Chapter Twenty-Two: Hermione Returns

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            Draco stepped out of the fire, and his eyes immediately settled on his mother.

"Where's Hermione? Was there an issue?" she asked worriedly, putting down the book she'd been reading.

Draco ran his hand through his hair, messing it up. "Yes and no."

His mother patted the spot next to her, and Draco trudged over to her, plopping down without his customary grace. He already felt an ache in his chest from being so far from Hermione. He knew in another hour or two it would be distinctly painful.

"Now tell me what happened."

"As a whole, the Weasleys were very welcoming and kind, at least after Hermione gave them a whole little speech about us being one unit." His heart warmed at the memory. "But not Ron."

"I see," Cissa said.

"He made it clear that I wasn't welcome there, so I thought it was best if I leave before a scene could be made. But I told Hermione to stay and have a good time. I'm sure she'll be back later his evening,"

Reaching over, his mother wrapped an arm around him. "That was very a mature thing to do; I'm very proud of you."

"Thank you, Mother."

Just then, the flames in the grate grew into emerald towers, and Hermione stepped out, her arms filled with gifts.

Draco was at her side in an instant, taking some of the packages from her. "Darling, what are you doing back already?"

Hermione dropped her armload of presents on the couch and turned to Draco, her hands on her hips. "I made it abundantly clear when we got there that I wouldn't stay if you left. Well, you left, so I did too."

Draco stared at his girlfriend, his mouth hanging open.

"Shut your mouth, dear," his mother advised. He did.


Hermione stared him down, her eyes narrowed. "But nothing. I was very clear. If Ron has a problem, he needs to work it out for himself. Everyone else understood. Besides, you left before we could open presents." She gestured at the pile on the couch Draco had added his armload to. "Mrs. Weasley would have been devastated if you'd missed out on your own gifts."

"I have presents?" Draco asked, dumbfounded.

Hermione rolled her eyes and started sorting the presents out. "Of course you do, from Molly and Harry and Ginny. Also one from George but I'd be careful opening that one. And you have one from Molly too, Cissa." She handed a bulky package over.

Cissa stared at it in her hands. "Oh my, I didn't even think to get her something!"

Hermione looked at her slyly. "You know, I'm basically her daughter. And you're Draco's mother. I'm sure you two would have a lot to talk about, say, over lunch?"

Cissa nodded. "I'll invite her out tomorrow. Any place of her choosing."

After all the presents had been unwrapped, Draco and Cissa were both wearing their own Weasley jumper. Draco could feel the delight radiating off Hermione, and he couldn't help the smile forming on his face.

"Why don't we have Teeny take a photo to give to Mrs. Weasley of all of us in our sweaters?" Cissa suggested.

Hermione clapped her hands. "Perfect! Where is Teeny?"

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