M E S S A G E S / C A L L S

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As he sat with a few others, Lando barely listened to the conversation as he watched the blonde he'd arrived with. Currently, she was standing extremely close to Lewis Capaldi, a singer from Scotland. Lando Norris noticed that her black dress was extremely short and her laugh carried throughout the area. He wanted to go over and chat to her, to be around her infectious laugh and feel-good attitude. He did notice the change in her when it was the evening. 

Sitting around the table, Lando looked to the people who surrounded him. There was a big mix of people that were involved in Gumball, celebrities, drivers, millionaires and even a few people he'd never seen before. He wondered what it would be like if Alex had attended. No doubt Alex would be checking his phone every ten minutes waiting to hear from his girlfriend. At least without him, he didn't need to hear about Jo all the time. 

His phone buzzed, he pulled it from his jeans pocket to see a message from the group chat. In fact, when he opened it, he realised he'd missed several new messages. Scrolling through them, Lando rolled his eyes at the messages that were being sent, until he saw some that caught his eye.

charles - he's too busy with that millionaires daughter

albon - Fox? Fox Cooper?

thetoplessone - I've seen her on insta. She's 👌👌

albon - insta handle?

thetoplessone - blondiefoxcoopz

charles - better clear my search history. don't need charlotte seeing ive been snooping on landos new girl

albon - just think... i've done that for him

Groaning, Lando typed out a message. He looked up at Fox, she'd disappeared from her last spot. As he scanned the room, he noticed the blonde was now standing in a crowd that was around the lit bonfire. Pressing the send button, Lando locked his phone before returning it to his pocket. Tonight was about living in the moment, his friends could wait for now. 

As he picked up his drink, only turning back around when he was distracted by fireworks being set off. Looking up into the dark night sky, he smiled at the colours that were making beautiful patterns on the black canvas. 

"Who are you here with then?" Someone asked, Lando turned and saw the person was talking to him. "Sorry," the man offered his hand to Lando. "How rude of me. I'm-"

Lando interrupted him with a grin as he shook the hand of the man before him "-Martin Freeman." 

The grey-haired man smiled at the young driver, "I've seen you racing on the TV. I've been meaning to get tickets to the English Grand Prix, but my filming schedule usually clashes."

"Oh, amazing," Lando couldn't help but get caught up in the conversation with the actor forgetting all about his phone and the blonde who he'd arrived here with. 

F O X C O O P E R 

The cold night's air nipped at her exposed legs as Fox stood between two of her good friends, Lewis and Roman. In her right hand was a large glass of wine and in her left was her clutch bag with a few essentials to get her through the evening. Roman slipped his denim jacket around the shoulders of the blonde as she stared up at the fireworks in the sky. 

"Thanks, Ro," Fox smiled as she turned to look at him for a brief moment. 

"Why didn't you wear a coat?" He asked her as they both looked up at the sky again. 

She laughed at his words before she answered him. "I never wear a coat when it's a night out, Ro, you should know that by now." For a second, she looked away from the colours that brightened up the black sky, diverting her attention towards the table where Lando sat. "I was hoping that someone else might offer me their jacket," her voice was quiet as she admitted it out loud to herself. Lando was deep in conversation with someone, she turned back around to find both Lewis and Roman staring at her. 

"Oh, wow," Lewis raised his eyebrows as Fox quickly drank the rest of her wine glass to try to avoid talking. 

Roman shook his head with a knowing look at his face, his eyes flitted to Lando before returning to his blonde friend. "Well, well, well, Fox..." He crossed his arms over his chest as he tried to put on a disappointed act. "I thought you were dating that guy, what's his name..." 

"Dean," Lewis piped up reminding his friends. 

Fox sighed as she spotted a waiter, changing her empty glass for a full one, she quickly took a mouthful before going on a rant. "Dean and me," she bit her bottom lip as she thought about him. He'd really wound her up before she had left, now thinking about it after putting alcohol in her system made her think of everything she could have said. "That's over," she drank the rest of her wine as both Roman and Lewis exchanged a look. 

"What's going on, Fox?" Lewis asked her, all joking tones removed from his voice as he watched her pull out her mobile from her bag. 

She ignored his words as she turned her phone on, her impatience obvious as she walked away from them slamming her empty glass on a nearby table. 

Roman tried to take her phone from her hands, but her grip was too strong. "Fox, what are you doing?" He asked her as the two men followed her towards the hotel. 

She stopped by the side of the hotel, her back against the wall as she stared at her mobile. "I'm going to tell him how I really feel," she explained in a rather snappy tone. 

"Do you think that's a good idea?" Lewis asked her as he furrowed his brows at her. 

Fox shrugged her shoulders as she scrolled through her contacts, before she could press on his name she received a message from Alicia. Opening it, she raised her eyebrows at the picture she'd been sent. "How fucking dare she?!" Fox's voice was raised as she turned her back on her two friends, the two men stepping back for a moment. 

Making the decision in an instant, Fox pressed on Dean's name before lifting the phone to her ear. Listening to the ring, she waited for him to answer only to be greeted by his voicemail. Ending the call without leaving a message, Fox then decided to call the other girl in her life who was supposed to be a close friend. 

This time, the phone was answered. 

"Hello, Fox." 

She hated how sweet the voice sounded, how innocent Charmaine acted. 

"Was it worth it?" Fox finally spoke, her voice sounded rational as she asked but inside she was fuming. "Fucking Dean, I mean. I guess you've just been waiting for this very moment to happen, for me to be gone and then you can make him feel sorry for you."

Charmaine laughed, Fox stiffened as she listened. Instead of urging the blonde on, the laugh instilled some kind of fear in her. Fox almost knew what was coming next from the laugh of the girl she called her friend. "Oh, sweetie," Charmaine's voice sounded honeyed, "You leaving this week was the push he needed. We've been sleeping together for nearly four months, darling."

Fox was shaking, her eyes widened as she heard the truth. Her heart was pounding wildly in her chest as she struggled to find the words to say. 

"What's wrong, sweetie? Cat got your tongue." Fox had heard Charmaine tease over women before, she knew from experience, Charmaine would be loving every second of this. "Can you believe it," Charmaine continued her verbal battering in her disgustingly sweet voice. "You losing to me."

Removing the phone from her ear, Fox ended the call not wanting to hear anymore. "Bitch," she muttered as she stuffed her phone back into her bag. There was only one thing on her mind now, only one thing that would help her forget about this even if only for tonight.

How to fall in love in 7 days (Lando Norris) - COMPLETEDWhere stories live. Discover now