Fazes °_°

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{Faith P.o.v}

Chapter - 4

Fazes! °_°

I changed Kiyona's diaper and threw it away in the bin.

I lift her up and got her bottle in my other hand and fed it to her, I don't know why she wasn't sleeping it was her nap time.

She is a little stubborn baby.

I rocked her in my arms as I fed her, Kaiden should be doing this his lazy ass.

I rolled my eyes at the thought of Kaiden, this man doesn't listen.

He think just cause I don't argue and put him in his place that I'd gone soft and he can act like he want to.

Imma show his ass.

Kiyona finished her bottle and started crying again and I held her above my face and looked at her.

"Why you crying girl? Are you mad cause Mommie mad? I'm alright so keep cool down wittle one, "I said kissing her cheek.

She rubbed her nose and stopped crying and looked at me.

"Aye that's my girl, "I cheered, Harmony walked halfway into the room screwing me and Kiyona before walking backwards out the room giving me evils once more.

That child has become so weird lately, its like she hates me.

I rolled my eyes at her and continued to rock Kiyona back to sleep.

She looked at me with her thumb in her mouth making cooing sounds.

She just refuses to go to sleep!

"Kiyona man damn! Mommie wants to go have a nap too, and maybe play a little video game,"I begged my little infant.

She just looked at me and began sucking on her fist.

I sat down in the Rocking chair, my legs were starting to hurt, this was the only thing I hate about being pregnant I feel so lazy and can't stand for long.

I rocked Kiyona in my arms tapping my left leg rocking back and forth, she was trying so hard to fight her sleep, you could tell by the way she would close her eyes for like two minutes then it would flutter back open.

She was too adorable, but right now she had to take her ass to sleep.

"Kiyo take your butt to sleep, I have a nap to attend to too you know, "I whispered to her.

I started singing to her, she loves when I sing.

"Hush Little Kiyo don't say a word mommies making up a song just to buy you a bird, if that bird start talking shit, we Finna go buy an AK on its ish,"I chuckled at my wack little song but it seems to have work and Kiyona was dead sleep.

I kissed her forehead and placed her into the crib fixing her pillow and placing her blanket over her body.

I walked out the room and into Harmony's room, she had a crayon in her hand writing on the wall in big letters :


I looked at her like she was insane.

I grabbed her by the ear and looked at the wall.

"What the fuck Harm are you crazy, "I asked and she started screaming and crying her head off, little punk.

"What the hell is going on with you, you don't listen anymore? "I said letting go of her ear as she rubbed it.

She stayed quiet, backing up slowly.

"Go get a freaking sponge and clean this shit up, and you need to fix your damn attitude,"I said un amused by the way she was acting.

This faze needed to go quickly cause I wasn't haven't it.

I sucked my teeth and walked out her room.

I went into the living room just as Kaiden came home slamming the front door.

A loud Cry came from Kiyona and Grey's room and to say I was pissed was a understatement, like I just made Kiyona go to sleep Now Grey was awake!


"No fucking no Kaiden you see what you did! I just had both of them sleep! I'm tired man they been up since morning, "I whined, I really did want to take that nap.

"Don't worry bae, I got this go to sleep, " Kaiden said walking up to me taking me into his arms and kissing my forehead.

I sighed and he chuckled rubbing my head like I was a little boy.

I shrugged him off and walked into the bedroom I shared with him and fell on the bed, going to sleep in less then a second.

Them kids were tiring!

{A/N} Hey my fellow Fans and book lovers LOL! So I know I have been slacking but I had this problem that happened to my eyes and I had to get it treated because it was irratating and I couldn't really bare the light,so yeah I'm well and BACK now! Woohoo! So this is short and what not and most of y'all to smart for me if you picked up the clues in part 1 .Kaiden point of view next and then Faith again woohoo! Comment, vote, love, hate, Comment! LOVE-Kimberly!

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