(17) Reading Disease

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Chapter 17


Agent Sitwell handed out files to each of us and told us to look over it. The mission would be in about 3 hours and would take place in Hungary. There were fifteen hostages and we needed to get them out of a heavily guarded base unharmed. I listened intently and only pretended to read over the words. Most of the words were flipped around or just blurry. I didn't pay attention to it though, I know I can't read so I'm not gonna stress over it now. I have a reading... condition. I like to call it the Reading Disease because 'dyslexic' makes me feel a little uncomfortable. I've just been working around it all these years. For the mission, Dr. Banner was gonna sit this one out since it didn't require his...alter ego.

"Dismissed." Sitwell said. I picked up the file and was the first one out of the room. I headed towards a training room and wrapped my hands before going ballistic on one of the dummies. In the end, the head of it was across the room, the stuffing began falling out, and it was crooked. I dropped to the ground and evened out my breathing before going to get cleaned up and prepped for this mission.

Working missions with a team is something I've done before very often. But with my old team I trusted them with my life and I still do. I was raised with them. It's been years, but I still haven't gotten used to being alone in my house with only Jessie. But boy do I miss that. I can barely get a moments peace with someone constantly looking over my shoulder. Its getting pretty annoying now. The only peace I get is at home and even there I know I'm being monitored.

"Hey, Kane." Tony Stark called as I walked down the corridor. He began following me to the hangar for lift off.

"What can I do for you Mr. Stark?" I asked without really meaning it.

"Ha, nice try. I already live with two assassins, I know you dont mean it." He said.

"Tony, leave the kid alone." Captain Rogers said joining us.

"Captain." I nodded curtly.

"Agent Kane." he nodded back. I continued walking, speeding up a little trying to lose them. Unfortunately they are also pretty fast walkers. Abruptly, I stopped and turned around making them both do the same.

"What do you two want? Is pissing me off every time you breathe part of your job description?" I asked just a tad bit angrily. The two men (one tall and the other a bit short) looked at me almost surprised.

"Um." Both of them stuttered.

"Come on this isn't high school, spit it out." I said impatiently.

"We just noticed you had a problem." Stark said cautiously.

"Well yeah." I admitted. They both looked at me with their mouths agape.

"You're admitting it?" Tony asked. "This doesn't happen, never happens actually, ever."

"You didn't let me finish." I said almost innocently, and then I said what I actually think sometimes. "Everyone here is freaking insane! When I came here as a prisoner they were nice to me. Who the hell is nice to prisoners?! What are you doing buttering me up just to tell me that i'm gonna die within the next couple of hours?" The look on their faces were priceless. I guess wasting my breath on an outburst wasn't totally a waste of breath. I walked into the hangar and onto the quinjet with Captain Rogers and Mr. Stark not too far behind.

When I boarded the quinjet I checked my weapons making sure everything was in its right place on my utility belt. I added a few pouches for some of my own weapons.

"Ready?" Hawkeye asked me.

"Ready." I confirmed.


"...Are we there yet?" I asked Stark. Again. He sighed dramatically.

"For the last time, no we are not 'there yet,' if we were there you would know." He said annoyed.

"Would I?" I asked with an eyebrow raised.

"Why don't you just read the manual like you should have been doing and leave me alone."

"Because I don't wanna and you're fun to mess with." I said answering his rhetorical questions. He glared at me and I give him a big fake sweet smile.

"Anyways, what'd you do for your birthday besides a have the whole assassin party. I see you got your hair done."

"I did, yes. I also got a bejeweled poison laced dagger." I said with a small smile. "It's apart of a collection so my friend gave me one to start it off."

"You are both adorable and terrifying." He said with a straight face.

"Thanks, I actually seem to be getting that a lot." I said giving him another fake smile.

"Read the manual, trust me, it'll be worth it." I sighed picking up the book. I could barely read the title.

"Why don't you read it to me?" I suggested.

"Because I have better things to do." He said getting up and leaving me alone. I sighed quietly in relief, took him long enough. I tossed the book in the seat next to to me and closed my eyes trying to focus on my other senses. I was snapped out of it when I heard...

"We're in the drop zone."

Yup kinda short, sorry about that.

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