(18) Mission

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Chapter 18


Everyone else had already jumped out of the jet and Captain Rogers and I were the last ones. "You know what to do right?" He asked me.

"Yeah, but just in case can you repeat everything over again." I asked. I wasn't really kidding either. He looked at me incredulously.

"You'll never make it as an Agent if you don't know what you're getting into!" Right, sorry for being dyslexic, I wanted to say.

"Lighten up, I was just kidding." I lied. He gave me one last glance before jumping out of the plane. I folllowed after him, pulling my cord at what seemed like the right time. Unfortunatly I didn't land where the others did. Well, not really unfortunate now that I think about it. There were alarms blaring and the guards began running towards where the others had landed. I messily folded up the parachute and hid it in the tree I (very uncomfortably) landed in. I've decided to just finish the mission or at least the part I heard. The Avengers can handle a couple hundred guards.

I was closest to the side of the building so I looked for entrances there. I found a window to climb through so once I was in I kept my head low, and eyes open. If I looked at the buildings blueprints correctly, the hostages would most likely be in the back. I would need to find a safer exit though. You know what they say; buisness up front, party in the back. Unfortuantely for the people in my kind of world, that means "make sure you have enough bullets to make it out alive, 'cause they'll be coming both ways."

I hid when I heard some guards shouting to the others about intruders. So now that I think about it, it should be easy getting the hostages out if most of all the guards are fighting the others.

I came upon a metal door and it was locked. I put my ear up to it and I could barely hear people screaming on the other side. I placed a small device on the lock and moved out of the way. I heard a few beeps and a low hissing sound. The door opened and several people had come out. Some of them holding small children. All of them were filthy and you could definitely smell that they haven't had a decent shower in weeks.

"I'm here to get you all out, you need to keep quiet and stay close" I said. They all nodded. "Are there anymore hostages?"

"None that we know of." A man said. I counted them all silently and there were fifteen.

"Alright, let's go." I guided them towards another exit and took out the guards. I kicked the door open and saw sunlight. I ushered them out and listened closely to my comm as we walked towards the jet.

"We've found explosives but no hostages" Captain Rogers said. "Has anyone found the hostages? We're running out of time"

"None here." Hawkeyes voice said.

"Same over here. There's nothing." Starks voice said. I pressed a finger on my comm to respond.

"I've found the hostages we are almost clear of the facility and onto the jet." I said. "We left through the northwest exit."

"Alright, I'm close, I'll watch your back the rest of you get out of there." Stark said. I could hear his suit and I bet everyone else could too. Shots were being fired in our direction.

"Stark, I'm gonna need you to go away." Okay, I'll be the first one to admit that sounded kinda personal but really my brain just found a bad way to say that.

"Let's separate work from personal life, kid."

"You're drawing enemy fire. go. away." I said motioning the hostage to duck and move faster.

Soon enough we were running to the quinjet. Some of the guards had closed in on us but I took them out with ease. The hostages and I all made it into the quinjet and I closed the ramp. Well as far as I know the mission is complete. I did another head count before putting a hand up to my comm.

"Hostages are secure, does anyone copy?"


A nap. That's all I want. A nap. Not a debriefing. A debriefing would actually put me to sleep. Like right now for example. My chin was in the palm of my hand, my eyes were closed, sleep would overcome me any second but nooo Agent Sitwell refuses to let anyone nap during debriefings.

"Agent Kane for the last time I need you to stay awake!" I reluctantly opened my eyes and rolled them. I mimicked him.

"Agent Sitwell for the last time, I need you to get off your high horse and come back down to earth. I'm tired. Everyone is tired. You wouldn't know because you weren't the one completing this mission. I'm still a growing girl. Children of all people need their sleep." I lectured. Everyone looked at him waiting for a reaction. Unfortunately I didn't get the response I wanted.

"Can you tell me what happened after you evacuated the building with the hostages." My eye involuntarily twitched and I reluctantly answered.

"I escorted them to the jet and we waited there for everyone else." I said tightly. He looked down at his papers and I flipped him off with both fingers. I crossed my arms when he looked up again.

"You all are dismissed. Have your reports in by tomorrow no later than noon." He said. I literally just told him everything and he wants us to write reports?! Was keeping us here two hours longer not enough?! I sighed in pure irritation. I got up limped a little, stomped my limping foot and felt a satisfying movement that allowed me to walk properly. I walked to Ria's office. I didn't barge in like last time. I waited until her assistant gave the 'ok'.

"Sitwell's a dick." I said bluntly. She looked up from her paperwork with a glare.

"I'm not always gonna have time to deal with your problems you know that right?" She said continuing to write.

"Then why don't you make my life a problem free environment and type up my report for me?" It was a long shot. Not even a shot. Like a really bad misfire.

"Explain to me how I would even be able to write a report about a mission that you went on. Not to mention I wasn't even in on the op."

"I can't write it." I shrugged. I could tell I was really testing her patience. I'm pretty sure that pen she's twisting in her hand is probably gonna end up in my forehead if I make another bad move.

"And why is that?" She said her teeth gritted.

"Mmdmmc..." I murmured.

"Kane, I have other things to do."

"I'm dyslexic."


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