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Chapter 17

Zion P.o.v


Okay she seriously parred me .

Yesterday Me and Camisha was suppose to be going on a Date , but the chick rescheduled.

When she told me she will call me back , she lied.

I was feeling like a little bitch , waiting for Camisha to call me back all day yesterday.

This how girls feel ?

Anyhow we meaning she rescheduled to today at 8.

I glanced up from my bed and stared at the bottles of Ciroc and Vodka.

I should throw them away but , that would heart my hurt !

I haven't drank in two and a half days.

Someone knocked on my door and I got up out of my bed rubbing my eyes to fully wake up. Onix jumped off my bed and ran to the door ahead of me.

The person banged harder and already knew who it was. I ran over to the door and opened it.

"I said sober up , not two days vacation niggah ," True said coming inside my house with blood.

I rolled my eyes and she saw and she smacked me in the head.

"I am trying to sober up ! It's harder then it looks to up and quit ," I told her.

"That's what weak minded people think ," she said taking out her gun.

I backed up and Onix started to growl making Blood Growl back at her.

"I'm not going to shoot you idiot !" She said shaking her head.

She rolled her eyes and went into each and everyone of my cupboards and took out the bottles of liquor.

"Come and I will make blood bite you,"she warned and I stayed quiet and still.

"Gosh , I thought you would throw these away ! Your basically torturing yourself leaving them lay around her like this."

She walked into my room and came out with the bottles of liquor that where on my desk and put them on the island.

She shook her head ," I know there's more..." She said to herself as she spread them about on the island.

She went under the bottom of my sink pulling out eight more bottles , shaking her head as she place them on the island.

It's like she had a radar to find these things.

She went into my bathroom and took out three bottles that were hidden in there.

I laughed , she knew all my spots !

She went into my patio and came back out with two boxes of my liquor.

She screwed me decent placing all them on the island then counting em.

That was the least of em.

"Zion are you fucking serious ! Eighty three bottles of liquor in your house ? It makes no fucking sense ! This is not a liquor store , no regular human has all this in their home ! Drinking does not help solve momma issues Zion,"She said throwing 15 bottles of liquor onto the ground !

That hurt ," True I don't got Momma issues !" I said.

"You do , No lo niegues! " she yelled irritated.

She spoke to me in Spanish , like my mum would do. I rolled my eyes at her.

" Yo no tengo ningún problema de mierda, estoy bien. Yo no tengo ningún problema de mama, ya sea!" I yelled.

I don't have no fucking problem , I'm good. I don't have no mommy issues either !

"Is that right ? So you don't drink because apart of you know your mum didn't love you?" She said opening a bottle and spilling it's contents all in the sink.

My head was pounding !


She threw the bottle onto the ground breaking it.

"So you don't drink because you were an unwanted baby and found out your mum tried to sell you to a pimp for some dick , oh and if it wasn't for your dad killing that pimp you'd still be with that pimp and he'd be your master and you'd be his Bitch , " slamming a full bottle on the floor this time with dark eyes.

I needed a drink.

My jaw clenched.

"No !"

She chuckled , "Be forreal !" She yelled smashing a couple more.

"Alright !"

"Alright what ?" She asked stopping in mid air about to smash another bottle.

"You wanna know why I drank , huh ? Because it's a fucking shame ! Shame how my mother would try and drown her only son when he's only five ! Sell me to a pimp for dick. Sell me to a drug dealer for crack. Haha I'm surprised I'm only a alcoholic at the most ! The fact that when I tried to save her once from all the drugs and things , she told me I'm the worse mistake I made in her life. Haha be forreal who tells a 9 year old these things ?" I said walking up to her , tears slowly leaving a pattern down my cheeks.

I picked up a bottle of liq ,"So is out wrong that I drown my 'momma' problems in liq and sex ?" I asked.

I stared her for a moment as she walked up to me and pulled me into a hug wiping my tears.

"I drink because my mother doesn't love me , and it's crazy how you are more of a mother than she's ever been to me," I cried.

"So you know what Z?" She asked.

"What ?"

"As maybe the only Mother figure you have known , I want you to quit and stop all that shit. You gonna catch something and be for you know it pass and I ain't willing to let that happen Z. So please stop , stop for me and the people who care as your friends." She kissed my cheek and rubbed it softly.

"I got you True !" I smiled hugging her.

She hugged me for a brief moment , then let go and compose herself.

"I'm going to leave now, I'm giving you a week the most to clean up ! You've lasted two days now being sober for a year or two won't hurt you , and one thing ," she smiled , "Have fun on your date tonight." She laughed as she patted Blood to stand up.

"Fucking Stalker , I know you want this dick," I laughed shaking my head.

Trust True to know everything you have planned for the day and know what you did last week.

"Whatever." She open the front door and walked out with Blood , "Behave Zion," she called over her shoulder.

I nodded and she shut the door.

I laughed as the smell of mixed Liquor spilled the air.

I sigh.

I stacked all the unbroken liquor bottles that weren't broken in a box and cleaned up the mess on my floor.

Holding the urge to drink a least a dip of one bottle.

When I finished , it was about time to take a shower and get ready for my date.


Drug Queen {Drug Princess Part 2}Tahanan ng mga kuwento. Tumuklas ngayon