fifty five

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A few months later and not much has changed at school. The Carrow twins are still using very nasty methods of punishment on students who don't follow their ridiculous rules. Neville keeps getting in trouble because he refuses to just play along and allow them to torture us. Ginny tried to tell him that it's not worth getting in trouble over but he's really stepped up this year and made sure to protect the first years.

Draco and I promised each other we would fight on the side that we truly believed in but we also agreed that for now, we need to protect ourselves. We decided to continue pretending that we are loyal to Voldemort until the war begins, that way we can survive to fight in the war.

Blaise and Pansy have been inseparable for the past few months. Basically joined at the hip and I'm so glad they're happy. I always thought they would end up together. Blaise used to get so jealous over Pansy and Pucey and Pansy hated when Blaise would sleep around. At least now they're together and fighting a lot less than they did last time they went out.

Theo went back to sleeping around but found it a bit harder this time. More people know about the mark, and more people want nothing to do with him. With all of us really. He started seeing Daphne and the two of them have gotten close but he refuses to be in a relationship. I don't think he's over Hermione..

The five of us are seated in the common room doing some homework. When we are sat in the living room, no one else sits with us. Even in Slytherin, being a death eater isn't something to be proud of.

Yes, most Slytherins are raised to believe that pure bloods are better than everyone else and we're told that muggle borns are worthless. Most of us believe that until we get older and then some of us stop believing that and others go into believe that.

Draco believed that muggle borns were not as important as pure bloods, Theo and Blaise too. Theo realized at a younger age that his parents weren't exactly always right. He basically had to raise his sister every time he went home so he stopped believing everything they told him. Pansy has always been one of those girls who picks on people who she feels she's better than. She was raised to think she's better than everyone but she's changing too.

"I'm so done with this bullshit class." Pansy groans. I look over to what she's working on and it's astrology. 

"But that's- I find that class easy." I reply and she scowls at me.

"You're just smart." Draco says with a smirk.

"And I'm not?" Pansy asks.

"You said it, not me." Draco jokes.

Blaise, Theo and I laugh at the two of them going back and forth. It's been a while since we enjoyed ourselves and really laughed.

"Okay okay, Draco. Be nice." I jump in and try to break them up before they start fighting. M

"I was just joking around." Draco says and Pansy nods.

"I knew that." Pansy adds.

"I'm just glad they're getting along now." Blaise says.

"Yeah, all of them." Theo adds.

"Oh shut up." I joke.

The school feels rather lonely lately since the only people that will talk to any of us is Ginny. Slytherin's sometimes do but it's usually out of fear or pride. The fact that we're death eaters and we helped take down Dumbledore. They either talk to us because they are on Voldemort's side of avoid us because they're scared of us.

"Do you think things will ever go back to normal?" I ask them all.

"Not as long as Voldemort is alive." Draco says as he rubs his thumb on the back of my hand.

"He's ruined everything for everyone." Pansy says with a sad expression.

"So many families and lives." Blaise adds.

"Do you think Harry can defeat him?" Theo asks.

"I hope so." I say. "That has to be why he isn't T school this year."

"How's the Occlumency going?" Theo asks Draco and I.

"She's doing really well." Draco answers. "Way better than I did at the beginning."

"Good." Blaise adds. "She'll need to be good at it."

"He hasn't called any of you since that night that he called Draco." Pansy says. "What if he just has you here because he doesn't know what else to have you do?"

"Eventually he will call on all or some of us." Theo says.

"And we will be ready to lie through our teeth." I say with a smirk and we all laugh.


Draco and I are laying in bed, I'm laying in his lap while he's reading a book out loud. His reading voice is extremely calming. I could listen to him reading forever.

Today was another long day. We had a full day of classes and then the carrows asked us to walk the halls and make sure everyone was in their common rooms, and then Draco and I practiced occlumency for a little while.

Thankfully, Pansy agreed to stay with Blaise again so Draco and I can have some time to ourselves. I think Pansy doesn't mind staying in Blaise's room. She's like Draco and I and finds it hard to sleep without Blaise where as I find it hard to sleep with out Draco.

"You ready for bed?" Draco whispers in my ear and I nod. I move from between his legs to beside him and lay my head on his shoulder while he wraps an arm around me.

"Fuck." Draco groans and sits up. I do the same thing because my arm starts burning. Draco looks at me with horror in his eyes.

"He's calling us."

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