A Futile Confrontation

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As the sun set on the UA Campus, a scream shook the land.

A scream of joy, that is. "IZUUUU!!!" Himiko was vibrating with glee where she stood, shaking Izuku from his shoulders. "I'M SO PROUD OF YOU!" she cried once more, continuing to shake Izuku's brains out. Powerful as he maybe, the former vigilante was rendered helpless in the face of familial love. "H-Hi-Himiko!" he pleaded, the shaking throwing of his speech."C-co-could you stop!? You're g-go-gonna make me drop the license c-ca-card!"

"Oh, let her be happy, ya doof!" Chiryuka chided to the side, a wicked grin on her lips.

Izuku looked at her with betrayal as Himiko continued to shake him. "What? It's not every day that you get your Provisional License!" Chiryuka tried to amend, but Izuku's glare was relentless. "I w-wo-won't be able to l-li-live to use the license if Himiko doesn't let me g-g-go!!" he begged again. Chiryuka relented, swiping away a stray strand of her hair with a huff.

"Alright, Himi," she began, "Settle down, settle down..."

As this was occuring, Fuyasuka looked worried. Not at the scene with Izuku and his friends, of course (that was rather wholesome), but rather, at the pink haired girl whose face was obscured by shadow. Mei had been like this ever since Izuku had arrived at the Support Labs, Provisional License in hand. The mad scientist was laughing softly to herself, her hands placed together like a cliche villain forming a plan.

Fuyasuka gulped; nothing good came from that omen...

Izuku yawned as he entered the dorms, thoroughly done with the day.

The License exam had been an experience, but that experience and what followed afterwards had left him tired, and he was honestly looking forward to taking one hell of a nap. Apparently he wasn't the only one feeling this way. "You trying to steal my brand or somethin'?" Hitoshi greeted from his spot on the common room couch, drinking out of a mug with cat ears. "Yeh," Izuku drawled; he was starting to lose the strength to speak, too.


"Not now, Iida..." Izuku mumbled, rubbing his forehead, "Kinda drained. Can't deal with loud noises at the moment." Tenya somehow managed to grow even more stiff, before leaning forward towards Izuku intensely. " My apologies, Midoriya! " the boy whispers, and Izuku wonders how he can sound loud and soft at the same time, " I did not take into account that the exam would leave you physically drained! Please, go get some rest. "

" Thank you , Iida," Izuku replies, waving the class vice rep goodbye as he speedwalks away.

"Midoriya!" Why is the bed getting so far away? Izuku wondered as he forced a smile. "Welcome back, Midoriya! Gee, you don't look so good..." Ochako greeted, her bubbly expression dimming a bit when she saw past his facade. "Hello there, Midoriya." And now Momo was here, too, trailing behind Ochako and also gaining a look of concern.

I think I liked my vigilante anonymity better , Izuku mentally grunts.

"Do you need to sleep, Midoriya?" Ochako asked with a tilted head. Okay, now Izuku felt bad for thinking like that; he nodded, dropping his fake smile for a more genuine half-smile. "Oh dear," said Momo, cupping her cheek, "Todoroki was tired too. First thing he did after getting a bowl of soba was throwing himself under the covers." Lucky , thinks Izuku. "Well, we shouldn't keep you waiting. Sleep is important! See ya later, Midoriya!" "Nice seeing you, Midoriya." And with that, Ochako and Momo leave...

...leaving Izuku to wonder if he's hallucinating Ochako's cuteness.

Well, no matter. He just has to walk one flight of stairs and he can nap until the cows come ho- "Deku." Well crap , Izuku thinks, turning his head down to see who's joined him on the staircase. It's Katsuki, though for some reason he's not looking him in the eye. "Deku,"he repeats, "Meet me at Ground Beta after dark. We need to... discuss some things there." Izuku doesn't even bother trying to look interested; he just wants to sleep.

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