Find Faith

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Find Faith

Chapter 11

°True P.o.v°

"Mum take care of my kids," I said rubbing my forehead.

"Are you sure you want to do this , you just quit not that long ago your kids need you more than ever now , " she sighed.

I sighed too , " I - I won't be long they won't even notice I'm gone, I'll come by to so its not like I disappeared on them. And I know this is wrong but I got to find him ma."

Alright , I'll take care of them , and your father wants to see you,"she said and the line went silent.

I rolled my eyes.

"Where was he when I wanted to see him when I was 14 , man Fuck outa here with all that. He needs to get his priorities straight before I ever come see him." I laughed .

This man ha jokes !

How you now put in effort after my "death" then find out I'm alive and think you can walk in to my life like your boss?

Not with me niggah !

"Well mum I must go the search begins for Kaiden Skylar Rose," I said into the phone.

"Alright love just be Careful ," she replied.

"Don't I always ," and with that I hung up.

[Messiah p.o.v]

I'm not going to lie to my self but this niggah Kaiden was the easiest niggah to ever find , since the years I been in the game.

Like seriously exactly when I started looking for this dude I found him.

It only took me a week to set my plan to take him with out leaving a trail behind myself.

This dude was out here fucking dirty bitches, and think he thought it made look cool.


I had one girl that owed me a favor trap his ass.

He was at this club and had only took a shot of ciroc and this dude was wilding out like he done drunk one whole bottle to himself.

He ain't come alone like expected but his Niggahs were easily taken cared of by some very loose dancers grinding on them.

Anyways I had the girl - what's her name again shit errr. . . . Viper yeah that's her name.

I had her seduce him and bring him back to her Flat were we met him and he fainted.

Like Gay.

Pathetic !

Where did True find him she downgraded from me to some pussy hole who is trying to be cool by doing big man movements.

I shook my head and ordered my goons to tie him up and throw him in the trunk.

"Thanks Viper ," I threw a roll of money her way and smiled.

She sucked her teeth and rolled her eyes,"Don't call me no more my dept has been paid off."

" Yeah sure it has ," I replied with sarcasm.

"Trapz,"Viper grabbed my hand and gave me a death glare," don't call me again my dept has been paid,"she hissed.

I put my hand on top of hers and took it off my arm throwing it to her side.

"Your dept is paid off when I say is. Ok? Ok." I replied and walked out her flat.

I stood in my office waiting for this niggah to regain consciousness , he's been sleep for like five hours.

This shit was fucking with me , like why would this niggah use True just to kill her. I know she was smarter than that to trust any old fool.

I sighed.

Grabbed my bat then walk out of my office to the room I was keeping him in.

I swung at his head , and the sound of a crack echoed through the room.

He was awake now !

Groaning in pain as blood leak downward to his jaw from his temple.

"Why would you kill her then go to a next hoe," I wondered.

"What the Fuck you talking about?" He questioned and it made me more mad so I hit him in the stomach.

"True, niggah!"

He chuckled and looked up at me ,"oh her haha she's was fun , Harmony is too-"

The impact of my bat hitting his face cut him off.

Did this Motherfucking Pussyhole touch my youth!

I was vexed beyond belief.

I was so tempted to kill him now , but I wanted him to suffer just how he had made True suffer when they had her burned.

I hit him one more time to the head and he blacked out , it no fun to beat on some one that's unconscious.

I walked out the room and called one of my goons and made him follow me to my office.

I dropped the bat on the floor and sat in my chair.

"Find that Girl Faith and bring her here by any means necessary , I heard she has my daughter a set of twin girls too bring them As well."

He nodded and left my office.

I don't even know why True left Harmony with them you would think she would leave her with her mum.

Ugh, I've missed out enough of my daughters life I need her with. It wouldn't make since for someone not her parent to raise if one I'd still alive.

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