(26) Blue Room

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Chapter 26


    My past isn't pretty, I know that, but I don't remember it. The reason I don't really share my past is because I feel like there isn't one to begin with. I remember bits and pieces and I remember a bit more after Dustin's accident. Still, not that I'd want to share in the first place, but it's a bit tricky to recall it.

Right now I didn't have much of a choice.

Fury is making me brief the avengers about my past because whether I like it or not it's beginning to bleed into the present.

"So I haven't been completely honest with...any of you...and I never will be I don't know you guys like that and I'm not sorry. But that's besides the point. Where I was trained...they called it the Blue Room. The Blue Room was Europe's "break glass in case of emergency" type of thing. They were practically defenseless against Russia. When the Red Room still stood after the Soviet Union fell, the glass began cracking. But they were so intimidated they began the White Lily program.

"They lost sight of their priorities and used us as their own personal weapons. My sister and I escaped when SHIELD compromised the facility. Ria found me when I went looking for my note. I led her and the remainder of her team out of the facility. My sister disappeared but found me a month after I was put into the system. I became enhanced and she sent me off into the real world. Questions?" The Avengers stared at me blankly.

"Kane, maybe you should elaborate a little more on the blue room situation and how you were trained." Rogers suggested, and it was a good suggestion. It's been noted.

"No thanks. Anyone else?" I questioned.

"Agent Kane I'd be happy to provide my point of view." Ria said from the side of the room. I scowled at her but nodded. She probably knew more about that place than I did.

"Agent Kane's father was the head scientist at the Blue Room. When she was born her father kept her out of experimentation for as long as he could and it worked. She hadn't been experimented on until later in life but she was apart of the White Lily program regardless.

"The White Lily program was comprised of six girls each with a different skill set, each of them enhanced in the same way and then a little more to get along with their skill sets. Her older sister was the lead of the White Lily group, her skill set was being a strategist, being in charge, and knowing close to every possible outcome. These six were treated like royalty throughout the compound. From the throne room to the attire these people were serious. It was also another way to teach the kids respect.

"When SHIELD raided the compound five out of six of the girls escaped which isn't surprising because they were enhanced. Agent Kane was dropped off at an orphanage along with all the other Blue Room participants/prisoners only to run away when her sister showed up. She was given the chance to become enhanced and she took it." Ria said her last sentence quite bitterly so I'm pretty sure she still isn't okay with it. The others seemed to keep their gaze on Ria rather than me which I appreciated. Bruce was next to ask a question.

"When you say 'participants/prisoners' what do you mean?" He asked.

"All of the Blue Room participants have been there since they were at least four, the records implied five year olds were too old to be inducted into their brainwashing. None of the kids knew they were prisoners and they always complied therefore making them participants. We broke the conditioning before sending the kids to orphanages around the world. There were at least 163 kids; 91 girls 72 boys." I shifted uncomfortably, I don't wanna listen to the rest of this.

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⏰ Last updated: Aug 17, 2017 ⏰

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