There Is Always Death

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Drug Queen 

Chapter 21

There Is Always Death


 "Oh, you have the fucking nerve don't you ?! Calling me like you havven't been gone for time ," I answered the phone furious at the cheek this man had to call me after a month and an a half after his disappearance.

Who the fuck did this niggah this he was?

I heard a chuckle on the other  end of the line.

"Who the fuck?" This was not Kaiden.

"Is this Faith?" the familiar voice on the other line asked.

His voice sent tingles down my spine.

I knew who it was and for some unknown reason I couldn't manage a word.

I put the phone on speaker trying to find my voice, mouthing tgo Sage that it was Messiah on the other end, he took the phone hooked and hooked it  up to a locator.

"SPEAK !" Sage Whispered.

"Yes, this is her and who are you ? and how the fuck did you manage to get Kaiden's phone? Matter of Fact  where is Kaiden?" I asked changing my voice completely.

"My names Trapz , or to you the niggah that has kaiden,"he said.

"Mommy that sounds like dad-" Sage covered Harmony's mouth.

I looked at Harmony wide eyed , I was not trying to get her kidnapped again.

By the same man at that.

"Okay , where the fck is Kaiden?" I questioned.

"You'll know , First I want to negociate a few thing if you want Kaiden."

The fuck I look like to be making deals ? ! I don't want Kaiden back that much !

"I'll Trade you Kaiden for True's daughter Harmony,"he said and Both I and Sage looked at my phone as if it was an alien.

The fuck he thought this was ?

I am not giving him my Daughter.

"Are you on Crack? Matter fact what do you think this id? You're not getting Harmony from me !"

Then so be it, I'll kill Kaiden,"he warned.

"Go mother fucking ahead , Kill Kaiden , because I am not giving you Harmony !" I told him.

Harmony Barely knew him why would I let him have her ?!

"Faith, I thought you were a smart girl what do you even need Harmony for ? She isn't Yours ,"His voice becoming Dark.

"I could ask you the same thing," I retorted.

"I got it,"Sage told me and I nodded.

See as I spoke to Messiah I was Sage do his geeky thing and pin point his location.

"When I find you , your dead!" Messiah said and hung up on me.

Sage uncovered Harm's mouth and she looked at us blankly.

"That was daddy?" she wondered looking up at me when Sage uncovered her mouth.

I sighed and nodded.

" I want to see him," She said plainly.

" Over my dead body! You just turned 6 , you still a kid you don't know what you freaking want," I told her kissing my teeth.

She started to cry and I sent her into her room.

I hated seeing my little girl cry but what the fuck was wrong with her?

"This might be the reason or her aking that,"Sage said pulling a flyer off the Fridge and handed it to me.

First Annual 1st Grade Formal

Bring your parents.

Father daughter dance with your Child.

Would love for parents to attend.

4p.m-8p.m November 12.

"It's next month," I said.

:That's all that pop out to you?" Sage question.

It wasn't , I just felt to ignore the other thing.

Sage shook his head.

Aunt Mayna walked in along with my mother , Behind them was Trisha my cousin with three suit cases.

( I got a big Family meaning alot of Aunts and cousins. Alone my mother has ten sisters and maybe three brothers."

"Why the hell are you housing all the cousins?" I asked looking at my geeky not well dressed at all cousin.

I didn't care who she made stay at the house , just wanted to know why.

"Your room is in the back across from Kenzie, Trisha,' my mother told her and she nodded fixing her big glasses on heer face and dragged along her suit cases to her new room.

My mother waited til she was out of ear range to begin talking.

"In the Course three months , 3 of my sisters have passed ," she said on the brink of tears ,"Evet , Believe and Trisha's mother Teresa. This stupid bet got us all separated and not talking to each other and the only few of my sisters I talk to is Mayna , Lisha and maybe Kira sometime."

She wiped the tears off her face left to her room.

" I didn't believe this bet  would still be going on , " Mayna said before following my mother into her room.

Damn 3 Aunts Died ?

I shook my head  taking the thoughts of Family issues and death happening within it," Come Sage we have somewhere to be," I sad grabbing my phone along with Sage car keys.

We have business to handle.

Drug Queen {Drug Princess Part 2}Onde as histórias ganham vida. Descobre agora