thirty five

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(Long chapter and mature scenes ahead)

Draco's POV
She cried in my chest because she was feeling guilty for a decision I made and don't regret and now she's loosing everyone she might have considered friends or family because of me. I couldn't just stay away and keep making her hate me and now she has the mark... Now her own brother probably will never speak to her again and people like the Weasley's are starting to see her as a villain? That's on me. That's my fault. She's so precious and strong yet not that long ago she was crying in my arms. The guilty feeling that's taking over is overwhelming. This is all my fault. If I wasn't in her life.. she might still have the twins and at least she would have Theo. She was happy... She wasn't marked before we got close. Fuck. How do I undo this...?

We're sitting in class and she's sitting right beside me, focusing on the lesson. She's so firey and demanding. She always knows what she wants and doesn't give up until she gets it. She's so smart too, and kind even though she's Slytherin. She's not like how most people see Slytherin's. She isn't evil. Everyone thinks she's evil though... because of me.. because she has that ugly mark on her arm. No one wants to hear her out and believe her side which pisses me off even more. She acts as if she's okay with everything. That it doesn't bother her. I mean, look at her right now. Sitting there all focused and even smiling once in a while but I know she's a mess underneath. I just saw it like an hour ago. Maya is too pure for me... and i'm ruining her life by being with her.

I guess she felt my eyes on her because she turned her focus to me, reaches over and takes my hand in hers before turning her attention back to the lesson.  My father was wrong about her not being good enough for me, it's the other way around. I'm not and never will be good enough for someone as perfect as her. She doesn't see it. She thinks that i'm not as bad as I lead on but how can she not see what's happening? How does she not blame me for that ugly mark on her arm? Or all of her friends looking at her as the enemy...?

"Draco... are you coming?" Her sweet voice pulls me out of my thoughts. I realize people are starting to leave the class and she's standing beside me, waiting for me. I stand up and we head down the hall to the common room but neither of us are talking. She keeps looking up at me but I don't know what to say to her... I don't want to be the reason she's losing everything.

At the enterance of the common room I stop and pull her over to me.

"I need to go for a walk..I have a lot on my mind. How about you go inside and i'll see you later?"

She looks up at me with her gorgeous eyes, she smiles but I can see she's worried in her eyes.

"I just need to be alone." I say.

"Okay. I'll see you later though?"

"Yes." I say and turn on my heel and walk away.
End Of POV

Maya's POV
I know he said he's fine but I can tell how angry he is... I wish he would just talk to me.. Open up like I did earlier. He was so venerable with me not that long ago and now he's distant again. I sigh and walk into the common room to see Theo and Pansy playing wizards chest and Blaise watching. I walk over to them and try to act as if nothing is wrong but it's harder than I thought it would be. My mind keeps getting distracted by thoughts of Draco.

Is he okay...?

Why is he so angry?

Is it about his task?

I know that if I tell our friends anything, they'll come back with 'it's just Draco being himself.' but I don't think that's it. I think there's something wrong.

I know one person I can write to, someone who knows him better than anyone.

"I need to go to the owlery and send a letter. I'll be back later." I say.

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