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Maya's POV
"So we have something really important to tell you." I say. I'm trying to sound annoyed and angry but it's so hard. This is going to be too funny.

"What is it?" Theo asks.

"Is everything okay?" Fred asks.

"Well... not really." I continue. "Something happened and I think I need to inform you guys."

"We don't have to, you want to." Draco says. He made his voice sound so mad and it's almost scary. If I didn't know it was fake, I would be worried about our relationship.

"What happened?" Ginny asks.

Don't laugh.

It's so hard not to laugh.

"Well, we were um..." I pause and Theo shakes his head.

"I do not want to hear about your sex life problems!" He shouts.

Don't laugh.

"Shut the fuck up, Nott." Draco snaps.

"Wow, okay." Theo says and gives me a careful look.

"Anyway... we were... yeah." I continue. "And something weird happened."

"Yeah I think they got that part." Draco snaps.

"Would you relax?" I snap at him.

Don't laugh.

"Anyway, we were doing that but he said something weird."

"It was a mistake." Draco whines.

"A mistake? How do you- you know what? Stop distracting me and let me tell the story."

"Sorry." He mumbles and pretends to be embarrassed. It's so hard not to laugh.

"Anyway, he called out a different name and I thought I should bring it up with you guys because it's weirding me out."

"Who's name?" Ginny asks, looking rather surprised.

"None of your business Weasel." Draco snaps.

"Really Draco? Shut up." I snap.

"I just don't want them to know.. okay?" He says as he looks down to the ground.

"Then you shouldn't have done it." I firmly say.

Everyone is just watching us and I can't take it anymore. It's so funny how he's acting so embarrassed.

"Okay I can't do it anymore." I say and burst out laughing. It's too hard.

"Maya! We were so close." Draco whines.

"I'm sorry! I can't take it. Your face is too funny." I laugh.

"Wow that was rude." Draco says.

"What is happening?" Ginny asks and the rest of them are standing there looking confused.

"Well, if Maya didn't blow the plan, she was going to say I said someone else's name but that's not true." Draco explains. "It was going to be a joke and then we were going to tell you the big news we actually have."

"So there is big news?" Harry asks.

"Yes." Draco replies.

"I'm pregnant."

"What? Are you being serious?" Ginny asks.

"Yes!" I say.

Theo runs over, picks me up and spins me around saying 'I'm so happy for you' and making me laugh.

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