(7) Fiore Tossico

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Chapter 7


I watched the woman flirt with my target. The target was one of my harder ones. I'd have to work hard to kill him. Or maybe not. He had goons all over the place dressed as waiters, security guards, and few as guests. Obviously the familiar agents trying to complete my mission are oblivious to that fact. I've counted 11 possible goons, but there should be an even number so there must be a sniper somewhere. I watched the two take champagne off of a tray. When they were beginning to toast I made my way over to them.

"Natalie! You promised no drinking!" I said taking the drink from her. She gave me a look I couldn't read but stayed in character. I turned back the man and held out my hand for him to shake. "Hello I'm Nadia, Natalie's best friend." When he shook it my mission was complete. He drew his hand back with a yelp and shook his hand in pain.

"So sorry, the stupid ring is so pointy, well if you'll excuse us." I grabbed the woman's hand and led her a safe distance from the man and his goons.

"Who are you?" She said through her gritted teeth. Right, different mask.

"Oh honey, I'm you're guardian angel" I deadpanned. "No that sounds too nice, I'm your Fiore Tossico (toxic flower) you know what that means right Widow?" At the sound of the name her head snapped towards me. I poured the drink in a nearby plant and it instantly died and smoke raised from the soil. "Don't bother going back in there, just watch." I said I held my watch where both of us could see. A few seconds ticked by and the man began choking and coughed until blood appeared on his lips and he sank to the ground.

"Impressive." The woman praised.

"I prefer amazing, but whatever suits you." I shrugged. Before I walked out of the ballroom I turned back to her. "And by the way your frequency has been hacked and I can see the outline of your gun" I said before leaving the scene.


"Nat, what did you do?" Clint's voice said through the comm. "I saw someone interfere and you hadn't responded when I called them out."

"I didn't do anything there was a frequency jammer and a hack, maintain radio silence and meet at the rendezvous."


"So let me get this straight. You think that the girl who kidnapped Barton, was at the event?" Fury spoke angrily.

"Sir, with all due respect she wasn't the mission" I spoke keeping all emotion out of my voice. "If we had known for sure it was her, she would have been a second priority"

"But instead you let her not only complete your mission, but let her get away."

"As she said, if we had known it was her she would have been second priority." Clint said backing me up.

"She also slipped this into my hand before leaving." I set the hard drive on the table and Fury gave me a pointed look before plugging in the hard drive and opening the files. Almost all of them had the locations and names of various drug lords. All but one particular file. This one was a letter, for us.

Dear Shady Agent Dudes,

I regret to inform you that you are getting in the way of my work. So move or I will shove you over. I have no reason to go up against you (that would be an unfair fight. For you of course). So leave me alone.

Hope I never encounter you again,

Fiore Tossico

(Smart enough not to say my real name)

P.S. Those two agents would look really nice together. I ship it.


Fury had looked like he was going to blow a fuse.

"I want this kid in my possession, Hill get Barton's description of the girl in the data base and track her. When you find her prep a team, you have my authorization." Deputy Hill nodded and began typing away on her tablet.

"Sir, I'd like to be on that team." Barton said. The three of us looked at him skeptically.

"Any particular reason Barton?" Fury questioned. I watched Barton as he found the words for an answer.

"I owe it to her." He said finally. My eyebrows twitched in confusion. He had never really told be what happened after I had been knocked out in the restroom. But to be in debt to someone is something Barton rarely is.

"Alright then, you and Romanoff can lead the team. Briefing is at 0600." He dismissed us and we got changed before we headed to the training room to spar. It had been a good thirty minutes before I addressed his holding back.

"So, this assassin chick, you're not telling me something." I said while dodging a close punch.

"I thought I was pretty detailed." He quipped. His stance faltered and I grabbed his arm, flipped him, and pinned him to the mat. He let out a sigh.

"What's going on Barton?" I asked pulling up. He looked distracted and he knows better to do that when fighting with me. His mind is clearly elsewhere.

"The girl is just a kid." He said in disbelief.

"She didn't seem like much of a kid when she tazed me." I said almost spitefully. Almost.

"At least she didn't kill you. And a young girl with skills like that is rare to come by these days."

"A young girl like that has a past I'm already interested in."

"Let's go, the briefing will be soon." He said throwing a towel over his shoulder. There was something else he was hiding. In his report he made it seem like she was helping him and if I know Barton- and I do, the last time he did such a thing was Budapest. And Budapest holds many secrets that weren't in the report.



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