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    Naturally, there was tension in the air. I couldn't look at him because I had a fear of jumping him in front of everybody. All I wanted to do was run my fingers through his hair and trail them down his neck. I would feel his Adam apple pulsing underneath my touch. My fingertips would glide down his broad shoulders and rest on his forearms, lightly scratching them. My touch on his body would ignite a flame in my body, pleading to be let out.

   I snapped out of my reverie, and look down at my fingers. My palms were sweaty and red, confirming my thought of having a blush on my face. I needed to stop thinking about Tristan like that. I hate him for what he did. I should not be thinking sexual pleasures of him, even if he was my mate. I grasped my hands together and let a quiet, small exhale of breath to calm myself. My wolf was going crazy, but I strain myself to not unleash her and go back to the daydreaming.

  "Thank you all for joining us." Father's booming voice greeted the room when he entered with Mother right behind him. Of course, Stella was no where to be seen. Father and Mother stood beside me at one end of the table while Tristan and his family stood on the other side. "We have some... interesting news concerning this pack and an other."

   I crinkled my eyebrows together, and looked up to Father's towering height. Even if I was 5'9, Father towered over me with his 6'6 structure. I had not heard any of these news concerning our pack and an other, usually my parents told me news before anybody else. They thought my opinion was the only one that mattered exception of Father's Beta, Harrison. I glanced towards Beta Harrison's side, not wanting to meet the eyes of Tristan's, to see him also confused.

     "Luna Celeste and I have talked about this arrangement. Our ally, Lightwood Pack, has requested us to join together. We have not come up with an answer, thinking that it is the best idea to have a vote for this matter. The downfalls of this occasion is that the Lightwood Pack has been shunned by many packs because of the fact Alpha Max rejected his mate. But, the advantages is that we will have better security and if we happen to strike a war against another pack, we will have the Lightwood Pack right beside our sides."

   It was rare for an Alpha to reject his mate since it was crucial for a pack. A Luna and Alpha made the pack even stronger and closer. Because I was the oldest child of my parents and they had no son, I had to find my mate. If only my mate wasn't Tristan Pierce, I would totally be fine. I just really wanted to wake up and forget about this dream. Too bad it wasn't a dream and I was stuck with him being my mate. I had already pinched myself so many times. A soft murmur of conversation sufficed the room.

   It was pretty big news. The Lightwood Pack was a good old friend with our pack. But, I never thought we could ever join packs together. It was getting more common now that packs joined together, but nobody ever requested us to join. Maybe they had the fear of being rejected, and not be worthy of our power. Contrary on popular belief, we welcomed people with open arms and would probably agree to join packs together.

    I shouldn't have done it. But, I looked up to meet his burning gaze. He was already looking at me and I was a goner. I melted in my seat, my spine touching the wooden planks. His hazel eyes were dark with no longer shock, but desire. Even from my seat far away from him, I could feel the heat radiating off of him and I so wanted to run up to him. My wolf was getting hyper with every waiting second, making my heartbeat sky rocket and leap.

    "Now, we will wait for your decision until next week. Thank you for attending this meeting." Father clapped his hands together and with a smile gracing his lips, he left the room with Mother trailing along him. She was quiet, today, and I wonder why. 

    I needed to get out here. I was still drown in the pools of his brown eyes, and I couldn't take it anymore. The urge to tell Ava of this whole ordeal was now on full attention. I pushed back my seat and practically ran out of the room. Thankfully, everybody was distracted with the big news and didn't take notice of my hurrying leave. Yet, I could feel his burning gaze on my back. 

  I was halfway down the hallway, on my way to my room, when I was softly pushed against one of the white walls. A gasp escaped my mouth, and from the touch with this stranger came electrifying shocks that ran up my arms through my body. My wolf howled inside me, wanting to get out and take over me. I knew who it was just from his touch on my skin. His big hands rested on my narrow hips, making sure I was right in place. Nobody was around, still downstairs in the meeting room.

  "Where are you going, Kenna?" His husky voice traveled through my ear and left me moaning, softly. My name sounded perfect in his mouth like it was just made for him. I didn't always like my name, but now I was starting to love it. 

  "N-Nowhere." I stuttered out then gasped when his mouth latched on the side of my throat. "Oh God."

    He started to suck. My hands, on instinct, buried in his hair, tugging. His tongue licked the upcoming hickey and I knew I had to hide that from my parents. Lightly, but not unnoticed, Tristan slid my cardigan off of my body and kissed the tip of my shoulder. I tipped my head back and my hands feathered down on his shoulders. He began to suck, again, occasionally his tongue slicked on my bare tan skin. He left another light kiss right there. I hummed in approval.

   His hands cupped the sides of my tone stomach and the heat was coursing through my body. I so wanted to grab him by his collar and drag him to my bedroom. He was so... Hot. My heart slammed in my body, making all this hype worthy. His lips traveled to my collarbone and a long lasting kiss made it's mark there. His lips glided up against my jawline, another encore of kisses there, also. I felt like I was Cloud Nine by all these kisses.

    With his last kiss on my jawline, he regarded and it paid more attention to the corner of my lip. He laid a kiss there, taunting me. It caused me to moan in disapproval. Why couldn't he kiss me already? I could feel his smirk on my skin, and a deep chuckle erupted through the pit of his stomach. My blood coursed through my veins, again. He kissed upwards, in a slant, to my earlobe and nibbled on it. I was panting, by now, and I wondered why I never ever had a make out session with him. He was that good.

   I got sick of the foreplay and pushed me, slightly, away, but grabbed him by the collar to slam my lips on his. He groaned and I moaned. The sparks were exchanged by the two of us, and accepted them with open arms. How could I ever resist this? He wrapped his arms around my waist and lifted me up, so I could wrap my own legs around him. I could feel his little friend up with attention and for once, I wasn't disgusted by it. His tongue slid on my bottom lip, asking for entrance. I, gladly, accepted it.

    It wasn't until I heard the pounding of upcoming footsteps did I unlatched our lips and jumped down from him. His eyes were briefly close, but he fluttered the open. His hazel eyes shone with lust, but at the same time, concern. My hair was a mess, I felt heat on my face, and I was still panting. I couldn't believe it; I kissed Tristan Pierce. I hated him, for fuck's sake. It didn't matter if I was his mate or he was a good kisser, I shouldn't have done it.

   "That was a mistake." I choked out before bending over to grab my cardigan and hurriedly ran away. I didn't want people to see what just happened, and be the talk of the whole pack for days. Not only would it be embarrassing, but imagine what my father would do to Tristan. Technically, I could only be friends with Tristan, nothing more, except if he was my mate.

    Those last four words I said to Tristan hung in the air. I felt like a sharp knife was pressing through my heart, and no longer did ecstasy run through my blood, but pain. My wolf was overpowering right now and I had to fight it with all my mite. I could not succumb to such a low level and run back to Tristan's arms. That was a big no-no for me and maybe, just maybe, for him, also. We both hated each other, so we couldn't do that stunt again. But, those last four words I said was obviously a lie. And both of us knew it.

Tristan to the side


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