Chapter Thirty-Six: Mating

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            Draco just stared at her, transfixed. Hermione shuffled her feet. It was getting awkward how long he'd been silent. She couldn't even feel anything from him. Finally, he took a giant breath in like he'd been holding his breath. "What?"

Hermione rolled her eyes. She knew Draco had heard her. "We should have sex. Tonight." She tugged on the front of his button-down. "Preferably now."

"I need to sit down," Draco croaked, sliding onto the floor. Hermione stood over him, trying not to laugh.

"You're so dramatic." She nudged him with her toe.

His eyes shot to her face, and she gulped at their intensity. "First, you care about me. Then we spend weeks where you want nothing to do with me, then you suddenly remember me, love me, and want to have sex all in one go? Damn Hermione, I'm getting whiplash."

Unease suddenly slithered into her chest. "I mean – I just thought – do you not want to have sex? With me?"

Draco was on his feet in an instant, gently cradling Hermione's cheeks in his hands. "Darling, you have no fucking clue how badly I want you."

She blinked at him.

Slowly, keeping their eye contact, Draco lowered his lips to hers. It wasn't so much a kiss as a promise. Lips just barely brushed against lips before Draco pulled away. "You have no idea how badly I need you, Hermione." He moved to the space right below her ear and pressed a butterfly kiss against the sensitive skin. "I have always wanted you, darling. It's always been you I've imagined when I was in my bed, my cock in my hand." She shuddered as he kissed the junction of her neck and shoulder. He pulled away and met her gaze again. "There is so much I want to do to you, love. I've spent years figuring it out." His eyes shuttered, and he took a step back, dropping his hands down to his sides.

It took Hermione several seconds of swallowing to find her voice. "What's wrong, Draco?"

"You don't owe me anything, Hermione. You don't have to do this because you feel guilty."

Anger sparked in her chest, but she pushed it aside when she realized there was complete and utter loss rolling around her brain from Draco. He really believed what he was saying.

Taking a deep breath, she stepped forward until she was a hair width away from brushing him with her body. "Darling, there is nothing I want more in this world than for you to spend the night fucking me senseless. I love you. I want to be with you in every way possible."

She closed the space between them and reached to bring his head down to hers. She felt his cock straining to get free from his pants, and she gulped – if her estimate was correct, he was large. Extremely large.

Draco resisted her. "Hermione, once we start, there's no turning back. I won't be able to stop myself now that I have you in my arms. And hopefully naked."

Hermione rolled her eyes and yanked his head down, smashing their lips together. Draco growled and grabbed her thighs, lifting her up so she could wrap her legs around him. Hermione gladly obliged – anything to get her closer to him.

His lips were punishing in their eagerness. When she started getting light-headed from lack of oxygen, he released her mouth, pressing hot, open-mouthed kisses to the column of her neck. She groaned in pleasure, and Draco almost dropped her at the sound.

Still holding her, he took several steps forward, so her back was pressed against the wall.

"I'm sorry," Draco mumbled, kissing her shoulder.

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