However, that state of fuzziness soon dissipated and Merlyn was hit by a throbbing ache in the back of her head. Something she immediately questioned as she lifted her spare hand to rub her head.

"Oof ... ow, my head. What the hell happened?"

"You don't remember!" Arthur replied with a frown firmly in place.

"I was looking after Frank and ..." Merlyn started as she tried to bring her fuzzy memories to the forefront of her mind. "He woke up, I asked him what happened and he said ... something ... and then ... pain ... and I blacked out."

"Whoever attacked Frank came back to finish the job, you were there. We think they attacked you to get to Frank" Arthur explained, confirming what Merlyn had already begun to expect was true.

"Frank's dead, isn't he?"

"Yes" Arthur silently said, tightening his grip upon Merlyn's hands. "And you could have been too." The words were spoken quietly but held so much pain and despair, to others they may not have heard it but Merlyn knew Arthur better than anyone and she heard it.

"But I'm not" Merlyn assured her partner, lifting their joined hands to her lips to kiss his hand. There was little chance she was going to sit up at that moment. "I'm still here, still able to annoy you."

Her words brought a moment of joy to Arthur causing the man to laugh lightly before he hung his head down. It was a sight Merlyn hated. She never wanted him to be that sad ever.


"I ... I know I'm supposed to be strong and a leader but ... my father is sick ... and I ... I'm not ready for this. I'm ..." Arthur suddenly jumped to his feet, released Merlyn's hand and began pacing around Merlyn's small room. He couldn't run from this, but he so wanted to. Merlyn stayed quiet as she watched him silently. He paced a while longer before he stopped, placing his hands on his hips and hanging his head. "They're asking me to usurp my father. I cannot do that."

That didn't sound right. Merlyn found herself frowning as she tried to decipher what he met.


"Gaius. Members of the Court-"

"Will not be asking you to usurp your father" Merlyn interrupted. She knew Gaius would not suggest that. Taking a moment Merlyn tried to think of why Gaius would say that, what Gaius actually asked versus what Arthur had heard. She quickly figured it out. "They will be asking you to fulfil your role as regent." Arthur's silence told her she was correct. "With the king out of commission, the kingdom is left vulnerable without a leader. You need to become Prince Regent, rule in his stead until he is well enough and then return the throne to him" Merlyn calmly explained.

"That is just giving up on my father" Arthur commented as crossed his arms and turned to face Merlyn.

"No it isn't" Merlyn reiterated before she shifted in her bed and sat up, Arthur immediately frowned and moved to help her. With her sat up and Arthur within arms reach, Merlyn grabbed his hands and dragged Arthur down onto the bed to sit opposite her. She had to get him to understand. "It's the opposite. Ruling as Regent means that you believe he will get well again. As regent you are stating that the king is momentarily ill but is recovering." Merlyn could see that Arthur was still undecided by her words. He was so reluctant to take the throne but if no one did Merlyn feared what would happen. "As a wise man once said, Arthur, a king's hold on his people is a fragile thing. Right now that hold is cracking and is on the verge breaking; they have lost faith in the monarchy because he is ill and you're not taking control and with rumours of Cenred amassing an army this is all heading towards disaster."

"I don't ... I-" Merlyn reached up and cupped Arthur's cheek, lifting his gaze to hers.

"Arthur ... become Regent so that there is a kingdom to return to your father." Arthur sat intently staring at Merlyn's caring gaze. Everything was out of his control but here was the woman he trusted telling him to trust her.

"Okay" Arthur said. Merlyn smiled and nodded at him before she leaned forward and gently kissed him. Arthur returned the kiss before they pulled apart and Arthur dragged Merlyn into a hug. Merlyn gladly returned it, wrapping her arms around him and burying her head into his shoulder.

"I can't do this without you" Arthur whispered into the silence. Merlyn couldn't help but smile at his heartfelt words. It was nice to know he wanted her.

"Well then it's a good thing I'm not going anywhere" Merlyn whispered back without moving from his grasp. Arthur's grip tightened. She was his rock and Arthur knew this. He relied on her more than he thought he would; but it was a two way street Merlyn could rely on him in the same way he relied on her. And it worked. But this scenario was new and would test them both.


Merlyn was tentatively allowed to move through her chambers. Arthur had only left her side a short while ago, allowing Merlyn the chance to look into what magic could help her heal faster or at least dull the pain. With the splitting headache pounding in her head, Merlyn found herself stood behind Gaius' desk flipping through his healers' books for some help. She needed to find something that would quieten the sound. Finally upon the parchment pages of the books, Merlyn came across the handwritten page all about head injuries. Running her finger down the page, Merlyn hummed as she came across a helpful spell.

"This should do the trick" Merlyn mumbled as she studied the spell before she scanned Gaius' chambers to ensure that no one was around. With no one around, Merlyn quickly enchanted the spell and felt her irises glow golden. Within seconds Merlyn felt her magic race around her head. The simple spell decreased the pain situated in her head much to Merlyn's relief. However, the exploding door to the chambers made her jump out of her skin. Her heart jumped whilst her hand slammed shut the book she had been studying. Merlyn snapped her head around to face the door only to find herself staring at an out of breath Anna.

"Anna, what on-"

"Its Morgana." The breathless accusation caused Merlyn to momentarily freeze. It was never a good thing when Morgana's name was mentioned. Thankfully before Merlyn could question Anna, she finished explaining. "She is using enchanted Mandrake Root on the king. The mandrake doll and residue of a black liquid suggests that they are using it to give him hallucinations."

Merlyn was a little confused by the information that had no context but she agreed with the statement nonetheless. It was an answer after all.

"Well that explains a lot" Merlyn stated, "Hold on, how do you know this?"

"I've been watching Morgana. I followed her to the king's chambers and saw her pull free the mandrake doll from under the king's bed" Anna finished keeping her words whispered. They were dangerous words after all. Merlyn quickly moved towards Anna who met her half way. Merlyn grasped Anna's upper arms and got the young witch to calm down. Merlyn needed all the information she could get for this. She had to understand what she was facing and from Anna's wide eyed, knowing gaze she could give her the answers.

"This mandrake root ... how would it be prepared?"

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