(13) Maybe If I Say Please

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Chapter 13


I was led down the halls of the Helicarrier and up two levels. Ria opened the door to some sort of conference room and the conversation in the room immediately stopped. I glanced around the room. Not many familiar faces here, and considering Fury was also here I'm gonna go out on a limb and say these were the Avengers. But there were a few men with some really great arms.

"Oh great, please don't tell me that's my kid." The man with the familiar glowing chest said before the director could say anything. I recognized him as Tony Stark. The students at the academy in Sci-Ops admired him greatly and I saw various posters in dorm rooms.

"Yeah, not surprising though right? My name is Antonia Stark, it's great to finally meet you!" I said in my best teenage girl type of voice. Wasn't hard since I was an actual teenager. The man visibly paled and that was when the director decided to cut in.

"No Stark, she is not your kid." Under his breath I heard him say "God forbid."

"Kimi Kane." I introduced myself.

"That's funny, last time we met it was Kayla." A voice said. I looked towards the person to see Hawkeye. Wow, I barely recognized him. Apparently he and the Black Widow (who was sitting across from him) were Strike Team Delta. And on the Avengers.

"Things change." I pointed out.

"Agent Kane, since I doubt you are familiar with all of the Avengers, this is Tony Stark, Dr. Bruce Banner, Steve Rogers or Captain America, Agent Barton or Hawkeye and Agent Romanoff or The Black Widow." She said nodding to them as she listed them all. "Thor, is currently off-world."

"So, why are you here exactly?" Hawkeye asked me. I raised an eyebrow. I'm sure Director Fury would have explained my presence before I got here.

"Agent Kane, is the newest member of the Avengers." It took them all a minute to process, but Stark having processed it faster asked a question first.

"How old are you? Really? Not the age that you put in so you could get the job." I rolled my eyes.

"You wouldn't believe me if I told you." I said challengingly.

"Try me" he countered.

"I'm 15." The room was silent for another minute.

"Ok, where are the camera's?" He said looking around. "C'mon, she's literally too adorable to be on any level of dangerous!" He said. I gave him a sickening smile. Out of the corner of my eye I saw the Captain and Dr. Banner shift uncomfortably in their chair. I walked over slowly and threateningly and bent down to whisper in his ear.

"I will kick you in all parts of your body. All at once. Don't underestimate me, I got in trouble for breaking a guy's testicles last time." I straightened up and smirked when I saw him pale. I walked back over to my spot next to Ria and tried to block out the comments the others were having.

"Ok, moving on, what are your qualifications." Ok this guy is becoming very irritating.

"I'm sure it's in my file." I said keeping my cool.

"It's a long list, why don't you sum it up for us."

"Sum it up, okay," I muttered looking away thoughtfully. "I invent my own poisons and new ways to kill people. It's quite fun actually."

"The inventing new ways or killing people?"

"Inventing new ways, I'm not a lunatic. I've had several evaluations, they've cleared me. Anymore questions that can be answered by simply logic or by looking at my file?"

"Yes actually, Why does it say that Agent Chill is your guardian? What are they doing, torturing you?" The temperature in the room had changed drastically. My doing I assume. Ria immediately turned to me.

"Don't-" I cut her off before she could finish her sentence.

"Too late" I slid across the table and put my left hand over his nose and mouth. He only breathed in once before passing out. "Ria, is my guardian because she wants to be. You will all call her by her respected title or you'll have to deal with me." I said giving each of them a pointed look. Stark would hear me because the scent I used to knock him out would only take away his consciousness but keep the rest of his senses working properly.

"Wake him up, Agent" Ria said sternly.

"Gladly." I said drawing my fist back.

"The right way." I glared at the wall before unclenching my fist and rolled up my sleeve on my right arm. I held it against Starks nose for him to sniff. Once he awoke I studied his eyes making sure it worked correctly, and hopped off of the table.

"Completely inappropriate." Ria scolded me discreetly in a whisper.

"He provoked me." I responded just as discreet. I'm sure she mentally rolled her eyes at me, but I have elected to ignore her imaginative eye rolling. Suddenly Stark shook himself from his daze.

"I like her!" He said enthusiastically. My eyebrows furrowed. Something is wrong with him...

"Then you won't mind giving her a room in your tower" Ria said.

"Absolutely not!" He said still with enthusiasm. "I said I like her. I don't trust her."

"I don't trust you either, you don't see me complaining." I snapped.

"Actually, I agree with Stark. I'm not sure I want someone as dangerous as her near my living quarters." I raised an eyebrow. He is literally sitting next to the Black Widow.

"For someone who lives a floor below the Black Widow, you must think she's pretty dangerous." Hawkeye said to the soldier.

"I do actually," He said. "You see I actually trust Agent Romanoff."

"Stark, Captain, it's nonnegotiable" Ria said.

"Actually no, it's fine. Why don't you guys just call me when the world is about to end. I'm sure I can be there before one of you die." I said a little too causally.

"See, she already has it worked out." Stark said. I rolled my eyes.

"Enough," Fury said obviously becoming annoyed by the conversation. "Agent Kane is a valuable asset to both SHIELD and the Avengers. She will be a consultant to the Avengers until proven eligible for a position." I took in each word her had said making sure I was hearing him correctly. "Now if there aren't any other concerns, this meeting is over." He said and walked out of the room with Ria following with her tablet in hand. I looked around the room to find everyone staring at me expectantly. Realizing I didn't want to be caught in another conversation (with any of them) I left the room hoping to catch up with Ria.

"Ria." I said getting her attention.

"It's Deputy Hill, Lieutenant Hill, or Commander Hill." she corrected.

"You're my guardian, don't provoke me. I'll start calling you 'mommy' and you know I will." She sighed quietly and moved near the wall to avoid human traffic.

"What can I help you with, Agent?"

"I want move off base. Since I'm a full agent I am allowed off base aren't I?"

"Yes, but you are nowhere near legal, you don't have a drivers license so you have no transportation. So even though it's possible, no, you cannot move off base."

"I can clearly take care of myself, I've been doing it a while now. I have numerous bank accounts, and I know how to drive. Plus my birthday is tomorrow, can't this be like a present or something? Please?" I asked desperately. I thought maybe if I said please she's at least think about it. "Sci-Ops needs a break from trying to figure out my poisons and I need a break from teaching them." I added. She pondered for a second before taking a sheet of paper from her folder.

"Have this on my desk by the end of the day and I'll talk to you about some ground rules. You can start searching for an apartment tomorrow." She said. I gave her a silent thank you and headed back to my quarters.

"I am soo not going to miss this place." I said to myself, glaring at the metal walls.


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