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Malfoy's POV
I wake up the next morning a bit earlier than the rest of the school because I have to get her back to the common room before someone notices she slept here with me. I look to the beautiful girl who is passed out beside me and unconsciously smile. She's crazy for sticking with me after everything, but the fact that she did, makes me curious about her. I can't get her off of my mind and I find myself worrying about her whenever we aren't together. Who would have guessed that I could feel so many emotions for a Potter...? Besides hatred. I'll never change my opinion on her brother. He's worse than I imagined he was though. I at least assumed he would care about his sister but it doesn't seem like he does.

"Hey... Potter. Wake up." I say as I shake her a little.

"Mm." She mumbles as she starts moving a little. "Back to last names, eh?"

"I- Um." I studder which amuses her as a smile grows on her mouth.

"I love that I can easily make you speechless." She jokes as she sits up. How does she look so gorgeous in the morning? I lean in to kiss her but she pulls away and shakes her head.

"I haven't brushed my teeth yet."

"Seriously? After last night, that still matters?" I ask, shaking my head.

"Yes it does."

"But once we get back in the common room for you to brush your teeth, we can't kiss."

"Because you don't want people to know. That sounds like a you problem." She says as she sits up and goes to put her clothes back on.

"One kiss?" I beg but she shakes her head and motions for me to get dressed, which I do and we sneak back into the common room. Why does she have to be so stubborn?
End Of POV

Maya's POV
Malfoy and I sneak back into the common room to notice everyone's still in bed. He walks me to my door, i'm guessing he still wants that kiss I wouldn't give him earlier but it's not happening. Not until I brush my teeth. I mostly don't care about it but it's funny watching him pout about it.

"Are you going back to your dorm room or are you going to stand here all morning?" I joke.

"Well I don't want to walk in on Pansy and Blaise so i'll just go back to the room of requirements until breakfast."

"You could do that." I pause as he studies me and waits for me to continue. "Or you could come inside and sit with me until breakfast."

"Don't you have roommates or something...?" He asks. I roll my eyes.

"Yeah, Pansy."

"I thought she hates you? Why would she want to share a room with you?"

"Easier than sharing with someone and having to pretend you like them. We both just stay out of the other's way."

"Well, if I come inside... Do I get that kiss?" he asks. I laugh and put my hand on the door knob as my other one reaches for his tie. A smirk growing on both of our faces as I open the door and pull him closer to me. The room was empty. He closes and locks the door behind him as I stand across from him,

"Get in there and brush your damn teeth." he demands as he steps closer to me.

"Mm I don't feel like brushing my teeth before breakfast." I tease. He grunts as he steps closer to me again, leaving him right in front of me.

"I thought I told you to do what I tell you to." he says as he pins me against the wall.

"You did, but we both know who's really in charge here." I smirk as I push him off of me and go sit on my bed.

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