(5) Bump in the Road

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Chapter 5


   It's morning and the mysterious man was still asleep...or unconscious. I turned my attention to the weapon he used last night. I was intrigued by the fact that he not only had the ability to use the bow and arrows confidently, but had the guts to point it at me. The only reason I hadn't killed him when he first pointed at me was because I actually wanted to hear what he had to say. I was nearly centimeters away from touching the bow before a voice came out of nowhere startling me.

"Touch my bow, and die." Said a slightly pained voice. I drew my hand back and ran it through my hair.

"Wasn't that interesting anyways." I muttered.

"Why am I still alive?" He asked. He seemed to be doing a medical survey in his head.

"A simple thank you would have done it." I said implying that I had saved him. I used my normal voice which sounded like a normal teenager instead of the adult I portrayed to be.

"Why do you do this?" I guessed he was talking about my work.

"It's the only thing I know how to do." I said giving him the satisfaction of an answer. Really and truly I should have killed him and been on my merry way, but that was back from my past. Right now I am living by my own rules and maybe, kinda, sorta bending them a bit.

"Wait a minute, so I guessed right? You seriously are just a teenaged girl?" Oh, he just wanted to hear me talk again.

"I am offended by your observation." I stated in an offended tone.

"Look, you need to get out of this game before it comes back to bite you." It's already bitten be in the ass, I'm just patiently waiting for it to go downhill even more.

"Well, I've already made my bed haven't I? And y'know you're a pretty good Boy Scout, agent."

"A what?" He asked looked at me completely confused.

"You know, does everything he's told, abides by rules, doesn't ask questions." I described. "Boy Scout."

"I do not follow the rules." he said defensively.

"Oh really? What have you done, put an out of order sign on the coffee machine?" I retorted.

"I only did that once, and I've learned my lesson," he shrugged. "But I'm also breaking the rules by not killing you." I raised my eyebrows at him before my attention was needed elsewhere. My phone was ringing and the letter 'D' popped up on the screen. I made sure to have any phone calls from him untraceable and voice modified.

"What's up?" I asked.

"Hey Kayla, you weren't home and I thought it was too early for you to be out assassinating and stuff." Said Dustin.

"Well I assure you I am alright, I've just got to tie up a few loose ends and I'll be back home drinking my morning tea in no time." I assured him.

"Alright, bye Kayla." I grinned before responding.

"Bye," I hung up and the man looked at me strangely.

"Boyfriend?" He guessed.

"Not tall enough." I responded with a shrug.

"So what now?" The man asked.

"Okay, would you give me a name to call you by? Right now all I have is 'The man'." I told him.

"Hawkeye." Code name I assume.

"Well Hawkeye, you can just call me your guardian angel. Your girlfriend and a squad will be here in about an hour or two and I've gotta go. P.S. I'm wearing a mask" I said pulling on the fake skin that stretched abnormally long. I'd never reveal my real face to an enemy. It's never worth it. "Your description wouldn't be very accurate."

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