(25) Coronation

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Chapter 25


Tony built me an amazing suit and my first mission back I don't even get to wear it! Instead I have to wear an amazingly expensive blue dress with silver heels that are absolutely to die for. Trust me, not a step up. A step down is more like it (but damn I'm killin' it).

The mission objective was a little fuzzy to me. I could have done this as a solo mission or Natasha or Clint could have done this as a mission but instead we are all here as a team. Even Thor and Bruce are here.

"The target is approaching you, act natural." Tony said through comms. As much as he wants to believe he's good in espionage... He's really not.

"Unnecessary, but thanks." I murmured glancing down at my nails. A light touch on my arm wills me to turn around.

"Forgive me for disturbing you, but may I have this dance?" My target said with an outstretched hand. It was somewhat difficult to identify him since his mask cover most of his facial features, but I knew it was him. I had a team to watch my back.

"You may." I responded politely. I took the targets outstretched hand and he lead me to the center of the ballroom. Everything was fine after the first song had finished. After the second song however, it got a little bit interesting. After the second song I wasn't the only one wearing a blue dress or a one-of-a-kind mask.

Apparently now my one-of-a-kind mask wasn't so one-of-a-kind. There were five other women wearing almost the exact same outfit that I was. After this observation I noticed the dance steps the five others women were taking and how I easily joined in. I wanted to change up the routine but the music compelled me to keep up with the others, plus there was nothing else I knew how to do. This was a routine. It was the Lily Dance.

"You guys are seeing this too right?" I whispered into my comm. I don't think the target was of importance anymore. Everyone gathered around to watch the dance.

"Kimi, get out of there. Your cover has been blown- I repeat get out of there!" Captain Rogers' voice said. He was loud and clear, but because Im always gravitated to do the wrong thing, I ignored his orders.

This was the part of the dance where the men were not necessary, so we abandoned them. We turned to each other and took each other's hands. We stepped into the circle simultaneously before stepping out and spinning together. It's hard to explain but in all honesty it was something you would see in the movies.

We spun once again but this time I was spun into the middle of the circle. The other girls danced around me and I watched. I had no idea what this part of the dance was suppose to be...but wait. If this was the White Lilly dance then it had to be either an initiation or a coronation. Ive already been initiated and I was pretty much a princess by birth...

"Was this my coronation?" I whispered to myself. At that moment the five women looked up at me as if I had just answered the question. The music ended and the dance stopped the five women circled around me were still staring at me. I almost felt trapped but instead I felt safe. That's when it hit me. "Gosh Kimi you're an idiot." I quietly reprimanded myself. The women under the mask were the members of the White Lily. Why hadn't I assumed this before?

I noticed how their dresses matched their occupations. If I didn't know any better I'd think that I wasn't their only mission tonight. And if I was right, it was my responsibility to stop them. I couldn't trust any of them anymore so letting them assassinate people without my consent was not okay anymore.

"What is the meaning of this?" I demanded. The people around us couldn't see our faces so I had nothing to worry about with being exploited. No one would recognize me.

Adelaide stepped forward and pulled a crown out of thin air. I was used to her tricks by no so weird appearance didn't faze me as much. She gently placed it on my head and as much as I wanted to slap her hand away I was surprised that I didn't.

After the crown was placed on my head they all dispersed getting lost in the crowd. Looking for them would be pointless so instead I looked for an exit.


"What the hell was that back there? I clearly told you to retreat and you disobeyed orders!" I glared at Captain Rogers. I had been pelted with questions ever since I made it back to base. I was answering questions left and right and it was getting tiring.

"I couldn't just leave, we were in the middle of a ceremony." I defended, "besides its not like I wanted to stay there. They did something to me and it clouded my judgement. Obviously they used something to keep us from following."

"Exactly what type of ceremony was this?" Fury questioned, I snorted.

"Wouldn't you like to know?"

"Kimi, this is serious." Romanoff stated.

"So was the ceremony, and if you want to know what happened down there just give me a minute to breathe okay!" I finally shouted. I closed my eyes and rubbed my temple.

I still wore my attire from the masquerade, though I kicked off my shoes as soon as I sat down at the table to be debriefed. The crown- my crown still sat heavy on my head, I didn't want to take off. Partially in fear that someone would pop out and make me put it back on.

"The ceremony was a coronation. They made me the queen and I need to figure out why before something from my past comes out to bite me." I explained.


DarlingOnde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora