The Gang Moves In

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"Jeez, kid. If you didn't like the job, you could have just told me instead of stalling all this time..."

Izuku is quick to jump onto the defense. "N-no, Mr. Zennuku, you got it all wrong, I swear! It's not that I didn't want to come to work, it's just-" "Kid, I'm messin' with ya," Mr. Zennuku interrupts before Izuku could start mumbling, "I honestly understand. Life can't go smoothly without a few bumps in the road. Besides, it's U.A. I think that their dormitory system is questionable, but who am I to judge?"

Izuku sighs in relief; he honestly thought this was going to be a lot harder to discuss.

"Look, kid, I understand why you need to resign, but if you ever get the chance, come over and pay a visit, would ya?" the gas station owner enquired, relaxing into his chair. "Yes sir, thank you sir!" Izuku exclaims eagerly, preparing to book it out the door to U.A. "Also, try not to give me a heart attack like you did in Kamino." Izuku stops mid step, frozen briefly before swiveling around in a 180, his eyes wide and his face pale.

Hoyusho Zennuku cracks a wide smile; "What? You thought I didn't know?"

Izuku's jaw drops, and Mr. Zennuku just gives a full, hearty belly laugh at the boy's response. When he calms down, he gives a wistful sigh. "You know, it's not like every sap who owns a gas station can say one of their employees was a vigilante," he recalls, smirking to himself, "Granted I've seen weirder. Back when I first opened this gas station, I actually met the kid who would become All Might. Turns out he was a late bloomer, but his heart was always in the right place..."

Izuku's confused look told Mr. Zennuku that he wasn't exactly making sense.

"Kid, my quirk is called Observer ," he explained, "I can basically see anything within a five mile radius. It just so happens you changed from civilian to Lost Cause more than a few times within my range." Mr. Zennuku stands up, stretching his arms. "Honestly, it helps pass the time during the place's less busy hours. The only thing I don't peep in on is 'peeping.' Y'know, the thing degenerates and low-life bastards do when they think nothing else is going for them in life. Disgusting..."

He gives Izuku another smile; "You're a rare one, kid. I wish you nothing but the best."

Izuku's feet are still glued to the ground even after Hoyusho has given his implicit blessing. When the teen does he regain his composure, he gives his former employer a deep bow and farewell full of stuttering before heading to the door. Hoyusho releases his breath, walking back to the cash register. He's been around since before All Might's debut, and he saw the pipsqueak grow into one hell of a hero. How would the former vigilante fare?

The answer was none of his business; Hoyusho was just glad he could play a part in such tremendous origin stories.

Mina Ashido was, buy all merits, a social creature.

Even if her skills weren't always at their best (against such straightforward academic students like Tenya or socially awkward folks like the recently reformed Shoto), Mina was proud to admit that usually, her unique brand of social interactions were above exceptional. She could get a feel for the room just by standing in it for a few seconds. Contrary to popular belief, she actually knew when to keep her mouth shut. She could just waltz right into wherever she was heading, minding her own business, and immediately sense when something was wrong . Which was exactly what she was feeling right now.

Only, this type of wrong was different; it felt like... a good kind of wrong.

Not the naughty kind of "good wrong," mind you, but it was like when something was off, but it really didn't matter. After briefly surveying the area in front of their new dorm, where most of her classmates were located, she picked up on the first piece of the puzzle. Minoru Mineta, the infamous pervert of Class 1-A, was missing . Gone, as if he had never existed. She knew she wasn't the only one who noticed. Momo was looking around like a lost puppy, and Kyoka looked surprisingly chill, in a confusing sort of way. Toru and Tsuyu weren't exactly easy to read, and Ochako looked completely unaffected, granted she was lost in her own wonderland for whatever reason. She'd ask Ochako about it later.

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