𝑐ℎ𝑎𝑝𝑡𝑒𝑟 𝑡𝑤𝑒𝑛𝑡𝑦-𝑡𝑤𝑜

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  A substitute professor by the name of Grubbly-Plank had begun to instruct the first Care of Magical Creatures class of the year. As you, Draco, and the rest of your friends made your way down to Hagrid's hut, you were shocked to see that he was not there. After a rumor had been passed around about Hagrid being half-giant and half-human, the poor man had fled the grounds. As if you had missed something, the rest of your house looked rather gleeful, especially Malfoy.

After the golden trio had arrived at the hut just five minutes late, Malfoy sneered as they had questioned where Rubeus had gone. You glared at Draco, wondering what he had done. Before you had the chance, Professor Grubbly- Plank urged you all to follow her. The Professor had led you and the rest of the students to a paddock. In the very back, there was a unicorn tethered to a nearby tree. Lavender Brown from house Gryffindor could be heard admiring the creature, just as many of the other girls had. It wasn't your first time seeing a unicorn, so you kept quiet.

Professor Grubbly-Plank explained that the creatures do not enjoy men, therefore only the girls could encounter the beautiful unicorn. You glanced to Draco and Blaise before proceeding with Pansy and Daphne, following the Professor's exact directions on how to approach it. The Professor had droned on for about thirty minutes before she finally left you and the rest of the girls to pet the unicorn. You were stroking the unicorn's soft fur, as white as the snow-coated courtyards, when you heard an argument. You turned around to see Harry Potter holding up a copy of the most recent Daily Prophet, seemingly shouting at Malfoy. You scoffed before you strutted your way over to the boys.

"What do you mean by we all hate Hagrid? And all this talk about Crabbe getting a bite from a flobberworm is total rubbish! They haven't even got any teeth," Harry snapped as Draco sneered with his friends chuckling from behind him.

"What is going on," you asked. Draco looked at you with an amused expression as Potter handed you the copy of the Daily Prophet.

Rita Skeeter had written awful things about how Hagrid was a danger to the students and the community at Hogwarts due to him being only half-human. Apparently, Hagrid's mother was a giantess that had worked under Voldemort. You were peeved to see that there was a direct quote from Malfoy, explaining how under Hagrid's teaching he had almost been killed by a Hippogriff.

"Please, Malfoy! That was just a scrape and you know it," you shouted. Malfoy smirked before dragging on.

"I suppose this little article will put an end to that oaf's teaching. I had always thought that maybe he had gotten into a bottle of Skele-gro as a child. This, however, is far better," Draco said between menacing laughs.

"You are such a-" You fumed as you began to lunge towards Malfoy before being cut off by a frustrated professor and Harry's strong grip.

"Not paying attention to the lesson I see," Professor Grubbly-Plank chirped. You all whipped your heads around, waving to the substitute teacher awkwardly. Harry let go of your arm, scratching the back of his neck nervously. The professor motioned for you all to move closer, causing the boys to groan.

You hesitantly left Harry behind with Draco, but not without glancing over your shoulder to see his redheaded mate Ronald Weasley attempting to talk to him as he watched you walk away. Pansy glared at you as you returned to the unicorn.

"Trouble in paradise," Parkinson mocked. You glanced over to her, rolling your eyes.

"Like you're one to be talking Pans. Have you even talked to Draco after your little...incident?"

"What's there for me to say to him? I mean he asked me to the ball...he got me all excited and everything, and for what," Pansy blurted, her eyes becoming glossy. "Just so he could sit there and watch you as if you're the only girl he'll ever truly fancy."

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