Thank you

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I just wanted to come here and say thank you so much to everyone who has read my story!

I wasn't planning on posting this but I'm very glad that I did. I started this story in November 2020 and had no idea that it would go this far.

I've had people reach out to me and tell me how much they love this story, I've read most of the comments and I'm glad so many of you liked it! I've even had some people ask me if they could print it off for their book shelves which was super cool!

I love reading the comments on the chapters and seeing your reactions!

I never thought this story would get this many views. I wrote it for fun, and to pass time during quarantine. I really had no idea that people would like it or that it would go that far.

So once again, thank you all so much for reading my story and giving it a chance' I appreciate it so much.

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