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"Do we wake her up or let her sleep...?"

"I don't know she's your friend Nott."

"Oh shut up. I'll wake her up."

"Fine, you do that."


"Maya would you wake up!"

"Potter! Holy shit would you wake up!"

I open my eyes slowly as the voices get louder. I see Malfoy and Theo standing above me, staring at me.

"What the fuck is wrong with you two!"

"We called you like a million times." Malfoy snaps.

"Okay what would you like?" I ask as I get up out of my bed and go find something to put over myself as I'm only on a tank top and short shorts.

"Your brother is in the common room and is demanding to see you." Theo says.

"What?" I turn to face the guys, "what does he want?"

"I don't know, he won't tell us." Theo says sending me a worried look.

"He seems pissed." Malfoy adds.

"Awesome." I say and throw a hoodie over myself and leave my room followed by the guys.

"Maya, I need to speak to you!" Harry demands.

"Okay then speak." I snap.

"Pansy told me you have a thing with Malfoy."

"And you believed her?" I ask

"Yes. I've seen you two walking alone and hanging around each other."

"One; you're a dumb ass for believing Pansy. And two; I don't know if you noticed, but we're both in Slytherin and have the same friends."

"You know he's dangerous." Harry spits.

"I've been told." I say and roll my eyes in Malfoy's direction and he laughs.

"Did you come here to tell her I'm dangerous?" Malfoy jumps in and asks Harry.

"I came here to tell her to stop talking to you." Harry spits.

Theo laughs as he steps up and throws his arm around me protectively.

"You think you have any right to tell her what to do?" He shouts.

"Fuck you Nott, I'm her brother." Harry snaps.

"Biologically. But I'm her real brother."

"Then don't let her be with him." He spat.

"No, they're finally getting along and I don't have to hear them constantly fighting."

"Maya I'm just trying to protect you. There is so much you don't know and he's not good for you." Harry snaps.

"Oh just fuck off." I snap and head towards the door. I open it and motion for him to leave. Harry rolls his eyes at me and walks towards the door too.

"I'm just trying to look out for you." He whispers as he walks out. I slam the door the second he leaves the room and Theo and Malfoy start chuckling from across the room.

"You have a rather pushy brother there, Potter." Malfoy jokes and Theo continues laughing.

"Are you guys done now?"

"Nope." Theo says as the two of them make their way over to me.

I look at Malfoy as he reaches me and study him. What is so dangerous about this kid that even he wants me to stay away from him? Why does everyone seem to be worried about me getting close to him? What could be so bad? I guess I was staring too long because he interrupted my thoughts.

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