(11) Agent Chill

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Chapter 11


    I began training a few days after the encounter with my sister. Honestly, I don't know why I needed training. They're acting like I haven't been training since I could walk.

The things they taught us at the academy are similar to what I was taught in my basic training. I guessed that it was gonna be like that for a while, and I was right. So I finished up my field agent studies within three months and went into logistics. That took about three more exhausting months. But now I'm done. Six months was all it took to get through the academy.

But seriously, if I hear another person ask me if I'm lost one more time. Anyways, after that I went into recruiting. Also not fun. It was my third week and the others had already taken my clothes. Four times.

I was just getting out of the shower in the locker room and went to my locker to find the lock gone. I opened my locker to find it empty except for my undergarments. I sighed in frustration. Fifth time.

"They took them again didn't they?" I turned to see Kate Bishop. The person who not only refuses to leave me alone, but also insists that she is my friend.

"Yeah, that is why I have decided to be prepared from now on." I lifted the panel on the bottom of the locker to reveal a neatly folded T-shirt and a pair of jeans and a pair of sneakers. All of which I wore on the day I was captured. I put on my clothes not caring that she was still there. When I was finished I put up my hair so that it wouldn't bother me. We were sparing today.

"You're gonna get in trouble," Bishop said in a dull tone.

"True, but it's not my fault."


We walked into the training room right on time. The instructor, Agent Myers, had just walked in as well. He called for the others who were stretching or exercising. He glanced at each of us but held his gaze on me.

"Kane, that is nowhere near SHIELD issue." I used the last name of my sisters cover since I never knew my own.

"Yes, well if they would give me my clothes back we probably wouldn't be having this conversation."

"Unfortunately for you, Kane, we will be evaluating everyone's progress in the last four weeks. You are gonna have to sit out." I glanced at the other recruits that were trying to hide their snickers.

"Who says I can't move just as good as I can in these clothes. After all shouldn't I be practicing outside of my comfort zone?" I reasoned. For all I know I could move even better in my regular clothes than in my training clothes. Yes, I've done it before but I never thought about the difference it would make. I glanced around the group of recruits. The recruits were: Tyler Hudson, Marisa Matthews, Chris Samuels, Kate Bishop, Jack Hughes, Cindy Kramer, and myself; Kimi Kane.

"Very well, Samuels, Bishop, you'll be going first." I watched as the two made their way over to the ring and took their stances. Bishop won against Samuels but lost against Hudson. Hudson won against everyone else, but when it came down to me I was determined to put him in his place.

"You know, for a kid, I'm surprised they even let you into the academy." He said. He was trying to throw me off my game, and failing horrifically. "What'd you do, sleep your way to the top?" I raised an eyebrow. Wow. He could totally be a motivational speaker because now there's no way I'm going easy on him. Motivation at its finest.

"No, did you?" I shot back. His smirk faltered and he lunged at me with his fist. I simply ducked out of the way and grabbed his arm. I flipped him onto the mat them straddled him pinning him to the mat. I bent down to his ear. "Pretty surprising for a kid, eh?" I stood up not even offering my hand to help him up. I glanced at Bishop long enough to see her discreet thumbs-up. I gave her a ghost of a smile and she returned it.

"Alright, Matthews get back in there and redeem yourself." I had fought everyone else in less than a few moves. Some were fast but sloppy, some had great technique, but were predictable. Bishop being one of them. I drank a sip from my water bottle and handed it over to Bishop who accepted it without hesitation.

"Kane, you've obviously progressed more than anyone else, care to give a few tips?" The Instructor suggested putting me on the spot. I glanced at everyone who didn't have to go to medical. I'm not gonna lie, I broke two peoples nose. The instructor and I were the only ones standing. Everyone else looked exhausted.

"Some of you are fast, but you're sloppy. Some of you are good in technique, but you're too predictable. Some of you are also assholes and that affects your fighting ability greatly. I'll admit I had to put a little more effort into fighting but you guys actually did okay." Most of the glared at me but a couple of them gave me a brief nod.

"Hey, why don't you get into the ring with Myers." Hudson said pointing to me and then Mr. Myers. I looked to the instructor and shrugged in response. Mr. Myers shrugged off his SHIELD issue jacket and let it fall on the ground. We went to the ring and ducked under the ropes. He took his stance and I took mine.

It started off with him in the lead and ended with me pinning him on the mat. It was a good five minute fight. Longer than everyone else's. I decided to help him up since he actually lasted longer. Usually I'd finish in two minutes and move onto the next, but that didn't happen...oh no...I'm off my game.

"Alright that's enough for today. Dismissed." We went back to the locker rooms and showered. I was at my locker when I heard Matthews and Kramer having the loudest conversation.

"Did you hear that we have to take those assessments every month now?"

"It was probably Agent Chill." Agent who? "She has a knack for making people's lives miserable."

"Whose Agent Chill?" I said pulling my shirt over my head.

"You know Deputy Director Hill? We call her Agent Chill because of how heartless she is. Did you hear about the team that came back from Serbia? There were eight people on the team and only three came back. They say she didn't even blink." I pinned her to the locker in a quick second. "What the hell Kane?!" I had pinned her to the locker by her throat and she was turning a darker shade of pink by the second.

"Had it ever occurred to you that she is the one who has to make the hard call? That she has to keep her emotions in check to avoid becoming emotionally compromised? Everyone has emotions. Even when you aren't feeling anything you're feeling something. So I suggest you take that back." I said in my normal tone. She nodded quickly and I released my hand. She fell to the ground gasping for air and everyone else took a step back. I almost smiled triumphantly until I realized I had assaulted another member of SHIELD.

I finished getting dressed because I knew that in just a few short minutes I would be either surrounded or put in holding. When that time did come however...

"Out. All of you." Ria said in a slightly angry tone. There weren't a bunch of agents behind her ready to take me out. It was just her. Once the locker room was cleared of everyone but me she closed the door.

"So are you going to explain to me what all of that was about or should I just throw you off of the ship?" I closed my locker and turned towards her.

"Do you know who Agent Chill is Ria?" I asked her. She didn't say anything and just stared at me. "Well apparently, It's you. I wasn't quite fond of the name so I gave her a sense of respect."

"You can't go around demanding people give me respect. That is for me alone to earn-" I cut her off.

"Then you go ahead and earn their respect. I'll just push them in the right direction." I said.

"You need to stop whatever this is. I've gone through hot water for you, you are not gonna mess this up."

"Ria, when I leave this ship it's gonna be because I'm on a mission. Otherwise you'd better be prepared for what my sister has in store. Now you need to understand that you, as my guardian, are entitled to my protection. Whether it be from a verbal battle or any other kind. You protect me so I protect you. Are we clear?"



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