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The chatter overwhelmed my hearing, some high-pitched and some deep husky. Ava was rolling her eyes behind a brunette's back. I could just imagine the brunette; I remembered her name as Juliet, acting like she shared the same interests as Ava. I put my chin in the palm of my hand, sighing. It was quite boring at lunch right now. A lingering tension lay in the air between Ava and me. Sure, I didn't want that to happen to us, but she has to realize my point of my argument. I can't just jump in Tristan's arms right away. I wasn't that vulnerable.

     Juliet giggled at Ryder's joke, and Stella clenched her jaw. I love my sister very much and I think she's wise, but the jealously is rolling off her in waves. Even after the break-up with Stella and Ryder, she is still obsessed with the idea of Ryder taking her back. She even admitted it to me and I tried to comfort her about the idea, not wanting to tell her that it won't ever happen again. I did not believe that Ryder and Stella will be in a relationship ever again. He hasn't met her eyes in months, and if someone mentions her name, glares at the ground. 

    So, I sat there with people trying to engage conversations with me, and I ignored them. I do believe that you should treat everybody with kindness, but I knew these people only had the intention to be my friend because of my rank. You don't see a daughter of an Alpha everyday, you know. My mind wasn't fully concentrated on the people surrounding my friends' table or one of my actual friends trying to talk to me. My mind - and wolf - was trained on one specific person. Tristan. 

    This is why I hated and loved the ideas of mates. My mind will always be on the boy and I could not believe the effect he was having on me. Guess what happened right after Ryder, Tristan, and I left our History class? Yea, a make-out session with my mate in the janitor's closet. I still had a tiny blush on my cheeks at just the thought of what happened. I wasn't very sexually active, but that didn't mean I hadn't had my fun. There were ton of wild drunken nights with my friends and.. Tristan. The only good things about my drunken nights were that I didn't end up pregnant and did not get in trouble for drinking underage.

    I felt someone's gaze burning on my revealed neck. As usual, I knew who it was. Who would possibly look at me while I ate a salad? I wasn't crept out, actually, but more crept out that I liked it when he looked at me. I felt like someone was going to notice him watching me and ask why he was? And I hoped that he would declare me as his mate. That feeling burned into me and I really wanted to let it out. It was a feeling that was so foreign, yet so good.

   I glanced over at his-.

  "KENNA!" Ryder turned over to me, yelling. "WAKE UP!"

  I snapped my head up from my desk, causing my neck to make a cranking noise. Ryder was leaning against my bedroom's doorframe with his arms crossed in front of him. He was shaking his head, a tiny smirk playing on his mouth. I groaned, wanting to go back to sleep. That dream was only a dream and I liked that. I liked that burning feeling I had in my dream wasn't my actual feeling towards Tristan. 

  I shook my head to clear my thoughts, not wanting any feeling towards my mate. I couldn't and wouldn't have any feelings towards him, and I need to train my mind, body, and wolf to understand this. So, this is why I agreed to go to a party with Ryder. "Yea yea, I'll get ready."

   "You know this isn't a big party? Just small gatherings like ten people are going to be there. But, booze will be there." Ryder cocks his head to the side, lifting an eyebrow. I shoo him out of the room before descending to my wardrobe, raiding through it for a good outfit. 

   I grabbed some blue skinny jeans with a grey loose shirt. I picked some black ankle-boot heels from the floor of my wardrobe along with a red beanie. Draping all my clothes on my arm and carrying my boots by my hand, I headed to my en suite bathroom. I stripped off my clothes, putting my clothes on and the boots. I straightened my hair, so it would be so wavy and tucked the beanie on my head. I re-applied my red lipstick and mascara since it was smudged from my nap. I twisted a watch on my narrow wrist.

   Grabbing a leather purse that was hung up, I headed out to my bedroom. I grabbed my wallet and phone, shoving them into my purse. I turned off my bedroom lights and walked out, closing and locking the door behind me. I didn't want people to come into my room and I knew my parents liked to be sneaky and search through my room. So, I lock it whenever I'm not in there. Shouldering my purse, I head downstairs to meet with Ryder, Stella, and Ava.

