Chapter Two: Finding Their Mate

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            Hermione sat in the carriage of the Hogwart's Express alone, curled up on the seat holding a book. Her eyes were glazed over, lost in thought and exhaustion. She hadn't truly slept in days.

Ron hadn't spoken to her since their break up, and Harry was sitting with him on Hermione's orders. Ginny was bouncing between the two carriages, trying to be there for both her best friend and her brother.

The only person who seemed to understand why she'd broken up with Ron was Ginny. Harry had supported her decision, but even he said he thought she was being a bit ridiculous. Both the boys did. She'd tried to explain to them that if a Veela's mate rejected the Veela, the Veela would die within a year from a broken heart. But they couldn't muster up sympathy or compassion for a nameless being who had somehow claimed Hermione.

When she'd first told Ron they had to break up, he had actually asked her to reject her nameless mate in favor of him and didn't understand what the big deal was. Then he had tried to convince her to stay with him even though she had a mate. She'd had to explain how territorial and protective Veelas are of their mates, and he'd brushed her off. Hell, people have been killed for looking at someone's mate wrong.

Ginny, on the other hand, understood. She'd sat up with Hermione as she cried and came to terms with a new life she had no say in. Because she really didn't have a say, not if it meant someone would die because of her. She'd seen too much death in the war; she didn't need to be responsible for more.

The sound of someone walking by made her look up. A gentle buzzing had filled her head all day, and it suddenly got louder. Her door slid open, and Pansy Parkinson stood framed in the doorway. Blaise Zabini and Draco Malfoy stood behind her, both looking vaguely uncomfortable and looking anyplace other than at Hermione. The buzzing in her head got louder to the point of distraction.

"Look who it is," Pansy sneered.

"The pleasure's all mine, Pansy," drawled Hermione, setting down her book and grabbing her wand.

"I see you have no friends," Pansy observed with glee, taking in the empty compartment.

The buzzing was almost painful in Hermione's head, and her eyes flickered to first Zabini, then Malfoy. They stopped on the blond boy, no, man now. She could tell even through his clothing that he had filled out spectacularly. Glancing at his face, she found his features sharper and more defined. He had always been an attractive man, but now it was almost unbearable. Draco caught her eye, and they stared at each other for a drawn-out moment before Hermione flicked her gaze back to Pansy.

"I don't need to explain my friendships to you, Pansy. We're all adults here – why don't we act like it?" She unconsciously pressed a hand to her head, hoping to stop the buzzing noise. She caught Malfoy's eyes again, and she could have sworn a flicker of concern lit up his eyes for a moment, but then it was gone, replaced by his usual sneer.

"Regardless of age, some of us are still superior to others." She flicked her hair over her shoulder.

"You mean like all those who don't look like pugs are superior to those that do, pug-face?"

Hermione smiled as Ginny pushed her way into the compartment. Hermione was glad – the buzzing was so loud she didn't know if she'd be able to sit up for much longer. She tuned out the rest of the conversation, her eyes glazing over again. When she blinked, she found herself staring at Malfoy, who was rubbing his temples. She quickly jerked her eyes away and watched the three Slytherins turn and leave.

"Are you alright, Hermione?" Ginny asked, coming to sit down next to the bushy-haired girl.

Hermione nodded, finding it was true. The buzzing had gotten better suddenly. "Just a headache."

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