Play date pt.2

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Again I don't own this picture but also didn't know I needed it.

We arrive at the house and head inside to meet Y/N and her friends. I receive a text on my phone and I check it.


I saw this gorgeous guy outside, he wore full black and a bomber jacket looking like a whole meal!!!!!!!! 🥰🥰🥰


Oh no! He definitely sounds like a threat looks like I   might have to fight him on this...first a ninja with crows and a Sharingan now him. 🥲




It's okay I'll just have to use Susanoo...😉


Oh you have the Mangekyou Sharingan now?

                                                           Itaita😍❤️- fight for you.😘


Awwwww I'm in the Kitchen by the way. 🥰😘


Heading there. ❤️❤️❤️❤️

I walked into the kitchen with a smile on my face seeing Y/N looking so cute in an apron saying 'Kiss the chef' so I walked up to her and started peppering sweet kisses all over her face as she laughed. "Oh it's you the bomber jacket guy, better be careful I got a boyfriend." "Is he dangerous?" "Yeah he got the Susanoo apparently." "Would he mind if I do this." Kiss. "Or this." Another kiss. "Maybe you should ask him." Y/N said laughing. We both started laughing as I helped her by carrying a massive Chocolate cake to the table. "You made all of this?" I asked her. "Yep! So you better enjoy it." "You say it like that's difficult." I answered with a grin as she smiled blushing cutely.

About half an hour later a car arrives and three people get out a guy with spikey brown hair, a girl with blonde hair and a little boy with red hair. "Hey Y/N! The guy with brown hair said. "Hey Kankuro! This is Itachi my boyfriend and Itachi this is Kankuro, Temari and this cute little fella is Gaara." Y/N said lifting Gaara into her arms. "Hello nice to meet you all." I said with a small smile. "You better not break Y/N's heart or I'll cut you up and sell your hair on the black market!" The girl Temari said as I sweat dropped. Y/N laughed awkwardly giving me an apologetic smile. "I'll go get Naruto and Sasuke." I said trying to leave the awkward silence. I walked upstairs to Naruto's room as I stepped inside I saw Naruto and Sasuke playing Mortal Kombat it seemed like an awfully violent game. It's probably Y/N's. The game ended very gruesomely when Naruto did something called a brutality attack and severed the opponents limbs. Is this game appropriate for children. We all headed down stairs to the table. "Hey Naruto, Gaara." Y/N said with a smile as the red haired boy peeped from behind her legs. "H-hey." He said timidly. "Hi!" Naruto said enthusiastically as Sasuke just waved lightly. Gaara eventually walked up to the boys shaking their hands with a small grin appearing on his face.

The play date was going well. Temari didn't seem to hate me as much as she seemed to in the beginning. Kankuro is quite a cool guy turns out he's got a passion for ventriloquy. And Gaara is a very quiet little boy but I could see Sasuke become a little jealous of the attention Naruto was giving him. Oh well...he is an Uchiha after all. He got a possessive side.

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