(14) Sweet Sixteenth

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Chapter 14

The next day

It was a bit early in the afternoon and I was getting some paperwork done. It was practically the only time I got to sit down all day. The door swung open and my hand had went to my gun.

"Hey, Ice Queen, any idea where Agent Kane might be? You being her guardian and all." Mr. Stark asked walking into my office followed by the other Avengers.

"Agent Kane has the day off." I answered simply. "I would suggest you all leave her be." I added.

"Isn't she like level two? Why does she get the day off?" Agent Barton asked.

"Well one, she's broken three records in the past few weeks, two, it's her birthday, and three, she asked nicely"

"Wow, you actually do have a heart!" I picked up my tablet and a folder.

"Is there anything else I can help any of you with?" I said getting fed up with their presence.

"Yes actually," Captain Rogers spoke up. "the team and I have realized that we need to apologize, is there any way that we can contact her?"

"Agent Kane's whereabouts are classified and will remain classified to everyone unless she has directly given it to you" I said keeping a professional composure. "Now, I have ask all of you to leave"


It was warm today in D.C. The first day of spring was only a few weeks ago, but I heard we had gotten snow. It was nice being outside instead of on that stupid Helicarrier. Especially today. I was sitting in the green grass admiring the trees in bloom. I was meant to be choosing an apartment but I had two safe houses in D.C. already. I figured I could just use one of them to save myself the trouble. I was wearing 'civi' clothes as they called it. Instead of my SHIELD issue uniform, I was wearing a causal crop too and some light wash high waisted jeans. I carried polka dotted backpack and a black pair of toms to match. As soon as I left the helicarrier I went and got my hair done. I got it cut and dyed a lighter color.

I stood up and began walking. I was sure I was being monitored, tailed at the least. It was my first day out on my own. They would want to make sure I wasn't meeting with anyone or conspiring against them. Though I'm also sure because I practically begged to be let off base. I walked across the street and came upon a jewelry store. I had bought myself a silver infinity necklace and had it wrapped. It was silly, I know. But if I was spending another birthday alone, I want it to be a memorable. Especially today. I hear that you're sixteenth birthday and you're twenty-first birthday are supposed to be the best. So why not get a little something to treat myself?

It was early afternoon. I had left the SHIELD base at noon. I guess time does go by fast. I took note of my surroundings and had walked into an Italian bakery. I remembered I had visited this place the last time I was in the area. That was about a year ago actually. I came here two days before my fifteenth birthday. I stood in line and waited, until it was my turn.

"Hi, can I have a cupcake with-" before I could finish my order, the lady had placed a bag with a small box inside in front of me. She walked to the back leaving me alone at the counter. I checked the box making sure it wasn't a bomb or anything. I opened it to find a single baked cupcake. Exactly like one Adelaide would bake for me when we were younger. A smile found its way onto my face. I opened the note that had sat on the side of the box.

Happy Birthday, Mio Caro, and congratulations on your promotion.

I looked back towards the door the lady had just walked through. She must have been one of the women that lived in The Garden with Adelaide. I took the bag with the cupcake and went to find something decent to eat. There was a pizza parlor on the way to my townhouse so I guess I could stop there.

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