chapter twenty-eight

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     A couple days had gone by since your chat with Blaise. You had been so overwhelmed with trying to keep your grades up that you didn't get a chance to make things right with Draco yet or even talk to Harry. You were in the library studying when you overheard what appeared to be someone talking about a desperate need for something that would allow them to stay under water for an hour. You curiously looked up from your books to see Harry and Hermione frantically rifling through stacks of books seemingly searching for something specific.

"Is everything alright," you said to them as you made your way over to the pair. Harry looked up from his book and smiled at you softly with his mouth agape as he struggled to find his words. 

"Yeah, we're fine. We're just looking for something for a Herbology assignment," Hermione lied, as she thought that since you had been so close to Cedric, you might try to sabotage Harry in the upcoming task. You shook your head and looked to Harry who was still staring intently at you. 

Before you could respond Pansy tapped on your back. "Hey, Vipe. Dumbledore ran into me in the corridor and said that he needed to see you in his office. Something about your father?" 

You grimaced at the thought of what your father could possibly have to say to you. Maybe Snape had told him of what had been going on after all. If that were so he surely would have you removed from the school and sent off somewhere vile. You gulped before smiling and waved at Harry and Hermione as you left to make your way to Dumbledore's office. Once you arrived you spoke the passcode and climbed your way up the spiral staircase. The old wizard was reading a book silently. 

"Miss Viper," Dumbledore said while he still read his book. "Please, have a seat." 

You sat in the chair across from his desk and he shut his book, giving you a warm smile. "You look rather nervous. Would you care for a drink to calm your nerves? Madam Pomfrey just brewed me something for my anxiety as well. It is quite stressful at this time of year." 

You nodded your head, "Sure, that would be nice. Thank you, Professor." 

Dumbledore poured you a goblet of a steaming beverage that smelt of calming chamomile, and you felt your body relax as you swallowed every last drop. He poured a goblet for himself, although you never saw him take a sip. 

Or at least you didn't see him take one before you felt your eyes start to droop and your limbs go limp. 

                                                                                 Malfoy's POV:

I was sitting in the Slytherin common room reading my Potions assignment when Zabini sat down next to me and kicked his feet up loudly on the coffee table. I lifted my gaze up from the text to glare at him and his disruptiveness. 

"Why are you still so gloomy, mate," Blaise teased. "I take it Viper hasn't talked to you yet ever since the incident." 

My body tensed at the mention of her name. We hadn't spoke in weeks and I simply couldn't take being away from her anymore. I would see her around the castle, mostly by herself or with Daphne and Pansy. I wanted more than anything to be able to talk to her again. To be able to feel her touch. I thought about caving in and talking to her many times, but I also couldn't get the thought of her and Potter out of my head. 

I've always been rather possessive since I was a child. I don't care much for sharing things. Especially things that are mine. She had always been mine. Potter and Diggory only recently seemed to have taken an interest in her company. They hadn't truly been there for her all these years. Before the Triwizard Tournament. Before Hogwarts. My infatuation for her was always there. No matter how hard I tried, I could never seem to shake her. 

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⏰ Last updated: Mar 14 ⏰

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