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    I rolled around on the bed, trying to think of something to say. I couldn't hear Tristan or Beta Harrison talking and I that provoked me. They probably moved away from Tristan's door and further down the hallway, where I couldn't hear them.

   Because I couldn't stay still, I stood up from the bed and walked to a window seat. Tristan's window seat had a black cushion with red and grey pillows. I curled on top of it, cuddling a grey pillow, and tilted my head to the window. Outside must have been cold because the window gave me a chilly feeling.

  It soothed my aching headache, but I noticed that I was more revealed than I would like. Sure, I had gone on many beds with guys and do stuff that I sort of regret. However, I never was alone in a guy's room with just a shirt on and while he talked to his father.

   It was quite humorous that I, Kenna Edwards, was worrying about being a guy's room, than worrying about how should I tell my family about Tristan? I started to giggle and I deemed myself a crazy person. It soon simmered down when I saw a movement flicker outside.

   I let my werewolf senses overpower my human one's and watched a group of five lone wolves on our pack's forest line. They split up like they were planning this for months. Three people headed to the pack house while one person stayed at the forest line and the last person retreating back in the forest.

   I waited for a bit, on high alert. I didn't want to make a mistake and label them as rogues when they were in a pack. So, I watch the three people advance on our pack house. It wasn't until they shifted that I knew they were rogues.

   Someone who was in a pack would know that if you shifted on someone's pack, you will be labeled as a rogue. The other pack would have permission to attack you for the safety of their pack. My heartbeat quickened and I dropped the pillow.

   Rogues attacking us, I mind-linked Father. 

  I didn't wait for his reply, but moved to where my jeans and boots were. I threw them on before opening Tristan's bedroom door and saw him and his father at the end of the hallway. Both of their heads were bent and I could see Tristan was angered by what Beta Harrison was saying.

   Once they heard Tristan's door snapped open, their heads turned my way. Tristan looked at me, in worry, with his eyebrows knitted together. Beta Harrison looked ticked off that I interrupted their conversation.

  "Rogues." I said the one word that made Tristan and Beta Harrison go into Beta mode. 

  "Tristan, you bring Kenna to the safe room and stay there." Beta Harrison ordered. Tristan opened his mouth, beginning to protest, but his dad cut him off. "It's now your duty to protect your mate."

  "But, there's rogue and I'm future Beta." Tristan argued. 

    "Yes and you have time to be in a battle with rogues. Now, go with Kenna to the safe room." Beta Harrison said before running off to help the pack.

   Tristan sighed at his dad's retreating figure, but jogged over to me. I nodded once to him and let him follow me to the safe room. Because it's been a while for a rogue attack and Tristan hasn't set foot in one since he was fourteen, he probably forgot the Alpha and Beta's safe room.

   I ran downstairs to the entrance floor, and saw people ushering children into safe rooms. A few male and female werewolves stood guard outside the safe room and inside to calm the children down. Tristan, right on my heels, crinkled his eyebrows.

  He hasn't been inside the pack house when there was an attack in a while. I couldn't think of children or the other pack members, but my own family. Dad was probably out on the lawn, searching for any signs of the rogues and where they were exactly. Stella and Mom should be in the safe room with Emma and her twin girls.

   "Where's the safe room again?" Tristan asked behind me. I scoffed before turning on my heel to the living room. Right beside the skinny plasma TV, there were dark wooden bookshelves that held kids and non-fiction books.

      "Don't we have to pull a book to open the secret door?" Tristan asked.

  "Don't be stupid. That only happens in movies, and we're not in movies." I rolled my eyes, pushing the books aside from the left. I squinted my eyes to see where the lever was. My fingers wrapped around a cold substance, breathing in relief, I pulled it down. 

  I heard mechanics and pistons ring through the living room, the source behind me. I heard Tristan take a quiet intake of breath, signalling that the safe room's door was opening itself open. I put the books in their rightful places before turning around. 

    Thanking the Moon Goddess that this worked, I turned around and headed to the metal door. Tristan slid beside me with his hand on my lower back. I should push him away since Stella and Mom were right in the safe room, but I chose not to do so. It set me to ease in a stressful event.

   I grabbed the metal door's handle and pushed, opening up the door to the white tile floor and wall room. Stella was sitting on the floor, looking bored as ever. Her blonde hair was astray while she regarded Tristan's family with tedious-filled green eyes.

   "Tristan, why are you here?" Diana, Tristan's mother, rushed to my mate while holding one of her twins, Annabeth. I closed the door right behind us and pulled the level to the right, sealing the wall that covered the door.

  "Dad told me..." He glanced at me with a questioning shimmer in his eyes. Once I looked in his eyes, I noticed that his eyes were not hazel, but green just like mine. I shook my head, jerking my head to Stella and Mom. Tristan sighed, "to come with Kenna and help you with the twins."

   "Uh, that's weird." Diana shook her head. "Harrison has been waiting for you to be in a real battle. Wait, that sounds bad. He doesn't want you to be hurt, but he wants you to be able to command wolves. You know."

    "Oh, Kenna, baby, are you okay?" Mom rushes to me, observing if I have any scars or anything.

  "I'm fine, Mom." I giggled, trying to calm Mom's worrying eyes.  "How did you guys come here so quickly?"

   "It's nearly lunch time." Mom frowned. "We were all downstairs and we couldn't find you in your room."

   "Oh." I swallowed my shock and made a neutral expression. "Sorry, I was studying with Tristan."

  I heard Stella snort in the corner, obviously detecting my lie. Mom lifted an eyebrow at my sister before stalking over to my sister. I grabbed Tristan's upper arm, making him to move over where one of the safe room's corner was. Everybody was occupied, so we just needed to whisper and nobody will listen.

   "I'll tell my family about us being mates when Kylie's death isn't still fresh." I didn't look in his eyes, knowing that it would be difficult to not kiss him.

   "Wait, so you're saying that you accept me as a mate?" It was then that I looked him in the eye. His green eyes were glimmering with euphoria. Why is it that I can tell his feelings by his eyes? 

  "Well, yea. Kind to have to because we need another Alpha when my dad dies." I said like it was obvious because it was. 

     "Oh." His face contorts into a hard expression. "I get it, you just need another Alpha. Fine by me."

   He started to turn around, but I stopped him by shooting out my hand and wrapping it around his shoulder. "Tristan-."

   "It's fine, McKenna." He said my full name, prounouncing every syllable, expertly. I flinched away, causing my hand to drop. He knew that I hated my full name and preferred my nickname. My name use to be rare, but now every kid or doll's name was McKenna.

   He walked away to Diana, Annabeth, and Lulu. I watched his tense shoulders poking through his shirt and how his hands were balled up in his fists. I didn't mean to hurt him anyway, he just misunderstood myself and took it in the wrong direction.

  I heard a clearing of a throat, so I turned my face towards the person. Stella was watching me with a smirk on her face like she knew what we were talking about. I knew she didn't because she was talking to Mom and Mom never stopped talking even if someone interrupts her.

  So, why did I have a feeling that my little sister knew what Tristan and I were talking about?


  I was suppose to update on Tuesday, then today, but I've been busy. I'm still on vacation, but I have my cousin staying over for two days and homework. Anyways, I changed the cast list for Tristan. No longer is he Joe Collier, but now Jessey Stevens. As always, this is unedited. I keep on saying that there will be this big conversation between Tristan and Kenna, but I never put it in a chapter. I promise that the big conversation between the two will be in the next chapter.

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