thirty two

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Maya's POV
The next morning I was woken up by the sunlight entering the room. I groan as I turn over to see Pansy on her side of the room getting ready for the day. I slept so well last night, probably from being so over tired and scared. The past few days have been... rough to say the least and I've barely had time to sleep. It didn't help that every time I closed my eyes, I saw Voldemort and his snake like features staring into my soul or I relived the past few, very horrible days. I guess I was so exhausted last night that I passed out regardless of whatever was on my mind. I feel refreshed today. I roll myself out of my bed and throw my robes on and get ready for breakfast. I look over to Pansy for a split second as I put my hair in a pony tail.

"Can I ask you something?" I blurt out, breaking the silence. She turns her head around and studies me for a moment before nodding and sitting on her bed, waiting for me to ask.

"Why did you help me yesterday...?"

She paused for a moment. For a split second I thought she was just going to walk out and not answer but instead, she sighs and starts speaking.

"I felt bad that because of my jealousy... you had to get that mark." she motions to my arm.

"Why were you jealous though? I thought you and Draco were more casual." I say, ignoring the part about the mark. I don't want to think about it.

"I guess you could say we we're casual." She says and smirks, "but that's not exactly what I was jealous about."

I pause.

What else would she be jealous of...?

"I don't understand." I mumble, studying her face.

"I told you know who about you and Draco because I was worried that you were going to distract Draco." she says.

"Yeah, I know that part."

"If you were to distract him... he would kill you." Pansy says as she looks at the ground to avoid my eyes.

"Me?" I ask quietly.

"Yes." She says, now looking up at me. "You."

Then I remember.

She told me that she likes both girls and guys that one day years ago.

Suddenly it all makes sense now.

Why she randomly stopped being my friend, why she hates that Draco and I are together, why she always made fun of me, why she hates me so much.

"Look, I know you aren't bi and you're into Draco so you don't have to give me the 'I don't feel the same way' speech. I know. I just thought... maybe we could be friends again.. or at least civil." Pansy says.

"Okay." I say and smile to her. "Walk to breakfast with me?"

"Okay." She says as she stands up. "Can you... Can this stay between us...?"

"Of course. I haven't told your secret to anyone since the day you told me." I say.

"Wait really?" she asks.

"Not a single person."

"Why?" she asks as we leave the dorm. "I was so mean to you."

"It's not my secret to tell." I say. "but just so you know, they would support you."


"The boys."

"Oh." she says. "Yeah I don't think they like me very much anymore."

"I think they just don't know you. They saw you as someone who was always pining after Draco. You aren't that person anymore."

"I guess."

We enter the great hall and see the three boys sitting at the Slytherin table laughing about something. Blaise notices the two of us first and says something to the other two to make them look over at us. I can't help but laugh at how dumb they look right now.

"Good morning." I say as I sit down between Draco and Theo and Pansy sits across from me and sits beside Blaise. The three of them just stare at us without saying anything.

"Cat got your tongues?" I ask sarastically.

"W-what's this?" Theo finally manages to say.

"Um. We're here to eat breakfast...?" I say and smirk at them. "Oh my. Fine. We talked about all of our shit and we're good now."

"You're good?" Draco asks.

"Yes." I say.

"After everything...?" Theo asks me.


"Maya, I'm just going to say this because I was there everytime she hurt you.. Is this a good idea?" Theo asks.

"We talked about it all, okay?"

"I think it's about time." Blaise adds.

"Me too." I say and smile at them all.

I feel bad for Pansy because I know she really cares about Draco and he used her for sex, and she apparently likes or liked me and i'm not into girls. It definitely makes sense, everything makes sense. Maybe it doesn't make everything she did right... but I understand now and I can try and make things right with her.

"Okay... are we still on for tonight?" Draco asks me, changing the subject thankfully.

"Yes, of course." I say and throw some food on my plate.

It was awkward for the first little while but Blaise accepted Pansy back fast, Draco didn't seem to care that she was with us, and Theo was skeptical but supportive.

We were all talking amonst ourselves about how much we didn't want to go to classes today when the mail started coming.

An owl came right to Draco and dropped a letter in front of him. We all look at each other and then to Draco because he never gets mail. I don't think I've seen him get mail in years. He even seems confused. He reaches out in front of him and grabs the letter, opens it, reads it and says "Shit."

"What is it?" Pansy asks.

"It's from my father." He answers. "he wants to see us."

"Us...?" Blaise asks.

"Maya and I." Draco says as he passes me the letter to read.

the dark lord has just informed your mother and I about your new little girlfriend and we would like to speak to you about some things. Both you and this girl are expected to show up for dinner tonight. No excuses.

"He sounds mad." Theo says after he's done reading the letter over my shoulder.

"When do you guys have to go?" Blaise asks.

"Tonight." Draco says, staring at me. Waiting for me to react.

"He's going to tell you not to be with me." I say finally.

"I don't care what he thinks." Draco claims.

"Yes you do. He's your father." I say.

"Can we wait to have this conversation until we actually know what he wants?" Draco snaps.

I paused and then realized how nervous he must be about this. I'm nervous because his parents probably hate me because i'm a Potter but they're his parents.

"Okay." I say.

I guess we will be spending tonight together but not in the room of requirement... At the Malfoy Manner...

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