thirty nine

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Maya's POV
My eyes start to open slowly and notice the harsh lighting in the room. Can't be my dorm because there's only one window and it's always shut because Pansy apparently is a vampire. It can't be the room of requirements either because there isn't any windows in there. I sit up a little but then a wave of pain takes over. What the fuck-

"Please explain to me what happened here, Mr. Potter?" I hear a mans voice coming from the other side of the room. My brothers here too? And it sounds like Dumbledore.

"I was talking with my sister, it became a heated conversation and then Malfoy pointed his wand at me and sent stuplify towards me. I only sent one back in self defence." Harry says.

"That's not what happened and you know it-" Draco says but was cut off.

"Thank you, Mr. Potter. You and Mr. Weasley may go and I'll speak to you later." Dumbledore says. I heard them leave.

"Mr. Malfoy, you should know by now that we can't attack other students." Dumbledore says to Draco.

"I was just trying to protect Maya." Draco says with panic in his voice.

"I understand that you and Maya have gotten close but we can't have you attacking students for a simple argument." Dumbledore says.

Draco didn't say anything to his defence and I can't see them to see what he's doing.

"Detention for two weeks." Dumbledore says. "For both you and Maya."

"What will the other two get?" Draco asks.

"Detention for a week for pulling out their wands." Dumbledore calmly explains.

"Maya didn't have anything to do with this. She only got hurt in the process because Weasleys wand is fucked up."

"Mr. Malfoy please don't argue with me."

I don't want him to get into more trouble. This kid won't shut up to save his own life.

"Draco—" I call out. With in seconds he's at my bedside, along with Dumbledore.

"Try not to move too much, love. You're probably still in a bit of pain." Draco whispers to me as he takes my hand.

"What happened?"

"What's the last thing you remember?"

"Harry saying that- that mom and dad couldn't be proud of me..."

Draco nods. "After that I took my wand out and sent Harry flying. Ron took his wand out first and attacked me but it hit you."

"You're okay?" I ask him. He nods.


"Mrs. Potter, you will need to stay in here for the rest of the day until the pain fades. You will be expected to return to classes tomorrow." Dumbledore explains. "You and Mr. Malfoy will have detention for two weeks with Professor McGonagall after all your classes." 

I nod.

I can see how pissed Draco is but I don't want him to make things worse.

"Madame Pomfrey will be taking care of you. She stepped out to grab something so-"

Dumbledore was cut off by Pansy, Blaise and Theo entering the hospital rather loudly.

"Maya we heard what happened! I swear I'm going to-" Blaise immediately stopped when he notices Dumbledore standing there.

"Ah, Miss Parkinson, Mr. Nott and Mr. Zabini. You all are friends I assume?"

"Yes." Pansy says with a lot of attitude behind it.

"What happened?" Theo turns to me. "What did he want?"

"They were mad because-" I stop. I don't want him to feel like it's his fault...

"Because of Hermione and I?" Theo asks.

I nod.

"What else happened?"

"Yeah, how did it get to the point where you're in the hospital?" Pansy jumps in.

"Harry said- he um.. he said.."

"He said that her mother and father wouldn't be proud of her because of- well you know." Draco finishes.

Dumbledore is still here, and it's making it hard to talk freely about everything.

"Maya-" Theo leans down beside me. "Don't you believe that for even a second. You're so much more than that and you know it." My eyes start filling with tears because I did believe what Harry said. 

"You're a great person and you bring out the best in everyone." Pansy says. "I mean look what you did to Malfoy."

I laugh.

"He was the meanest piece of shit I had ever met but suddenly he falls for you and he's bearable now." Pansy adds.

"Watch it, Pans." Draco warns her jokingly.

"You brought us together." Theo says.

"You guys were all already friends before me."

"Love, it would have been very different without you." Draco sweetly whispers to me.

Blaise hadn't said a word since his outburst when he walked in. I turn my focus to him and he looks rather angry.


"Why are you in the hospital, Maya?" He asks.

"Um- Ron's wand is fucked up again." I explain.

"Why was his wand out?" Blaise asks. He still sounds so mad.

"I blasted Harry across the hall because of what he said to Maya."

"So Ron turned his wand on you?" Blaise asks.

"No. The spell was meant for Draco but-"

"But it hit you." Blaise continues. "Was your wand out?"


"What happened after that?" Blaise asks Draco.

"I went and made sure she was okay. There was a crowd of people and then Snape-" he stops.

"You weren't supposed to be out today..." Theo says suddenly.

"Don't worry about that. I'll deal with it." Draco nods to Theo.

Blaise is so mad and I'm worried that he'll do something stupid. Something that will get him in trouble too...

Madame Pomfrey came back and asked that everyone leave but Draco wouldn't have it. He demanded that he be able to stay with me for emotional support. Dumbledore allowed it to our surprise. He heard everything we said about what had happened so he had to know that this wasn't our fault, yet we're the ones being punished more than Harry and Ron. Not surprising though. They're the favourites.

Madame Pomfrey gave me something for the pain and Draco laid down beside me. We didn't do much talking, mostly just sat in silence actually. He's pissed at how we got in trouble.. and if I'm being honest I am too. Not that it matters. All he has to do if fix that damn cabinet and then we're gone. I'm more angry that my own brother could say something like that to me.. and not even feel bad about it?

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