twenty nine

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The next morning I wake up surrounded by boys. Turns out, the four of us fell asleep in the room of requirements last night. I sit up and look around to see Draco on the couch beside me, Theo and Blaise both on the ground not far from us. We must have been talking and fell asleep.

"Who's ready for breakfast?" I say to wake them all up.

"Shut the fuck up. I'm trying to sleep." Blaise growls as Theo and Draco both sit up and shake their heads.

"We slept here? That's not going to look weird at all." Theo adds.

"Blaise get your lazy ass up before we're late for breakfast." Malfoy snaps at his friend who grunts and sits up with a frown on his face.

"Who cares if people notice we're not there. They don't care unless you're Harry Potter anyway." Blaise says.

"I mean I'm not Harry but I am a Potter." I say.

"Oh. Right." Blaise says as he stands, sending me an apologetic look.

"You're a fucking idiot, Blaise." Draco says as he wraps his arms around me from behind. Theo and I both fighting to hold in the laughter as Blaise looks terrified that he said the wrong thing.

"Relax Blaise." I say as I burst into laughter. "I know i'm not the chosen one. I'm glad I don't have all that attention on me."

"Okay for a second I thought you were going to make your boyfriend kill me." Blaise says.

"I still might." Draco jokes.

"Let's go." I say as I take Draco's hand and drag him towards the door. "Breakfast time."

"Thanks for saving me Maya!" Blaise calls out as Draco and I leave the room. Theo and Blaise wait a minute and come out. We didn't all want to come out at once in case it looks suspicious. After the other two join us in the hall, the four of us make our way to breakfast. We're late but it doesn't really matter.

We walk in and the trio and a few Gryffindors look over at us but other than that, no one cares that we were late.

We walk over to our table and sit down but instead of sitting beside Blaise, Draco sits beside me. Theo shakes his head and makes his way to the other side of the table to sit beside Blaise since Malfoy took his spot. Malfoy smirks at Theo when they make eye contact and Blaise and I laugh. I lean my head on Draco while he has one arm around me.

"You guys aren't even going to hide this from the rest of the school?" Blaise asks.

"Why would we need to? You know who already knows and he was our biggest concern." Malfoy says as he takes a strawberry from my plate and eats it.

"What about her brother?" Theo adds.

"He's going to be pissed off." I add. "But why should I have to hide just to make his life easier?"

"You shouldn't." Theo says.

After breakfast we all go to our classes but instead of sitting around me, Draco sits beside me in every class we have together. The mark still burns but Draco's been around all day and every time I start to wince at the pain, he pulls me close and distracts me.

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