(8) Them

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Chapter 8


   The next day I was sitting on the couch just sipping my tea waiting for Dustin to come. When he did...

"Kayla! They're here! The people in the shady black suits!" He said rushing into the room. I pushed myself up and went to lock and bolt the door. Damn it, how'd they find me?

"You're name is Danny, say it." I demanded whilst running around the house.

"My name is Danny." He said timidly. It might work if they found him. Went to the lower cabinets on the island and moved some pans out of the way.

"There are vents down there that lead to the alley way. There is a flashlight you can use- just keep going down, alright. If they find you-" He cut me off.

"My name is Danny." I nodded. I opened the secret hatch made for only one person at a time. I stuffed his book bag and jacket down and gave him a quick hug before helping him get down. I handed him a spray bottle.

"Don't go crazy and spraying people, it actually burns the skin." I said quickly. "When you get out of here, I never existed, understand?" He nodded with a gulp. "Good, and you should know Kayla is not my real name." I closed the hatch and placed a few pans back on top of it before closing it. I made sure to put on my poisonous jewelry on so I wouldn't look too suspicious.

I grabbed my dart-hand gun before sitting on the floor with my back to the couch. The door was kicked in and about seven soft footsteps were heard.

"So Hawkeye right?" I said. Two of the agents stopped but the others kept walking. "Is your girlfriend here too?" The air in the room felt cooler. I guess she is.

"Kayla, come out." I heard Hawkeye order me. Little does he know I stopped taking orders a long time ago. Working at restaurants are kinda hard nowadays.

"So it's Kayla now?" I heard the Black Widow mutter. I saw an agent aiming a gun at me and I shot him with my dart gun. He collapsed unconscious. I did a tuck roll over to my chair but fell on my back once an arrow was plunged into my thigh. Instead of landing on my feet I fell on my back with only the glass coffee table for protection. I took out the arrow in my thigh and saw it was a dart type of arrow.

"Trying to beat me at my own game I see." I muttered. My leg at the moment was paralyzed since my enhanced immune system contain it in only my leg. I tried to get back up and once I did another three arrows were shot at me ending up in my arm. I gasped in pain. I really hated needles.

"That all you got?" I said breathlessly. Not a very smart choice but hey, If I'm going down why not go down standing?...actually no, that would hurt. Two more arrows in my leg and I could swear I saw stars.


When I opened my eyes everything was blurry. I blinked a few times and my vision became more clear.

"Hello, Fiore Tossico." the eyepatch man said in perfect Italian. I took in my surroundings. Everything was rainbow colored and I thought I was gonna throw up. The eyepatch man didn't seem very realistic anymore.

"Duuude are you even real?" I said slurring my words. The rainbows started fading and all I saw was darkness.


The next time I woke up I had a killer headache. Seriously it feels like the first time I tried tequila. For a mission of course. And maybe a little more afterwards. I tried to bring my hand up to my head to try and ease the headache. Unfortunately I was restrained to the bed...

I was restrained to a bed...

I shot up earning myself an even more aching headache. I looked around. I remember I was captured by Hawkass and his sidekick girlfriend. He stuck me with what was it? Six or seven arrows? So since Boy Scout and his sidekick are obviously working for some shady organization, I should assume that's where I am. Plus the logo on almost everything kind gives it away.

I looked around the sickening white room and saw nothing I could use to get free. I sniffed the almost too sanitary room and gagged. I hated hospitals and anything hospital related. I pulled on the restraints only tightening them. Smart shady bastards. I gave up on getting loose when I began feeling the leather burning my skin.

I felt the numbness in the areas is been shot/injected. It felt kinda neutral though. Like if I moved too much it would tickle, but afterwards it would hurt.

I stopped moving all together when a dark man with an eyepatch stepped into the room with a clipboard. His footsteps were quiet as he walked over to the chair and sat down.

"Fiore Tossico, or Toxic Flower...or is it Kayla?" He looked at me with his good eye, like he was studying me or looking for a sign that would exploit me. But I stayed still and stared at the man. Not daring to blink. "Would you like to tell us your real name." It didn't sound like a question but it was worthy of a response.

"Not unless you give me a good reason to." He nodded his head in understanding. This confused me. If he was trying to accomplish something it seemed like he had. The last thing I wanted to do was give him satisfaction. He stood up from his seat a few feet away from my bedside.

"Take her to a holding cell and wait for further instruction." The two agents behind him removed the restraints and took me to a holding cell. I didn't fight, I didn't run. The only reasons for that was because I was still drug induced and the agents wouldn't let my feet touch the ground. To be honest I doubt I could walk anyways.

The agents locked the door and stood guard outside the cell once they cuffed me to the chair. I made myself comfortable of the metal chair and twiddled my thumbs. I wonder how long I've been out. How long I've been here. What was Dustin doing? Was he caught? Then the most obvious question:

On a scale of one to ten, how screwed am I?


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