fifty three

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"Pans, I'm going to sit with Ginny today." I say to Pansy on our way to Astrology.

"Weasley?" She asks, "why?"

"She asked me if we could talk during class today."

"And when did she ask you this?" Pansy asks.

"Yesterday when Draco and I went for our walk." I reply.

"Fine." She says. "But if she acts like a bitch, tell me and I'll hex her."

"It's Ginny we're talking about, you know she could easily hex you back." I joke. "She does have a bunch of older brothers."

"Fair point." Pansy answers. "I guess I'll have to be sneaky about it."

"Sure." I say. We both know Ginny is really good with hex's.

We walk into class and Pansy goes to sit with Astoria while I go to sit beside Ginny. I feel the Gryffinfors eyes on me as I make my way to Ginny, and I can hear people whispering but honestly, I don't care. It's awkward but I really need to speak to Ginny.

"Hey, um. Is this seat taken?" I ask her when I finally reach her.

She looks up at me and smiles. "I was saving it for you."

I smile and sit down.

"Why is Ginny sitting with that traitor?"

"Didn't she help kill Dumbledore?"

"Who does she think she is?"

I try to ignore the whispers but it's really hard. I mean, do people even know how to whisper? I awkwardly play with my hands to try and calm myself down. Yesterday I had Pansy to whisper to me and remind me to stay calm but today I'm not sitting with her. Ginny noticed my anxiety and nudges me gently to get my attention.

"Are you okay?" She asks, motioning to my hands.

"I'm just trying to ignore the whispering."

Ginny studies me for a second and then turns around to the Gryffinfor's sitting around us.

"You people suck at whispering." She snaps. "Mind your own fucking business."

She turns to me and asks, "is it hard to deal with everyone constantly whispering and talking about you?"

"Not usually." I admit. "Only when I'm on my own."

She doesn't say anything for a moment but then rests one of her hands on top of my shaking hands.

"You aren't on your own, Maya. I'm right here." She says calmly and genuinely.

I feel a sense of relief wash over my body when the words register and I feel tears pricking at my eyes. I refuse to allow them to come out, but I feel them there.

Ginny smiles softly before wrapping her arms around me in a hug. I wrap my arms around her and hold her tightly. Whatever changed her mind about me, I'm grateful for it.

After a moment, we pull away and the teacher walks in and starts teaching.

I couldn't pay attention to the lesson. My mind was racing with a million questions.

What happens when Harry comes back for Ginny? Surely he will not stand for her being friends with me.

If Ginny believes me, will others believe me?

"Maya, pay attention." Ginny whispers. "You really don't want detention."

"Right." I say and snap out of my thoughts. She's right, I can't get detention. And I really should pay attention.


"How did it go with the she weasle?" Draco asks when we meet up for dinner that night.

"It was actually really good." I explain. "People were whispering when I sat down with her but she yelled at them."

"Was Pansy mad that you didn't sit with her?" Draco asks, trying to hold back a smirk but not doing it very well.

"Not really." I explain. "She didn't seem to care."

"But everything went well with Ginny?" He asks again. "You're okay?"

"Yes." I say. He's so protective sometimes but it's adorable.



That night I was having a hard time sleeping. The mark was slightly burning again and it hasn't done that in a long time. Draco was right, eventually your body gets used to the pain or it stops rejecting the mark. It hurts so bad right now and I don't know what to do.

I sit up and notice Pansy is still fast asleep so I get up and leave the dorm, trying to remain quiet.

I head over to the boys dorms and knock lightly on Draco's door. Yeah, he shares a room with Blaise, and now Theo but I need him. Any of them.. it hurts and I need to know why. Theo opens the door and sends me a confused look before asking; "late night plans with Malfoy?"

I slap his arm as he smirks. "No you asshole. Is he up though?"

"No but if you need it that bad I can wake him up."

"Does your arm burn too?" I ask.

His smirk drops immediately and his face turns into a serious expression.

"What do you mean?"

"My arm started burning again, I thought maybe you guys might feel it too?"

"No... mine doesn't." He says.

"What do I do?"

"Um... uh fuck." He mumbles. "Come inside."

I walk inside and notice both Blaise and Draco passed out, and Blaise snoring rather loudly.

"What does it feel like?" He asks, studying me.

"Like my skin is rejecting it again." I reply. "It hurts really bad."

"Can I see it?"


Theo reaches for the light and turns it on. The other two boys begin to stir and start groaning for Theo to turn the light back off before they realize I'm here.

"What's going on?" Draco asks as he jumps out of bed and comes over to me.

"My arm hurts." I explain. "I don't know what's going on."

"Let me see it, Maya." Theo repeats. I nod and roll up my sleeve. I don't look at it though. I've never been able to look at mine. Instead I study the boys faces which is telling me something is seriously wrong.

"What the fuck is happening?" Draco snaps, staring down at the mark on my arm.

"Ew that looks nasty!" Blaise chimes in.

"Maya, that does not look good." Theo adds.

I look to each of them in panic before I force my eyes down to my arm. I notice it's very red, bubbly and looks extremely irritated.

"We need to get you to Professor Snape, now." Draco demands before throwing on some actual clothing. Theo and Blaise follow his actions and after they're dressed, the four of us head to professor Snape'a office.

What the fuck is happening?

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