Chapter 27

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Leo entered his house after a long and tiring day .
As usual he entered his house and walked to his room .

Not bothering about anything he was about to walk to his room when Martha came out of Sana's room full on crying.

When she found him standing there she came up to him and in panic said

"Boss, Boss she is not waking up.
Sana is not waking."

With that she slumped down on the floor with her head in her hands .

Leo for a moment stopped breathing and digest what she said .

His heart was shattering into million pieces.

His eyes widened and he ran to her room in panic.

When he entered her room he found her on the floor and there were stains of blood on the floor .

They were not fresh!

They were all dried.

He found himself trying to shake her ,caress her cheeks and shouting her name but she didn't replied.
Didn't even move an inch.

He checked her pulse and let out a breath he did not know he was holding.

He picked her up bridal style and started running to his car .

He sat in side and hold her close.
"Go to the Hospital Fast!"
He ordered in panic and driver drove off in full speed.

He examined her injured head and found some scars here there on her body .

She was still in her last night party dress which reminds him she left early without informing him.

He kissed her cheeks one by one again and again.
"Who did this to you princess?
Who did this to you "
He kept repeating this question again and again.

They reached hospital faster then he thought and he picked her up again.
With her almost lifeless body in his hands he ran to emergency.

When he entered he started shouting
"Look at her!
Examine her !"
And other words but his presence was enough for whole hospital to be scared and they all moved forward.

Taking her from his arms they straightly ran to the operation theatre after checking her.

They stopped him outside or more like forced him to stay outside.

At that moment he saw his whole life flashing and shattering in front of him .

"What have I done ?"He chanted as a whisper again and again.

He pulled out his phone and called Peter and Alex .

They both pick up at once .


both of them heard him straight at once and was shocked but then they waited for a moment because they were waiting for him to cut the call or more like waiting for another order.

"Just find that person please.
Please tell me who it is ".
He was crying on phone for his wife .
On the other hand Peter and Alex were shocked and their hands balled into a fist .

The man, their boss never showed any type of emotion let alone cry in front of them .

Both of them took an oath at that moment with their souls to give that person a slow and painful death .

They knew how much he cared for Sana that he punished his self every day but kept her away from him so she can live without becoming anyone's target and yet here he is!
For the first time in his life he took the path to find God for his help .

He was sitting on one of the chairs outside operation theatre with his head in his hands .

He was waiting and suddenly in total stress he looked at the sky which was covered by the roof .

with desperation he said "please".

he did not know who he is calling or begging for his wife life .

he just desperately repeated "please save her" again and again.

after he guess waiting for hours the door to Operation Theatre opened and he stood up .

Doctors came out and took off their mask walking upto him they said in a depressed tune.

"we are sorry but she is in coma and no one can predict when will she wake up "

with that said they walked away leaving him to breath for himself but the problem is

his reason is gone .

"You will we able to see her after we shift her to her room ".

A nurse came and said to him but he left .

He left the hospital and came home .

where Martha was waiting for him .

When she found her boss in a state in which she has not seen him before .

her widened and tears left her eyes ,then she came upto him and shouted while throwing her

Diary on his face.

"She is no longer between us just because of you!

You killed her .

You give her a slow and painful death that you have not even given to your enemy !

She was harassed last night when you were busy ******** some random girl.

And you know what is the most shameful thing ?

She has written in her last night Diary that if she would have called you to save her then you

would have beaten her and let that man harass her in front of you!

She loved you but you know what she feels now?

She f*****g despise you and was happy that she can see her death!

She was happy that she felt free when her eyes were closing that she did not fought them . "

He know it hurts and she is right .

Martha is right and I will kill myself if she did not wake up but before that ,

he will kill the man who caused her this.

In all this Peter and Alex were just watching and they were astonished to hear that Sana was this

much scared of him that she did not call him for help.

And they guess she was right , he do not deserve her.

But this was not it .

There was something waiting for them and for Sana and Leo is determined that she will wake

up .

He knows Sana will never leave him .

His Sana ! only Time is the King here ,no matter what.

(Mafias Possession) Book 1: Three Ways In One JourneyWhere stories live. Discover now