(24) Snow White

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Chapter 24


I was sitting in the common living room when JARVIS called me. It had been a week since the incident and I was feeling much better. I was just getting my balance back and to do that I decided wearing a pair heels everyday were my best option.

"Agent Kane, Sir Stark would like to see you in the lab." I glanced at the time. Ria would check in on me for the tutoring soon. She's really been pressing me about reading and focusing on my tutoring. I've been studying for a about four hours a day. Maybe not four hours straight considering my attention span, but about four hours. Which reminds me, I'm on break right about now.

"Tell him I'm on the way" I said to the AI.

"Very well." The walk to the lab wasn't long since it was only down the stair from the living room. I came to the lab doors and tapped in the glass. I could've tried and hack it but I wasn't really in the mood.

The door opened and I took in the huge lab. "Welcome! To the land of Science!" Stark said enthusiastically.

"It is pretty sciency in here." I muttered walking further into the room.

"Right, anyways it's come to my attention that you need a suit and a name." I nodded in agreement. I go by many names and only some of them are almost accurate. "I need to have you scanned, Oh and by the way, what are you wearing?"

I looked down at my outfit. A yellow dress, red shoes and a blue cardigan. "What's wrong with my outfit?" I asked. I played with my ponytail that was being held by a hair tie and a bow. So what? I was feeling girl today.

"You look like Snow White." He claimed.

"I look like Snow White." I repeated, and scoffed. "That's ridiculous."

"You know what. That's your name! It could be Snow White!" I looked at him like he was going mental.

"My code name is not going to be 'Snow White'. I don't even look like her!" I argued. I glanced down at my outfit. "Okay, maybe a little, but I don't need anyone to come and bring me back to life, I can do it myself!"

"Wait a minute. You're a princess too! Bruce, this makes so much sense!" The other scientist only grinned at us. He was partially correct, I am a princess. Of sorts.

"Bruce, tell him he's insane." I desperately asked.

"She's got the bow in her hair and everything!" Stark insisted. I responded to his comment by rolled my eyes and crossing my arms.

"Sorry Kimi, I think you're just wearing the wrong thing at the wrong time." Bruce said with a sheepish grin. My shoulders dropped.

"Hey! You're suppose to be on my side!" I said in an accusatory tone. I may have pouted my lips a little too.

"See! Look at that! It's adorable!" Stark shouted while practically rolling on the floor laughing. I stood there annoyed and waited for him to compose himself. After quite a while he could finally talk without giggling in between.

"Right, back to the suits. What do you want to be able to do? I think we've witnessed you on rooftops quite too often, how about we start from there." He said beginning to draw some schematics.

"To be honest, I don't want to be able to fly. Flying means I have to attack the enemy from a distance. I'm a close distance fighter which means I'm pretty useless from a distance." He sighed.

"Fine, no flying. How about an exo-Skelton suit that enables mega jumping? Or a-" An idea came to mind and I cut him off.

"A backpack!" I blurted out. He looked up at me with an eyebrow raised.

"Come again?"

"A backpack like Diego's from 'Go! Diego, Go!' It was pretty cool how he saved all those animals with his backpack." I said a little too excitedly. Stark pinched the bridge of his nose.

"Wait, wait, wait. Let me get this straight. You watch Diego?" He asked. I nodded. "As in Diego, Dora's cousin?" He asked.

"Mmhm." I confirmed. "I fell asleep when Dora came on though." I said with a shrug. He stared at me with his mouth agape and I could hear Bruce quietly chuckling to himself.

Suddenly out of nowhere, Stark started laughing his ass off. Again. "What's so funny?" I asked the both of them. Stark was practically gasping for breath while holding onto the metal table for support. Bruce was just shaking his head going back to his work. "Stark, if you aren't making a suit then I have better things to do." I said in a matter-of-fact tone. It took him about a minute and a half to control himself.

"Ok, alright, back to work." He said going back to his drawing. "It is a good idea though. The backpack can hold your poisons as can the rest of your suit. The backpack can also be removed so you can wear it for everyday use. It doesn't just have to transform into a vehicle it can also be a regular backpack containing things like..." To be honest I lost him at the second sentence. After that it was pretty much scientific rambling. He obviously didn't need my help so I turned to leave him in his world of science.

"Oh! JARVIS do a scan." I stopped and turned looking for the scanner scanning me. "Alright Snow you're done here." He said, calling me by a potential nickname. I didn't waste my energy rolling my eyes as I walked out of the room.


The Avengers and I minus Stark were having a general conversation and actually bonding. Bruce came up for a break not too long ago. He was here for about thirty minutes when Tony came into the room looking more excited than ever.

"Snow, you and the guys have got to come and see this." He said before rushing back down the steps and into his lab. I glanced around the room and saw the curious looks in everyone's face. Well, everyone but Bruce.

"Stark referenced my outfit. Let's hope he doesn't convince Fury that my new code name is Snow White." I said while gesturing to my clothing. We all walked down the steps to the lab when something flew onto me. It didn't look, feel, or sound like a one of the suits Stark would make so I was a little concerned.

"What is this?" I asked feeling uncomfortable under the unknown fabric.

"Leather." He said excitedly.

"And why does it move?" Asked Barton.

"Protons and neutrons used to the best of its ability, my friend." He answered. "But really it's just adjusting to her size. After today it'll come off without a hitch." His face lit up a second later as he went to get something off of his work table. It was a pretty small size for a backpack if that's what it is.

"Snow, this is SNOW. You're new AI. She can assist you on missions and do almost a hundred other things. She's pretty much your own portable JARVIS." He explained. He slipped the... interesting shaped backpack onto my back. "There is slot space for it on your suit so you can just slip it on." I nodded admiring the suit. The uncomfortable feeling went away when it stopped moving. "Oh! And the suit reduces chances of fatal bullets." I heard Barton mutter something about him needing a suit like this.

"So it's safe?" Captain Rogers asked.

"Yes, it is safe. And everything you need to know about it is in this manual. You can thank JARVIS for that by way."

"Thank you JARVIS." I said glancing up at the ceiling. I made sure to take in everything Stark said since it was pretty unlikely that I would read the manual. "You said it would come off after today? You mean I can't take this off until tomorrow?"

"Yeah pretty much...but on the bright side that is the only problem!...As far as I know." He said with a shrug. I glared at him. I wanted reprimand him for this but he really did spend a while making this for me. I stopped glaring and took a deep breath.

"...Thank you...Tony." I forced myself to say. He looked at me with a grin that I don't think I particularly like.

"No problem Snow.


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