   The dream was partly right. Ava and I had tension between us over the mini fight we had in the hallway. It wasn’t heavy or a big tension, but a thin layer, needless. Ava and I rarely have any tension between us because you couldn't be mad at the sparky blonde. She is one of the nicest people I've met and that was the reason why I approached her when we were in seventh grade. Something about the glimmer in her electric blue eyes made you be drawn in to be a lover or to be a friend. She had more friends than me, and that's saying a lot. 

   "Kenna is here." Stella announced, looking up from her phone to look at me. "Let's go."

   Stella had a clipped tone to her voice, signaling that she wasn't too keen with the idea of Ryder being here. Yes, Stella still loved Ryder, but she was still mad at him for some reason. Nobody knew why and that killed everybody. They were at their peak of their relationship and then it crashed on down. Ava gives me a crooked smile as a greeting, which was far from Stella's pissed-off mood. Ryder slings an arm around my shoulder, and I could feel my sister's burning glaze on his arm and the back of my neck. Ryder, quietly, clicks his tongue, making me think that he could sense Stella's jealously.


 I may or may not have drunk too many shots. Intoxication ran through my veins, pulsing it. I was trying to follow a welcoming and attractive scent. I couldn't pinpoint whose or what the scent smelt like, but my wolf claimed it would set me to ease. I trusted her, so I followed this scent. It was down one of the pack house's hallways in a bedroom. Maybe it was someone's scent or maybe it was some food's scent, but my body burned for it. 

  I smiled wickedly, and giggled softy. Maybe I shouldn't have loosened up a bit and break my promise, but it happened and I couldn't change it. I had to deal with it in the morning and I was going to get this scent close to me. With the thought of this, my pace quickened through the dark hall. I was, blindly, reaching for the bedroom's doorknob. Once I touched the cold metal, I turned it and pushed, opening it.

  The scent wraps me in a comfortable cocoon. I heard a soft murmur of breathing from a king size bed with a white duvet and black sheets. My feet led their way to the bed, without my content. I crawled on the bed, my skin prickling and my heart slamming. I knew who exactly this was and I knew why my wolf was so eager to get this scent. I wound my arms around his narrow waist, snuggling into him. My mind was screaming not to touch him in affection, but my body overpowered it. I left a soft kiss on his bare torso, waking him up.

   "Kenna." Tristan's voice was laced with a husky tone. Yea, I could get use to it. "What are you doing here?"

   I tightened my grip on his waist, and pushed him closer to me. I wanted him to feel my beating heart, and that scared me. I shouldn't be having these thought after what he did to Kylie, but I did and I liked it. That's what scared me; I liked giving affection to Tristan. And it felt great, but at the same time, awful. How could I be such a friend to Kylie? She made me happy, and yet, I was showing devotion to Tristan. I stay there in the position, though, which ran shivers down my spine.

  I fluttered my eyes close, making a 'sh' noise. There was a pounding in my head from all of the alcohol I shoved down my throat, and I didn't need a midnight talking session with Tristan. I heard him sigh, but wrap his own arms around me. He gave me a light kiss on the forehead, resulting in goose bumps there. Yea, I could get use to this.



  Not my best, but I updated in five days. Updates will be common on Fridays and Saturdays, maybe Sundays. I have this busy schedule that takes up most of my Tuesdays and Wednesdays. Mondays, Thursdays, and Fridays are my free weekdays, but this is also my days I'm crushed with loads of homework. Balancing writing, school, dance, and spending time with friends/family is hard, so I will try to update once a week. I have to tell you, I whipped this up in two days and I shall pat my back. All of my chapters are more than 1000 words and is more focused on the feelings,thoughts, and relationships of the main character. I don't like it when a book is just conversations and just generalized details, so I put a lot of things that don't consist with conversations. But, let me tell you in the next chapter there will be a big conversation between Kenna and Tristan. Also, thank you for all the support I've been getting. Also, picture of Ava to the side or if you're on mobile, it's above on the first page. And their is a cover of Ellie Goudling's Love Me Like You Do to fit the cuddling scene of Kenna and Tristan. Love you.

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