(3) Childs Play

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Chapter 3


   I wasn't planning on Dustin coming to see me today. Though I wasn't planning on seeing him again for a long time. Sure yesterday we became buds and all, but he really should knock next time.

"Hey Kayla, are you here?" I cursed myself for not locking the door after I brought in the magazine that came in the mail. At the moment I was in the kitchen cleaning my rifles. Don't ask why I was in the kitchen. My rifles had to be in top shape if I was gonna use them. I threw a cloth over it and hoped Dustin wasn't curious enough to actually find out what's underneath it.

I walked into the living room to find Dustin looking around. "Hey Dustin, what brings you here?" I said casually.

"Oh, hey. My aunt and her boyfriend were fighting so I thought I'd just stop by," he shrugged. I nodded in understanding. Not that I had any experience with my guardians fighting. If anything my handlers encouraged me to fight. "Your door was open by the way."

"Well you're welcome to stay here for a while. Let me just finish cleaning up in the kitchen," I walked back into the kitchen and began putting my rifle back together quickly. I remember how I was taught to do this in under 30 seconds. Unfortunately it wasn't enough time.

"Whoa! Who's is that?!" Dustin asked astonished.

"It's my dad's, he used it for hunting until one day a bear snuck up behind him and bit his head off." I said sadly.

"Really?" He said quietly.

"No!" I said in an obvious tone. "It's mine," He looked like he didn't believe me.

"You don't have to believe me, but at least be smart enough not to make me prove it." I told him.

"Well, what do you do with it?" He asked almost cautiously.

"Things that would give you nightmares. You in the mood for hot chocolate?" I asked changing the subject completely.

"Um, sure?" I finished putting together the rifle and put it away. After making some hot chocolate, we sat in the living room. "So what exactly do you do?" He asked. I smirked. He really needed to know everything.

"If I told you you'd run away, call the police, and hide." I said in a matter of fact tone.

"Is it really that bad?"

"Worse." I promised. "Dustin, I'm an assassin," He was shocked enough to let his hot chocolate tip over and spill on the floor. I took the mug away from him and set it on the coffee table before going into the kitchen and coming back with a paper towel.

"Are you done yet?" I asked the shocked preteen. His eyes were still wide and his mouth was still opened slightly, I guess he needs another minute. I threw away the wet paper towel and sat back down in my chair waiting for Dustin to respond.

"I-I-I-Is that h-how you beat up Derek?" I scoffed.

"Oh please, that was child's play. And no one want to see me in actual combat. Especially if they plan on living," Dustin slumped back against the sofa unconscious. I guess I should've kept that bit to myself.


It was about 3 pm when Dustin woke up. By that time I was finished with all of my chores.

"Great you're awake. I was afraid you were going to end up as that one princess. I can't remember her name...or the story line, but it had something to do with sleeping right?" I asked casually.

"Sleeping Beauty?" I thought for a moment.

"No, that doesn't sound right," I said shaking my head.

"Am I talking about princesses with an assassin?" He muttered rubbing his eyes. He sighed, "Are you gonna kill me?" He asked tiredly.

"If I wanted you dead I'd have let you jump." I said simply.

"Good to know," He stood up and brushed hair out of his face. "I've gotta go now." He said. I walked him to the door, but before let him I looked at him seriously.

"Dustin, I need you to promise you won't tell about me," I said lowly.

"I promise, for an assassin you're pretty nice," He promised. I gave him a grin losing my serious expression.

"Alright, but if you see people in shady black suits you call me and you don't come here, understand?" I fished my phone out of my pocket and handed it to him. I have about twenty different others so it doesn't make a difference.

"Understood," He nodded curtly.

"If you happen to get caught up in it all, you're name is Danny, got it?" I said.

"Got it,"He confirmed, but the look on his face only told me he wouldn't even remember this conversation.

"Your name is Danny, say it," I demanded.

"My name is Danny?" He said. It wasn't very convincing, but we'll work on it.

"Good, I'll see you tomorrow?" He smiled in response before walking out the door. I closed the door. "So much for a straight answer, eh Jessie?" I muttered to Jessie. She purred in response.


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