Love & War

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Chapter 25

True P.o.v

Love & War

Zion opened the door for Reese as Malik killed the last of Trapz Hitch man.

"Check each of the rooms, kill anyone you see," I ordered.

They nodded.

This felt exactly like the first time , just my emotions were a little different.

I know this time that Trapz is Messiah and that he has Kaiden.

Apart of me wanted to know why in hells earth Armoni was here.

I walked around in the open space as Zion, Reese , Malik and Sage checked in the rooms .

In the middle of the room, there where stairs leading down somewhere. I guess to a secret basement .

I looked back as I heard a gunshot to see Sage shoot a naked man who was trying to make a run for it.

I shook my head and proceeded to go into the basement , I had my gun ready in my hand . The stairs felt like I was on them forever , when I got down from the stairs I had an option to either go left or right.

I went Left .

Only cause I heard sounds of a chair screeching against tile.

I open the first door that I seen , it was empty , but I could clearly see dry blood on the tile .

Torture rooms ?

I smiled and shook my head.

That seems like something Messiah would have in his warehouse .

I closed the door, going on to the next room . It was the last room I could hear the chair screeching on the floor and mumbling.

I cocked my gun and opened up the door.

A blood covered Kaiden was tied up to a chair , hopping up and down on the chair causing it to screech against the tile.

When he seen it was me his face filled with relief.

His mouth was covered in duck tape , so I couldn't understand his mumbling .

I couldn't put my feelings together seeing him like this .

Honestly, I wanted to laugh I roped the tape off his face harshly.

"Fuck," he screamed.

I smiled as I looked at him.

"Thank God baby you here, get me out of here," he beg trying to undue the rape that bonded his hands behind his back.

"Nah, before I do. Please explain how you ended up here ?" I questioned.

"I was set up baby , I got in to a Faulty Trade . . . I - I - I know baby you wanted us to quit the game together. Bu- But I just couldn't , you know this is in my Blood, " he stuttered.

I stared at him and shook my head.

I slapped him hard as shit making my own hand sting from the impact of my palm colliding with his cheek.

He stared back at me in shock .

" You stupid little mother fucker , how dare you lie to me ," I didn't even raise my voice , I kept it at in door level.

" True , baby ... It's not as easy to quit the game when you known it your whole life" he said as he looked down at the ground.

I chuckled , " You know god damn we'll I ain't talking bout that shit. So, you thought while I was looking for you I wasn't going to discover your dirty little secrets ? Fucking all these strikers from my clubs and thought I wasn't gonna find out ?" I shook my head.

" Bae-"

"Don't Bae me !" I yelled.

He shut up.

We stayed in silence for a moment .

" True, we both kinda knew we weren't gonna last. After Grey and Kiyona were born we drifted. This was a temporary Love . We both know this ," Ke said staring into my eyes ," My love for you is no longer here in my heart."

I scratched my head and smiled , then nodded.

" Now , can you untie me and let's get out of here ," he instructed.

I raised an eyebrow at him .

"No," I laughed , " I only came here to kill you if you wasn't already dead. You honestly thought I was here to help you ? Got me looking like a fool with all this bullshit you doing on the street . No one disrespects True , Unless I love you with my whole soul and niggah you ain't shit to me ." I said then shot him in the centre of his head.

I watched as his body twitched for the last time before turning to open the door , not shedding a single tear .

Fuck that bitch.

" You would think I wanted ta faint just seeing you alive right now ," Messiah appeared on the other side of the door our eyes met when I finally opened the door all the way .

" ' Ta ' is not a word Messiah ," I said as we stared into each other's eyes .

He chuckled, stepping a little closer to me , " I knew it was you on the phone and I knew your little slick behind would track me ."

I backed up and cocked my gun ," Yes it was me , now woah there lover boy , back the fuck up."

He furrowed his eye brows in confusion.

"What do you think this is ? I didn't come here to make up with you . I came here to kill that fool ," I pointed my gum towards Kaiden's dead body ," I've done that and now I'm out of here."


I raises my gun towards his face ," I don't want my name in your mouth ever again. You lost that right 6 years ago. Your actually lucky I'm sparing your life yet again."

" Let me explain what happened back then ! " He urged.

" No , cause I honestly don't care no more ," I sighed.

"That's a bold face lie True, you filing know it. I know you wanna know what happen . Cause in your heart you still fucking love me an I still love you."

I pushed him out my way , but he pulled me back an quickly knock the gun out of my hand. He pushed me on the wall and used his knee to spread my legs placing himself between them and pinning my hands above my head.

" Let me the fuck go, " I said calmly .

"No , I'm going to explain and your going to listen ," he said .

" True , where the hell did you go ?" Sage voice was heard from the walkie talkie.

Messiah took the Walkie Talkie from my waist , turned it off and threw it on the floor.

"Look Bae ! "

I flinched involuntarily when he said Bae.

" Stop, let me go." I tried wiggling myself out of his hold.

"I went to Jail for Five years ." He said making me stop and look at his face.

"For What ? Wait are you bull shitting me ? You are or was the most careful person I knew ! How the fuck did you slip and get yourself caught ? I wondered.

" Damien set me up. Told me the boss was holding a meeting after I dropped you home. I had a gut feeling that something was up but I went anyhow . The trap was empty when I got there. He waited Til I was all the way in the trap to hit me on the head and knock me out. Next thing you know I'm waking up , my phone is gone and police busting down the door. I can remember only so much of what Damien said before he knocked me out. He wanted to steal you from me and take my place as the boss right hand ." He stopped talking and sighed, then looked in to my eyes .

"Gosh , I never meant to leave you . They wouldn't give me my one phone call until like a month later after trial. I was charged with withholding large Amount of weed illegally and 5 years in Jail time. I paid off my Parole wasn't having that shit . I tried calling you , but you changed your number. I thought you gave up on us , if I would have only known you were pregnant at the time I would have fought harder for the lawyer to get me out and find you. True, after all these years I still fucking love you and it's driving me mad that we are not together ," he leaned his face closer to mine and pressed his lips on mine.

" I'm sorry ," he whispered letting me go.

I was dumb founded.

I didn't know what to say or do.

"I-" I stopped myself and went to pick up my gun and walkie talkie.


I didn't even look at Messiah again as I walked passed him then started to run.

"What we came to do is done , let's go ," I ordered as I headed towards the door.

I turned around to see Messiah staring at me from the Basement Entrance.

I opened the door and left making my way to the car with my crew on my tail .

[a/n]. This story Is almost over , yeah I updated I don't feel this chapter to much but yea anyways here it Is . - Love Kimberly . P.S I'm in College niggahs updates are gonna be slow ! Sorry love ya doe ❤️

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