(6) Good Side

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Chapter 6

Three days later


   I stealthily slipped into the house through the window. The whole family would be home in a few hours so it won't be long. Bored, I sat in the kitchen on a stool reading one of the many magazines they had on the island. The door opened and I heard shuffling then a cocked gun.

"Is anyone here?" A voice asked out. I rolled my eyes.

"Yeah, I'm in the kitchen, want a sandwich?" I responded sarcastically. Next thing I know there's a gun being pointed at me. The mans hand was shaking, but had a glint of determination in his eyes. I gave the man a knowing look and quickly disarmed him. "It's not very smart calling out like that." I mentioned.

"What do you want?" The man asked breathing heavily. I held a gun to his side and his neck and grinned as he visibly tensed.

"Where is the hard drive?" I asked bluntly.

"If I tell you will you please let me go." he pleaded. I love it when a man begs for his life. It makes me feel in control.

"Sure, we wouldn't want little Sarah to find her daddy dead on the ground now would we?" He froze at the name of his daughter. I released him from my choke hold but kept the gun on his lower back. He held his hands up where I could see them and slowly walked into his in-home office. He used a key to open a drawer in his desk. Finally, he handed me the hard drive.

"Thank you for your cooperation." I said turning to leave out of the window, but something stopped me.

"...Daddy?" A timid voice said. I put my gun in its holster and put his gun out of reach. Her father was frozen with fear "I'm scared." she whimpered. I slowly crouched down in front of her.

"It's okay, I'm not gonna hurt you." I whispered. I made a vow not to hurt kids. They didn't deserve it. I reached out to her and she backed away in fear. I only sighed before slipping out of the near window. Now all I have to do is get this to SHIELD and hopefully they'll stop trying to hunt me down. I already know what's on the hard drive anyways. A bunch of illegal drug smuggling locations is all. I only go after the people and the things that cause that kinda stuff. If anything I am not equipped to take down an army.

I drove home but changed in the car. I think it'd be kind of suspicious if I just walked in with my catsuit on. I walked into the penthouse to find Dustin playing my x-box. I could hear the background noise in his headphones from ten feet away, and in my book that's a very high volume setting. His eyes were glued to the screen so there's no doubt he hadn't seen me come in. I snuck up behind him and at the very moment the monster in the video game jumped at him I placed my hands on his shoulders, basically scaring the crap out of him. His scream could be compared to that of a girls. I chuckled and moved to sit next to him. He paused the game and glared at me.

"That was not cool." He said keeping his glare.

"You're right, it was hilarious." I corrected, chuckling once again.

"So where were you?" He asked causally.

"Oh, I just broke into someone's house and threatened them into giving me this." I said pulling the hard drive out of the inside of my leather jacket.

"Cool, what is it?" I almost scoffed at his curiosity. Honestly, he thinks he can get information out of me without me knowing.

"It just has files with names and locations. Nothing you need to worry about." I said giving him a pointed look. "Since some government agency is after me, I thought I'd give it to them as a peace offering." He only nodded before exiting his game.

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