(4) Wait

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Chapter 4

1 week later


   My target, Mr. Walsh, had not yet arrived so I spent the time watching other couples dance. I took tiny sips of my drink. I wouldn't be able to even walk straight if I got too tipsy, and my enhancers don't really stop me from getting drunk. Not to mention how sloppy I'd get the job done if I was drunk. Believe me I've learned my lesson.

A couple on the dance floor caught my eye. They seemed flawless together. Not to mention that the woman almost made me feel insecure. The red hair and what looks like green eyes stood out the most in her.

Anyway, they both danced in sync talking to each other in hushed voice's. It was a few minutes later until I noticed they've been flicking their eyes to me. Looks like Mr. Walsh isn't the only target here tonight. It seems like I'm one too. I took one last sip from my glass and tried to look like I hadn't noticed. I walked to the bathroom and fixed my makeup. I have the decency to look nice while killing someone.

The door opened and then I heard it lock. I paused in reapplying my lipstick then continued before the assassin decided to kill me then and there.

"So, am I gonna die tonight?" I asked almost casually. I was looking at her indirectly in the mirror.

"Afraid so," She responded. I turned to look at the woman, she had a gun pointed at me, but I wasn't alarmed. I also didn't make any move to stop her. What I did do was press the bottom of my lipstick taser and drag her unconscious body into one of the stalls. I walked out of the bathroom promptly locking eyes with her partner before walking causally past my target and stick something in him.

I'm gonna be honest, I hate needles but it's part of the job. I walked out of the venue and felt eyes on me. I walked into an alleyway of wanting any casualties. My gun was small but that wouldn't stop me from shooting. The man came from the other side of the alleyway. With a bow and arrow. What is this? Medieval times?

"I don't want to shoot you!" He shouted from the distance.

"That arrow aimed at my heart doesn't seem to convince me!" I spat.

"Do you know what you're doing?" he asked carefully. If I didn't know what I was doing I don't think I'd be here. I'd most likely be dead.

"Yeah, I'm trying to get away from you," I said.

"Then why don't you stop, we can help you."

"I don't need any help," This guy just doesn't seem to want to let it go. And the fact that he thinks I'm doing this out of my own will is a little offensive.

"You don't need to live this life, whatever they've done to you we can fix you!" Cheesy much?

"I'm not broken, I don't need fixing." I felt a change in the wind and ignored the man for a second. I shot the sniper on the roof aiming at him but the sniper had pulled the trigger shooting him in his leg.

"Agh, did you really just-?"

"Yes, I just shot the sniper aiming at the back of your head, in case you didn't know, I don't do casualties." I reached out and pulled him with me as I ran. "I wouldn't have had to spill any other blood tonight if you had just left me alone," I said stopping and looking before I walked towards the car. I opened the door and helped him in the back seat.

Gee, what a mission.

"You just killed the woman's husband." He said in an obviously pained voice.

"No I killed a man who deserved to die" I corrected.

"Its not up to you to play God." I scoffed as I put the key in the ignition and began driving.

"Says the guy whose mission was most likely to take me out."

I drove to a motel just outside the city and got a room. I helped the man into the room and put him onto the bed. He looked to be in a lot of pain and sure it was a bullet, but it was only one bullet. He seems to have taken more than that before. I tore the part of his pants that covered his wound and took a good look at it. It was green. The bullet was laced with poison. I sighed before going back down to my- well, the stolen car- to get a few supplies. Afterwards I walked back to the room and began the process.

I lit a candle and took out my smallest knife. I held it over the small fire and took a small breath. I put a cloth in the mans mouth and silently said sorry. I dug out the bullet and cringed at the way the man shouted. The cloth in his mouth muffled it but it was still pretty loud. I used the resources I had to get the poison out. Unfortunately my limited resources led to painful ways to get the poison out. His body was paralyzed up to his neck, but it would wear off soon.

I couldn't help but wonder who he was. Sure that would be one of the first things I would ask him if I were interrogating him, but I didn't save his life to put him on the brink of death. I know he wasn't freelance, like that sniper. But who did he work for?

"Then why don't you stop, we can help you"

Would his partner start looking for him? Does he have a tracker on him? I searched him and destroyed his comm and his phone. Before I destroyed he phone I tried to look through it. All that came up was an eagle type of symbol. To get accurate information all I could really do was wait.


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