Chapter Forty-Four: Starting Over

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The next day Draco lay curled around Hermione, holding her as tightly as he could without hurting her. He was purring with contentment, somewhere between dream and awake. He still couldn't believe she'd come back to him and he was terrified she'd disappear again. He wanted a few days alone with her before they told their friends, and she'd agreed, just as desperate as he was to be in their own little world.

They'd wordlessly decided to spend their days together at the Chateau in France, with Hermione flooing back to her parents house in the evening. They hadn't been back to his apartment since she'd forgiven him. Draco didn't want to tip the tentative balance they'd created.

Draco buried his face in her shoulder. "Move in with me." It was more a directive than a question.

He felt Hermione stiffen and panic entered his mind from her. He started running his fingers up and down her arm, instantly soothing her with his touch. "I can't live in that place. I just can't do it."

"Then we'll move. It's not like we're stuck there forever. I can sell it."

Draco buried himself in her hair waiting for a reply. Finally Hermione whispered, "Don't you think we're moving a bit fast?"

Chuckling Draco sat up so he could gaze down at her. "Hermione it's been 8 years."

"But I was only awake for one of them."

"Yes and we lived together then didn't we?"

"We were children playing house, Draco. We're adults now in case you haven't noticed."

Draco glanced down at the ring that still sat on her finger. Hermione hadn't taken it off, but they also hadn't talked about it either. It was the elephant in the room.

Taking her hand he slid the ring off her finger. Hermione whimpered and his heart warmed. He turned it so the mid afternoon sun reflected off the flawless diamond. "If you hadn't been gone, we would have been married for almost a decade now. Sure we were two young fools in love, but we both know we'd have a happy marriage. That we will. If you still want me."

Hermione was very still as he took her hand again and slid the ring back on.

"Okay, I'll move in with you." Draco broke out into a radiant smile.

The smile didn't last long. It turned out Hermione had a very specific style that wasn't necessarily at odds with Draco's own, but it did make shopping for flats rather difficult.

They decided on a flat in muggle London as a compromise (really he just wanted Hermione happy) and the interior was warm and homey. Even with their differing opinions it only took half a day to find a place. Half a day and much hair pulling.

"I'd say let's decorate with our favorite colors but then we'd look like Christmas."

Draco shrugged. "Do whatever you want Darling. I'm sure it'll be lovely."

And it was. The rooms they would someday invite guests into were all black and white and green. She bought this green couch which should have been garish but was actually quite lovely in their home. And in the bedroom it was blacks and grays and warm burgundy, Draco's favorite color. To say he was touched was an understatement.

Their first night together Draco cooked dinner for her the muggle way.

"Where'd you learn how to cook?" Hermione asked in between huge bites.

"Your mom taught me actually. My mother doesn't exactly cook."

Hermione stopped shoveling food in her mouth and took Draco in. He felt her curiosity. After the numbness he'd felt for seven years any feeling from her created the greatest sense of relief he'd ever experienced.

"What happened with my parents? They told me you come by every weekend for a family meal."

Draco nodded slowly. "I see so much of you in them it was the closest I could get. They're wonderful people and they accepted me just as I was - broken and ruined. And they didn't ask anything from me I couldn't give. I love them like I love my mother, Hermione."

"You aren't broken or ruined Draco." Hermione reached over and grabbed Draco's hand.

"Not now, but I was then. I don't think you can understand what I went through."

"I don't believe that. No one can break a Malfoy."

"You can. As easy as snapping your fingers."

Hermione stared at him her mouth slightly open. After a moment she snapped her mouth shut. "I would never hurt you on purpose."

"I know that Hermione. That's part of why I love you so much. You're just too good."

"No I'm not."

"Ask anyone."

"I haven a question," she asked hesitantly.

"What is it my dear?"

"What did you tell the press? We've been keeping it so low profile that I'm awake."

Draco paused his fork halfway to his mouth. He set it back down looking sheepish. "Our relationship wasn't exactly a secret. But it wasn't public knowledge. It was decided that we would keep your condition under wraps and just say that you went abroad. Besides our closest friends the wizarding world thinks you're off traveling to the far reaches of the Earth."

Hermione nodded, biting her lip. Slowly a Malfoy-worthy smirk spread across her face. "After we see our friends tomorrow, I think it'd be best if we went on a very public lunch date. I'm not usually one for the front page but I feel like you and your conquests are often pictured." She arched an eyebrow and he nodded guiltily.

"Only if I get to call you my fiancée."

"You have a deal, Mr. Malfoy." She beamed at him.

"It's a pleasure, Mrs. Malfoy."

If anything her smile got brighter.

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