Poison needs me !

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True P.o.v

Poison needs me !

Chapter 15

I was happy Yup day the least , its been awhile I took a break from being a mother.

After getting absolutely shit from that hoe Cleo , I went to the Unit.

I skipped all the Fuckery and walked straight to the back of the club with Sage.

As I walked in , there was 20 dudes just vibing.

Understand , most of my boys-crew where here. Smoking and drinking in the back of the club.

"Who on the stage tonight?" I asked Malik as I walked in giving him dap.

"Some dude name nails ! " He laughed.

"Don't let the name fool you doe , that boy go 'ard  you know ," Maliky added.

"Do he got long nails or something?" Sage asked Laughing.

"No , them things Led , Li menm pa gen klou sou dwèt yo( That niggah don't even got nails on his fingers)," Carlton said in Creole , he had me rolling with laughter.

The walky talky went off and I heard the security been shot and killed.

Ten of my men went to go and check , I looked at the camera and seen seven people walking toward the back , All of us took out our gun and was ready. Malik pulled me behind him , "Stay behind me,"He said.

We watched as the door opened , I looked at the people then towards the ceiling.

Andrea was their screwing me , the lord is testing my trigga finger , the whole poison crew entered along with Rayne ass.

"Mrs. True , we got a little business opportunity for you." Arial said and Andrea scoffed.

I moved from behind Malik  , patting his arm.

Ugh , did I have to be annoyed by these poison chicks.

I rolled my eyes and sighed.

" I ain't married , I really don't won't to be bothered , I'm busy," I said annoyed.

I seen Rayne standing next to Soharra and screwed him , this niggah , I told him don't say shit and out of all people to work with , he work with these hoes ! Lord !

Andrea took out her gun and cocked it ," Well you ain't bus anymore," She said rudely.

I sucked my teeth . Was that suppose to make me scared? Ha !

"Well since you busy , we got business for you ," Aria said.

Sounding dumb as shit , I'm busy ! She need to go define the word.

"When I say , I'm Busy. It means I ain't got time for y'all business."I rolled my eyes and went and sat on the stool that was next to Maliky.

"Well I guess she don't want to know about Kaiden." Aria said and Andrea smiled.

All these fucking A's ,  MESSING UP MY HEAD , Arai , Andrea  Blah ! Shit they momma couldn't name them Bimbo and Cunt instead shit !

"I guess she don't fa reals." Some girl in the corner added.

"Not going to Lie , who the fuck is she ? Y'all recruiting girls scouts now?" I shook my head , "Anyways , what you know about Kaiden where abouts!" I asked.

Not that I need their help , I could certainly find him on my own , but if they could tell me any information that could make me find him faster so I ould kill him would be gladly appreciated.

"Girl Scout ? Oh hell na? Who this bitch think she is cause I ain't Andrea I'll smack a bitch with my gun !" That girl yelled cocking her gun back and pointing it at me ,","You want some cookies bitch?" She questioned staring straight at me.

Malik took out his gun and pointed  it at her.

"Bitch , Please put the gun down , tryna be a cool kid," he sucked his teeth,"Fuck out of here."

"Was I suppose to Flinch ?" I looked at her and laughed,"Yo Andrea she basically calling you a soft ass bitch. Which I agree you are , but who is this hoe? State your name breh ! " I said as I walked closer not even caring about the gun in my face.

Was she dizzy? They needed me this hoe wasn't gon' shoot me.

Andrea took out her gun thought about it then shot down at Malik foot.

"Did I tell you to talk ?" she questioned then turned the gun to me ,"Now you want to know where kaiden is or Not?"

 I looked over to Malik and he was still standing , he didn't even Flinch. He wearing this steal medal black boots that I had enforced for the idiots that had shoot themselves in the foot.

Andrea and other hoe looked pissed off , I wanted to laugh but I kept serious.

She became infuriated , and shot him in the Left Shoulder.

He moved back slightly from the impact and looked at her and raised his gun side ways.

"Naw Malik," I said lowering his gun ," What the fuck y'all want?" I questioned quite annoyed with their presence , like shit I had someone to look for and kill !

"Your boy Kaiden , he ain't that far you'll get to him , but we need a favor , we got a black on black audi running around here tryna get my niece maybe linked to this dude name Brad. Catch these nigga's and glue us some info on this dude and we'll be glad to leave your ass alone , right Andrea?" Soharra said Andrea groaned,"So you down?" Soharra asked again.

" I don't understand , when did you," I pointed at her,"Start giving me," I pointed at myself," Missions to do for y'all? Last time I checked I'm not y'all , this ain't no rent a thug operation," I said rolling my eyes.

"There's a child involved ?" Sage asked and I looked at him and sighed.

"Yeah my niece , I love her too much to see her gone , she already lost her mom she got more to live for." Soharra explained.

"Plus we just don't want to go in for the kill, too risky." Andrea said.

"Amara?" I questioned.

"How you know her ?" Andrea asked.

Harmony & Amara go to the same school , matter fact they in the same class. After that one time meeting Deandra at the gun range I thought I never see her again , I would see her all the time when she dropped Amara to school. Harmony and Amara went to the same daycare and then same school.

"Harmony & Amara go to the same school ," I sighed ,"Yeah , I'll help y'all."

Not gonna let Harmony lose a Friend , Not gonna be selfish just cause I don't like these hoes doesn't mean my child has to suffer for it.

"Good , we'll be back in a week." Andrea said and they all turned around and exited the club.

I Rolled my eyes as they left , why they always gotta shoot somebody when come shit !

"OH FUCK ! MY ARM HURT !" Malik screamed once they left and I laughed.

He was putting brave front doe !

"Shut up Niggah . it's just a flesh wound," I said and he screwed me.

"It still motherfucking hurt just as much as a deep one , all gun shots hurt niggah ," he sucked his teeth.

"That was them poison hoes?" Maliky asked.

"Yeah , here to annoy me yet again."

{A/N} JUST COMMENT & VOTE ! LOVE Y'ALL ! I Updated early too >_<  Just to let y'all know Malik & Maliky will have there own story ! Just not now :D

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