chapter twenty-six

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You woke up in Harry's dorm a bit bewildered and extremely hungover.

"Shit," you whispered, trying not to wake up Harry who was sound asleep beside you. You immediately thought about the fact that Draco would be waking up right about now in his dorm completely confused as to why you weren't by his side after the kiss that you two had shared last night. You got up and began to get your things together, slipping on your shoes carefully. You realized that you were still wearing his Gryffindor Quidditch sweater, so you were hoping that you could sneak back into the dungeons before Draco woke up.

You quickly checked the clock before leaving, seeing that it was around 7 o'clock. You gave Harry one last glance before scurrying out of the Gryffindor dormitory. You had finally made it back to the dungeons after fighting with the moving staircases for what felt like an eternity. After whispering the passcode you hurried into the hallway and through the common room.

You were in such a hurry that you seemingly forgot to notice the platinum blonde-haired boy who was sulking on a satin couch covered in cups and confetti. Draco cleared his throat, causing you to look over at him and frown slightly.

"Hadn't realized that you play for Gryffindor now, Viper," he muttered, and for once he looked more sad than angry. You looked down at Harry's sweater and sighed.

"Draco.." You whispered as you slowly walked over to him.

"It's alright. No need to explain anything to me. I mean, I get it. I wouldn't let you have Potter at our party so you had to go to his right," he questioned you with sarcasm. You walked up to him and gently grabbed his face.

He flinched before he grabbed your hand and held it by your side. You pouted your lips at him, unsure of how to explain your actions.

"Now tell me, Viper. Did Potter get the privilege of kissing those pretty, pouty lips of yours," Draco whispered. He was being too calm and you knew that it would only take a few wrong words for him to snap.

You shook your head no, to which he scoffed. "Oh yeah? Well isn't that just unfortunate? How about Diggory then?"

You shook your head again as a small tear began to escape your right eye. You had felt guilty for making out with Draco and then abandoning him. Though he was trying to cover it up, you could tell that it hurt him.

"Oh come on, I couldn't have been your only New Year's kiss. That would be far too boring, don't you think?" His words were riddled with sarcastic undertones as he questioned you further.

"Draco I promise that you were the only person that I kissed last night and it was far from boring," you said as you lifted your hand to enlace your fingers in his hair. He swallowed the frog in his throat hard and slapped your hand away.

"Then why did you creep out of my bed to go party with Potter, Viper," Malfoy spat. "And then you just tried to creep right back in wearing his sweatshirt like it's some kind of trophy?"

"Please Draco. Hear me out"

"No, I think I've heard enough," Draco said as he pushed himself up off the couch and began to walk to his room. You followed him with tears in your eyes and tried to grab his hand. He spun around to look at you, hurt displayed on his face.

"You know, last night actually meant something to me," He said as he looked at you with disgust. "I woke up this morning smiling like a git thinking about getting to wake up beside you. Just to open my eyes and find that I was alone. I even gave you the benefit of the doubt and checked all of your friend's dorms before getting ahead of myself. But when I didn't find you there, that's when I knew. The funny thing is that I couldn't figure out if it was Diggory or Potter that you spent the night with," Malfoy said as he looked away for a second and then back to you. "But I guess now the mystery is finally solved."

He let go of your hand and you immediately grabbed him again. "Please, Draco. I promise you Harry and I didn't do anything. Pansy and Daphne wanted to sneak out and go to more parties and they had asked me after you fell asleep. I just got way too drunk at the Gryffindor party and had puke and alcohol all over my clothes so Potter lent me some of his. I was way too drunk to even try to get back to the dungeons so I ended up just staying in his dorm but it meant nothing," you said frantically as you scrambled to find the right words.

"Viper, you had a choice of either staying in bed with me or going to a Gryffindor party and sleeping in Potters," Draco spoke slowly so you could let his words sink in, "And you chose HIM."

Once again, he wiggled his hand out of your grasp before he walked away, not giving you another chance to say anything else.

You collapsed in the spot he left you in, knowing that you had royally fucked up whatever it was that was going on between you and Draco. Tears fell rapidly now and you sat there sulking in the consequences of your own actions.

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