(15) Lash Outs

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Chapter 15


The girls, Dustin, and I went shopping before they had to leave. Dustin thought it was stupid after the first few stores. I thought it was time for a change in wardrobe so I decided to splurge. I forget whose money I'm using so hopefully I remembered to take the countermeasures that I go through whenever I steal someone's credit card.

Eventually the girls and I group hugged for the last time. "I'll miss you all when you go." I said letting my Italian accent be heard once more.

"We will miss you more caro but there are still things we need to take care of at The Garden." Aurora said.

"Lucas, Nolan, and Micah for instance" Annette added. Nolan and Micah are my two Lynx. They live in The Garden and are cared for by Adelaide and a few others. Lucas is just too special to describe...

"I know, I know. Say hi to them for me will you?" I asked, she gave a smile and nodded.

"Take care of yourself, yeah?" Annalise's Australian accent said. "I didn't fly around the globe just to see you one last time, I expect to see you once more before you go off and get yourself killed" I rolled my eyes playfully.

"I'll hold you up to that" I said.

"Do you want a ride back home? Aurora and I are staying in town a few days, I don't mind" Azura offered.

"Nah, I'll walk it. Ive had too much cake from last night and I need to work it off" I declined.

"We need to go now, be safe caro." Adelaide said. "We need to take your friend home. He's been missing for a few days now." I gasped.

"Dustin!" I reprimanded. He smiled sheepishly.

"I wanted to surprise you. I didn't wanna ruin your big day." I pulled away from the others and gave Dustin a big hug.

"And thank you for that but never do it again," I said, and pulled away. "Take care of yourself alright? I think I've still got a while before I can transfer to New York" I said ruffling his hair.

"I'll be okay. Just promise you'll come visit right when you get there. Not a day later." I chuckled.

"I promise" I gave him one last hug and sloppy kiss on the cheek. "Muah!" He made sounds of disgust making us all laugh. Dustin and the girls began walking to the limo or a separate car. "Goodbye!" I said slipping back into my American accent. They waved one last time before they were gone. I sighed. At least I still have Jessie to keep me company at home.


"A party?! With some of the worlds most dangerous women?!" Nick Fury shouted incredulously.

"They're family to me, if they were going to kill someone they would have let me know before it was done." I reasoned.

"And why is that? Why is it that wherever you go there is some type of danger lurking around or someone threatening to kill someone else?" It felt like an insult and it hurt like one but he was right. It does. Keep it together, Kimi. I told myself.

"Now you listen good and well, I am danger. It follows me because I attract it. That's why you sent your best team to come and kill me. I'm not proud of it, but where I come from its just another ordinary day in the Flower Box."

"What in the hell Is the Flower Box?" He asked obviously not believing me.

"The Blue Room for Christ's sake!" I shouted. It slipped from my mouth but at least shut him up. After I calmed myself I began speaking again. "I come from a place called The Blue Room" I said in a normal tone.

"What the hell is The Blue Room?" The Black Widow spoke, suddenly interested in the conversation.

"I'd like to know as well." Hawkeye said. All of a sudden everyone's eyes were on me and I hated it.

"That's a story for another time." I said with my eyes closed. My fist clenched at the lies and the hate they filled us with. Now it was in my head.

This is what you were meant for.

There's no one like you dear.

You're not expendable darling.

All lies.

"Agent Kane...Agent Kane...Agent...Kimi." I lifted my head at the sound of my name coming from Ria.

"I need a minute," I said quietly. I stood up fully and walked only far enough to come shoulder to shoulder with Fury.

"Sit down, Agent." He ordered. I looked towards Ria with a deadly look that simply said 'fix it'.

"Sir-" She started.

"That was an order." He said. I glared daggers at him before turning and going back to sit in my seat.

For the rest of the meeting I stared at my hands and tried to control whatever was bubbling up inside of me. I tried to push out the dark thoughts. I tried to calm down




Now have you ever gotten that feeling where you're just going to explode? Yes well I am hanging onto the last shred of professionalism and tranquility I had. I felt a hand on my shoulder and from there all I saw was red. The next thing I know I'm straddling Hawkeye on the table with my knife pressed to his neck.

"What the hell just happened?" I asked out of breath. I looked around and saw Fury, Ria, and The Black Widow pointing their guns at me.

"I could ask you the same thing, but there's a knife being held up on my neck." I tossed the knife onto the ground and got off of him. I helped him off the table, since I guess I just attacked him. I was obviously the least I could do since I wasn't going to apologize. I walked out of the room not wanting to be asked any obvious questions. Hawkeye soon caught up with me and walked with me at at fast pace.

"What no 'sorry'?" He said. not teasingly, but obviously not serious.

"I helped you off the table didn't I? I could have accidentally slit your throat and left you for dead. But I didn't. I helped you off the table."

"What was up with that anyway?" He asked. I rolled my eyes.

"I thought it was obvious. I was made upset and sometimes when I get upset, I don't see things very clearly." I said distantly.

"Well what did you see?"

"Red." I answered simply. I looked up at him and looked at his neck. "You gonna get that looked at?" I said nodding to the small but visible cut on his neck.

"Nah, it's not that serious." I gave him a look and he shrugged it off.

"Look, I honestly don't know why I'm so edgy, I was actually having a good morning before the whole meeting took place."

"Bad coffee?" He suggested.

"I drink tea." I countered.

"Then I guess you'll just have to figure out for yourself. Nice hair by the way." He said before walking in an opposite direction. I headed towards the training room and changed before lashing out on a punching bag. Of course not lashing out like two year-old temper tantrum. Lashing out like I broke the punching bag and there was sand on the ground now.

"Kane." I heard a voice behind me say. Without thinking I kicked high at the person's face missing them by a few inches. Fortunately it was only Ria.

"Mission?" I guessed glancing at the folder she had tucked under her arm. She handed it to me and I glanced over it. "Therapist?" I said incredulously.

"Yes, Fury's orders. You will see Lucinda Washington tomorrow at noon. If you skip it you'll be wishing I'd shot you." She said before walking away.

Jeez, I know almost murdered my teammate, but it was only one time.


Hope you enjoyed! Now you know exactly where Kimi and the other Flower Petals came from.

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