A Reoccurring Saviour

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Denki was freaking out.

He knew his quirk affected his judgement due to the amount of times he short circuited, but how did he screw this up? He had Lost Cause's throwing knife last night, and now it was missing? What kind of twisted joke was this!? It was about to be the weekend, and Denki was planning on turning it in due to Tenya's advice, but now it was gone! Who could have stolen it... Midoriya? No, Denki still had it in his hand when the Quirkless teen jumped over Yaomomo's gate. Everyone else was also too far away to steal it. Come to think of it, the only person close enough would have been Mineta-


After Izuku woke up, he was met with the sight of nearly everyone at the fixed TV.

"Nearly" because before he could ask what they were watching, Chiryuka materialized out of nowhere, gripped his arm a bit too tightly, and practically dragged him to the couch. They were watching the news. That was Izuku's first warning. Himiko looked a bit distraught, Dabi was blank-faced, Kiniku had his mouth hung open, and Chiryuka was openly glaring at him. Izuku's second warning.

The news was talking about the USJ attack... Izuku's third warning .

"According to an anonymous witness, U.A. High School was attacked by villains after the media stormed the U.A. barricade. During a field trip to the Unforeseen Simulation Joint, or USJ for short, the students of Class 1-A were ambushed by a group calling themselves the League of Villains. What the students did not expect to happen was that the vigilante Lost Cause would crash the ambush shortly after it started. His whereabouts were unknown after he was blown away by a shockwave villain while aiding civilians downtown with other vigilantes moments before the villain attack started.

"According to our witness, shortly after Lost Cause arrived at the scene, he managed to trick one of the League's-"

Izuku put the TV on mute, pulling out his phone. The others turned to him in curiosity. "What are you doing?" Dabi asked. "Checking out the group chat. I got some friends at U.A. We actually talked last night," he grumbled, pulling up said group chat as he began to type...

You: I don't want to be "that guy," but who the hell ratted you guys out to the public!?

Mittsukai: Don't look at me. I was planning on keeping it a secret...

Uraraka: Ditto!

Jiro: I'm with Midoriya on this one. Who sold us out?

Yaoyorozu: I did no such thing!

Iida: Indeed! Such actions are unbecoming of hero candidates.

Kirishima: So unmanly!

Ashido: I love me some gossip, but I would NEVER tell anyone about this!

Kaminari: ...

Hagakure: Kami?

Kaminari: ... I screwed up, guys.

Jiro: What did you do, you idiot!?

Ashido: Kami, how could you?

Kaminari: No, waitwaitWAIT! I didn't sell us out, that shit's just not cool!

Ojiro: Then how did you screw up?

Kaminari: ...I'm pretty sure somebody stole his knife. Lost Cause's, I mean.

Tokoyami: What a mad banquet of darkness.

Asui: What do you mean someone stole it?

Kaminari: I mean I had it in my hands last night, but this morning it was gone!

Lost Cause// A Vigilante Midoriya AUTempat cerita menjadi hidup. Temukan sekarang