sixty eight

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A year later, Blaise was finally beginning to move on from Pansy even though he still misses her a lot sometimes.

Theo and Hermione had their first big fight not that long ago and it got quite ugly. Theo got kicked out of their room and had to sleep on a couch for week but they made it through it. They're actually moving out in a month to their own place together.

Ron never got over the fact that Hermione chose Theo over him so they don't really talk anymore. Harry still sometimes talks to Ron but not that much anymore.

Harry and Ginny finally started officially dating after the war and have been dating ever since.  Harry preposed not that long ago and they plan to be married sometime next year.

Olivia had a lot of things to work through but she's getting better and started dating this guy from her old school. She hasn't introduced us to him yet but I'm so excited to meet this boy!

Draco and I aren't necessarily a perfect couple. He's a stubborn pain in the ass and I can be stubborn too so we fight but we always make up. We still live at the Malfoy Manor but we changed everything about it. Narcissa is staying with us too because of course, it's her house too.

Lucious tries to request Narcissa and Draco to come visit him but they both always decline.

Andromeda and Narcissa have continued staying in contact and are actually very close now. Draco and I now have both of Narcissa and Andromeda to lean on if we need them and they're both really amazing.

Harry and I are close now. He's really supportive of me and Draco and him and Draco even get along now.

The Weasley twins even stop by once and a while to hangout.

Fred and Draco shook each other's hands and putting the past in the past. Draco told me that Ginny made him feel secure about how Fred and I are friends still. I still have no idea what was said between those two that day but whatever it was, I'm glad.


Maya's POV
Tonight, Draco and I are hosting a little party at the manor and everyone is coming over. Narcissa and Andromeda have put a few decorations out and made some food for us. Blaise is in charge of bringing the drinks which come to think of it, might have been a bad idea.

I'm just excited to have everyone in the same room again. Life has bern so busy with some of of returning to school for the last year and others looking for work or taking the year off.

Hermione, Draco, Blaise, Theo and I all went back to school to finish our last year. It shouldn't surprise anyone that Hermione went back but the rest of us have no idea what we want to do so going back just made sense.

"Hey love, don't forget to wear something fancy tonight." Draco says as he comes into the room and plants a kiss on the top of my head.

"I know. I already have the dress picked out."

"Can I see?" He asks.

"No, it's a surprise."

"Fine, be that way." He pouts. "What time are people coming?"

"Didn't you tell them 6pm?"

"Probably but I don't remember." He admits.

"Ask your mother then."

"Wow you're bossy." He teases before leaving the room to go speak to his mother.

I chose a casual green dress that had a belt around the waist and I'm doing my hair in a braided crown. (See pictures above)


Draco's POV
"Mother, do you remember what time I told everyone to come?" I ask as I walk into the kitchen.

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