forty three

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Theo came rushing out of the house, followed closely by Pansy and Blaise. Theo dropped down beside me and Draco, checking to make sure I'm not injured badly.

"What happened to her?" Theo yells to Draco when he notices I'm not physically hurt.

"Harry saw." Draco says quietly, still holding me in his arms and rubbing my back gently.

"Oh." Was all Theo could get out as he sank beside me and grabbed my hand. I continued to cry for a few more moments until the tears finally stopped and I felt... numb.

I stood up, followed by Theo and Draco who were both watching me with concern written all over their faces.

"I'm fine." I say to the four of them who are just standing there watching me curiously. "He will never understand what I've been through. He doesn't care."

"Maya..." Theo says but I shake my head.

"I do not want to talk about it anymore." I say firmly. "He's not my family. You guys are my family."

Theo wrapped his arms around me tightly and I hug him back.

"Can we go inside now?" I turn to Draco and ask. He smiles weakly and offers his hand. I take it happily and the five of us head inside his Aunt's house.

"Draco... you made it." His aunt says as she stands up from the table in the kitchen.

"Hi.. Aunt Andromeda." He says cautiously as he goes closer to her. "Thank you for letting us stay here.."

"You're family, Draco. Even if your mother and I barley speak." She says gently. "And these are your-"

"Family." Draco explains.

"I've met Blaise, Theo and Pansy but who is this?" Andromeda asks. I felt Draco's hand squeeze my hand a little tighter.

"This is my girlfriend, Maya." Draco says.

"Hi." I say.

"Ah, Maya." She says as she sends me a smile. "It's nice to meet you my dear."

"It's nice to meet you too ma'am. Thank you for letting us stay here." I say.

"Oh, please don't call me ma'am. It makes me feel old." She says, "please call me Andromeda."

"Okay." I say and smile weakly. I want to be more polite but if I'm being honest, I'm exhausted.

"We're going to turn in I think." Draco says suddenly. "We've had a rather rough day and we're exhausted."

"Yes of course." Andromeda says. "There are spare rooms up stairs. Your friends can show you to them."

The next thing we knew, Andromeda took off down the hall and the five of us were left alone in the kitchen.

"I'm guessing you two don't want to be separated tonight?" Theo says.

I shake my head to both Draco and Theo and they both nod.

"Alright, I'll show you guys to your room and leave you alone for the night." Theo says.

Draco, Theo and I start walking up the stairs but Blaise calls out for me.

"Wait- um Maya can I speak to you for a moment."

I look to Draco in shock but reluctantly nod and head back down the stairs. Pansy gives me a sad smile before leaving the two of us in the kitchen.

"I won't keep you too long. I know you're exhausted." Blaise says.

"Is everything okay, Blaise?" I ask.

"I- you know you were so fucking brave tonight." He blurts out. "I don't think I could ever do what you did."

"Um.. I just- I didn't want him to go through that alone..." I mumble.

"And for that you are extremely brave." He says.

There was a moment of silence between us.

"I'm sorry that your brother is a twat." He says which causes me to laugh.

"It's fine, Blaise." I say weakly. "Can I... can I go to bed now?"

"Just one more thing.." he says. "You were right when you said you don't need Harry. He's not your family."


"Please let me finish..." he says and I nod.

"I wasn't there for you for many years because.. well for no good reason really.. but you were right. We are your family, Maya. Draco, me, Theo and even Pansy. I know we're not much, but we'll always be here for you."

For a second I wasn't sure what to say to him. I cross the room and wrap my arms around him. Who would have thought that I would be friends with Blaise? He was... never the nicest to me as he's one of Draco Malfoy's best friends but I guess things change as I am now dating Draco.

"Go get some sleep, Maya." Blaise says gently. "I'll walk you back to your room."

"Thanks, Blaise."


I walk into the room and see Draco standing at the window, looking outside.

"Draco..." I say to get his attention. He turns around fast and walks over to me.

"What did Blaise want?" He asks as he comes over to me and wraps his arms around me tight.

"Um. He wanted to tell me that I don't need Harry... and that the five of us are family." I explain.

"He... he said that?" Draco asks.

"Yeah." I say with a smile. "It was weird, but I appreciated it."

"He's fucking weird." Draco smirks. "Do you want to sleep now?"

"Fuck yes. I'm ready to sleep the next year away." I joke.

"Let's go then." He says as he guides me over to the bed. He lays down and I rest my head gently on his chest.



"I never got to say it earlier because of how fast everything happened... but I'm glad you stayed with me." He pauses. "I was terrified."

"I was too." I admit. "But I wasn't going to let you go through that alone."

"You're perfect." He mumbles and before I drifted off to sleep, I mumbled back

"I love you."

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